IBM InfoSphere Streams Version 4.1.0

Using the SPL application launch configuration

You describe and persist information that is required to launch an SPL application with launch configurations.

About this task

If you are using one of the launch shortcuts that are provided by Streams Studio, launch configurations are generated automatically by the launch shortcuts when needed. In some cases, you might want to create a custom SPL application launch configuration.


  1. To create an SPL launch configuration, follow this procedure:
    1. Click the arrow next to the Run icon This figure illustrates the Run icon. or the Debug icon This figure illustrates the Debug icon. on the toolbar. From the menu, select Run Configurations or Debug Configurations.
    2. In the Run Configurations or Debug Configurations window, select the SPL application from the tree viewer on the left.
    3. Right-click and select New from the menu. The right side of the window is populated. You can enter information about the new launch configuration.
    4. For Project, select a valid and open SPL project. To see a list of SPL projects, click the Browse button next to the Project field.
    5. For Main Composite, select an existing main composite in the specified SPL Project. To see a list of main composites in the SPL project, press the Browse button next the Main Composite field. The main composite needs to have at least one valid build configuration.
    6. Use the Build Configuration field to determine which of the built main composites are launched. To see a list of build configurations, click the Browse button next to the Build Configuration field. The build configuration must be previously built. If you are not using the automated build feature of Eclipse, or the build configuration that you select is not the active build configuration, the launched application might be out of date. You might need to initiate a build of the main composite with this build configuration before launching. When you browse the build configurations, the active build configuration is annotated with - [active]. If you select a build configuration that is not the active one, you must make sure that its build is up to date. The launch does not trigger a build to occur.
    7. Use the Instance field to enter the instance ID of the instance on which to launch the application. To see a list of available instances, select the Browse button next to the Instance field. If you would like to launch the application onto the default instance, enter $default in the Instance field. This box is disabled if the build configuration builds a stand-alone application.
    8. You can set the Job Group field and Job Name name field to defaults for the configuration.
    9. From the Trace output level list, select the tracing level for the application. Select $default to use the current setting in the application.
    10. The SPL Application to Launch field is read only. It contains the file system location of the application that is launched. This value is determined by the build configuration. To change, select a different build configuration.
    11. The Submission Time Values table contains a set of submission time values for the application. Default values are completed, and values without defaults display an indication that a value is required. You must specify all submission time values.
    12. The dialog validates the entry fields, and error messages are displayed when the entries do not create a valid launch configuration. When all values are entered and there are no more errors, click the Run or Debug icon to launch the application.
    13. The Always Prompt option controls whether you are prompted when this launch configuration is launched. If this option is enabled, you are presented with the launch configuration whenever this launch configuration is used. You can change the submission-time values or other options in this launch configuration before you launch the application. If this option is disabled, you are prompted when there are errors in your launch configuration. This option is enabled by default, if the launch configuration is generated by one of the launch shortcuts from Streams Studio.
    14. Click the Apply button to save your changes. Alternately, click the Revert button at any time during this procedure to return to the original starting point.
  2. To modify an SPL launch configuration, follow this procedure:
    1. Click the arrow next to the Run icon This figure illustrates the Run icon. or the Debug icon This figure illustrates the Debug icon. on the toolbar. From the menu, select Run Configurations or Debug Configurations.
    2. From the list of launch configurations, select the one you want to modify.
    3. Using the procedure in step 1, modify the launch configuration as needed.
    4. Click Apply to save the launch configuration. To save the modifications to a new launch configuration, you can enter a new name for the launch configuration, and then click Apply.
    5. Click Close when you are done.
  3. To run or debug using an SPL launch configuration, follow this procedure:
    1. Click the Debug icon This figure illustrates the Debug icon. or the Run icon This figure illustrates the Run icon. on the toolbar (not the arrow next to them). This action launches the most recent launch configuration again.
    2. Clicking the arrow next to these icons shows a list of previously launched configurations at the top of the dialog. You can select one to launch that launch configuration.
    3. You can also launch from the launch configuration directly. Open a launch configuration, and click the Run or Debug button from the Launch Configuration window. You can find additional information about the launch from Streams Studio Console in the Console view. The Streams Studio Console might be hidden in the Console view. To display the Streams Studio Console, use the Display Selected Console drop-down menu from Console view.