DSNT238I   bind-type error-type USING auth-id AUTHORITY PACKAGE = package-name DOES NOT EXIST


The indicated subcommand was issued against a package that does not exist. The individual variable fields contain:
Type of bind subcommand (BIND COPY | BIND REPLACE | REBIND | FREE| BIND PLAN | REBIND PLAN | DROP PACKAGE). If BIND or REBIND PLAN is specified, the package-name refers to a package on the PKLIST for the plan.
Type of error: WARNING or ERROR.
Authorization ID of the invoker of the BIND subcommand.
Name of the package in the following format 'location.collection.package.(version)'.

System action

Package not rebound or freed.

System programmer response

Check the SYSPACKAGE catalog table for the correct 'location.collection.package.version' to use.