Discontinued Liberty feature capabilities

A feature capability that is marked as discontinued will not be available in new versions of a feature.

For example, if a capability is discontinued after feature-1.0, the capability will not be available in feature-1.1, but you can continue to use the capability with feature-1.0.

You do not need to change any of your existing applications and scripts that use a discontinued feature capability. If a strategic alternative is available, consider using it for new applications.

Discontinued feature capabilities

Table 1. Discontinued feature capabilities
Category Discontinued capability Last feature when available Strategic alternative
Cloud integration Bluemix Utility bluemixUtility-1.0 There is no strategic alternative.

To configure access to IBM Cloud® services, such as Cloudant®, dashDB®, or Watson™ Services, see the documentation for the cloud service that you want to configure.

Java™ Persistence API (JPA) Built-in OpenJPA and WSJPA persistence providers jpa-2.0 In jpa-2.1 and later, use the built-in EclipseLink JPA persistence provider or other third-party JPA persistence providers.
Performance monitoring Perf MBean monitor-1.0 In monitor-2.0 and later, access monitoring data by using standard MXBeans. For more information, see Monitoring the Liberty server runtime environment.