Registry Services roles

Registry Services has a set of roles that control the access to its features.

Registry Services defines three different roles for access definition purposes:
Grants read access to any data stored in the Registry Services database.
Grants access to send requests over the data that is stored in the Registry Services database, except for creating, updating, or deleting Resource Shape definitions.
Grants access to send requests over the data that is stored in the Registry Services database.

The following tables outline the set of roles and maps them to the available Registry Services operations.

Table 1 displays the Service Provider operations available for each role.

Table 1. Registry Services roles and Service Provider operations
Role Service Provider operations
  Create Update Delete
RegistryAdminRole Yes Yes Yes
RegistryClientRole No No No
RegistryProviderAdminRole Yes Yes Yes

Table 2 displays the Registration Record operations available for each role.

Table 2. Registry Services roles and Registration Record operations
Role Registration Record operations
  Create Update Delete
RegistryAdminRole Yes Yes Yes
RegistryClientRole No No No
RegistryProviderAdminRole Yes Yes Yes

Table 3 displays the query operations available for each role.

Table 3. Registry Services roles and Query operations
Role Query operations
  Query Service Providers Query Registration Records Query Resource Records Query Resource Shape
RegistryAdminRole Yes Yes Yes Yes
RegistryClientRole Yes Yes Yes Yes
RegistryProviderAdminRole Yes Yes Yes Yes

Table 4 displays the batch and performance operations available for each role.

Table 4. Registry Services roles and batch operations and performance results
Role Batch operations and performance results
  Batch operations on Resource Records Batch operations on Provider Records Get performance statistics
RegistryAdminRole Yes Yes Yes
RegistryClientRole No No No
RegistryProviderAdminRole Yes Yes No

For information about the properties that specify these roles, see Properties for setting the secured access. Set these properties when you use the Registry Services CLI to install the application.

For information about the global security configuration, see Global security configuration requirement.