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DSNT318I   csect-name PLAN=plan-name WITH CORRELATION-ID=correlation-id CONNECTION-ID=connection-id LUW-ID=luw-id THREAD-INFO=thread-information TIMED OUT BECAUSE OF A P-LOCK HELD BY MEMBER member-name


A plan cannot get an IRLM lock because the resource is held by a P-lock in the data sharing group, and the maximum amount of time to wait for the locked resource was exceeded.

The name of the control section that issued the message.
The name of the executing plan that is associated with this thread.
The correlation identifier of the thread that is associated with the plan identified by plan-id. Correlation IDs that begin with values between 001 and 028 identify system agents.
The connection identifier of the plan identified by plan-name.
The logical unit of work identifier (LUWID) of plan-name.
The thread does not have a LUWID.
The logical unit of work ID and a five-digit token value. The token value can be used in any DB2® command that accepts a LUWID as input.
Information about the thread. The information is presented in a colon-delimited list that contains the following segments:
  • The primary authorization ID that is associated with the thread.
  • The name of the user's workstation.
  • The ID of the user.
  • The name of the application.
  • The statement type for the previously executed statement: dynamic or static.
  • The statement identifier for the previously executed statement, if available. The statement identifier can be used to identify the particular SQL statement. For static statements, the statement identifier correlates to the STMT_ID column in the SYSIBM.SYSPACKSTMT table. For dynamic statements, the statement identifier correlates to the STMT_ID column in the DSN_STATEMENT_CACHE_TABLE table. That statement might not have contributed to the current failure.
  • The name of the role that is associated with the thread.
  • The correlation token that can be used to correlate work at the remote system with work performed at the DB2 subsystem. The correlation token, if available, is enclosed in '<' and '>' characters, and contains three components, separated by periods:
    • A 3 to 39 character IP address.
    • A 1 to 8 character port address.
    • A 12 character unique identifier.

An asterisk (*) in any segment indicates that the information is not available.

The name of the member of theDB2 subsystem that holds the conflicting P-lock.

System action

Processing continues.

The SQLCA that corresponds to the correlation ID, connection ID, and LUWID contains the name of the resource that is involved in the timeout and one of the following SQL codes: -904, -911 , -913, or -923.

System programmer response

Identify the member that holds the P-lock and determine why the P-lock is not being released. If the problem persists and no other method of releasing the P-lock can be found, consider recycling the member of the group holding the P-lock.

Problem determination

Collect the following diagnostic items:
  • Console output from the system on which the job was run, and a listing of the SYSLOG data set for the period of time that spans the failure.
  • Dynamic dump, taken to SYS1.DUMPxx data set, by DB2 (04E and 04F abends).
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