The CEILING function returns the smallest integer value that is greater than or equal to the argument.

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The schema is SYSIBM.

The argument must be an expression that returns a value of any built-in numeric data type.

Start of changeThe argument can also be a character string or graphic string data type. The string input is implicitly cast to a numeric value of DECFLOAT(34).End of change

The result of the function has the same data type and length attribute as the argument except that the scale is 0 if the argument is DECIMAL. For example, an argument with a data type of DECIMAL(5,5) results in DECIMAL(5,0).

The result can be null; if the argument is null, the result is the null value.

CEIL can be specified as a synonym for CEILING.

Example 1: The following statement shows the use of CEILING on positive and negative values:
This example returns: 04., 04., -03., -03.
Example 2: Using sample table DSN8A10.EMP, find the highest monthly salary for all the employees. Round the result up to the next integer. The SALARY column has a decimal data type.
     FROM DSN8A10.EMP;
This example returns 04396. because the highest paid employee is Christine Haas who earns $52750.00 per year. Her average monthly salary before applying the CEILING function is 4395.83.