List of installation Java archive files

You can install Liberty by extracting a Java archive (JAR) file.

For IBM i platformsDistributed: [AIX MacOS Linux Windows]Note: You can alternatively install Liberty and optional features from the installation .zip files. For more information, see Installing Liberty by extracting a ZIP archive file.

Java archive files that contain all applicable features

The following JAR files contain the Liberty runtime and all features that apply to the specific edition.
WebSphere® Application Server Network Deployment Liberty

The WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Liberty runtime environment and all Liberty features that apply to the edition.

WebSphere Application Server (base) Liberty

The single-server WebSphere Application Server Liberty runtime environment and all Liberty features that apply to the edition.

WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core

The WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core runtime environment and all Liberty features that apply to the edition.

Java archive files that contain the Version feature set

The following JAR files contain up to the Version feature set at the latest level of code for the fix pack that you install. You can install additional assets from the Liberty Repository. For more information, see Installing Liberty Repository assets.

Note: A removal notice for these JAR was issued as of the fix pack. The files are being removed with the fix pack.

WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment

Liberty for the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment edition.
Programming model extensions, licensed for use in production on any production licensed edition other than WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core. Before you can install wlp-extended-<fix_pack>.jar, you must install a production licensed edition of Liberty, other than WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core. For a list of the features provided by the programming model extensions archive, see Extended Programming Models.
The embeddable EJB Container, and JPA client, to help with developing and testing EJB Lite and JPA applications. You must install this JAR file in an empty directory.

WebSphere Application Server for Developers (IPLA)

Note: Removal notices for these JARs were issued as of the fix pack. The files are being removed with the fix pack.
The production (IPLA) licensed Liberty for the WebSphere Application Server for Developers edition.
Programming model extensions, licensed for use in production on any production licensed edition other than WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core. Before you can install wlp-extended-<fix_pack>.jar, you must install a production licensed edition of Liberty, other than WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core. For a list of the features provided by the programming model extensions archive, see Extended Programming Models.
The embeddable EJB Container, and JPA client, to help with developing and testing EJB Lite and JPA applications. You must install this JAR file in an empty directory.

WebSphere Application Server for Developers (ILAN)

Note: Removal notices for these JARs were issued as of the fix pack. The files are being removed with the fix pack.
The developer who is licensed Liberty for the WebSphere Application Server for Developers edition.
Programming model extensions, licensed for use in development on the WebSphere Application Server for Developers edition. Before you can install wlp-developers-extended-<fix_pack>.jar, you must install Liberty for the WebSphere Application Server for Developers edition.
The embeddable EJB Container, and JPA client, to help with developing and testing EJB Lite and JPA applications. You must install this JAR file in an empty directory.

WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment trial

Note: A removal notice for this JAR was issued as of the fix pack. The files are being removed with the fix pack.
Liberty for the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment edition, licensed for trial use.