DSNT359I   csect_name INVALID PARTITION NUMBER SPECIFIED - part-num FOR OBJECT object-name


An invalid partition number was specified in the PART keyword for a DISPLAY DATABASE command.

Partition number part-num is invalid for the object object-name.

System action

The part number is ignored. All other valid partitions specified are processed.

User response

Determine the correct partition specification for the table space or index that was the subject of the specified command and resubmit the command.

Problem determination

SYSIBM.SYSTABLESPACE in the DB2® catalog indicates the correct range of partition numbers for the table space. SYSIBM.SYSINDEXSPACE in the DB2 catalog indicates whether an index space is partitioned and whether the index space is a type 1 or a type 2 index. The PART keyword can be used to display the status of logical partitions of type 2 indexes but not type 1 indexes.


8 (error)