External bundle repositories [Collection]

The external bundle repositories are bundle repositories that are available outside of WebSphere® Application Server. If your OSGi applications reference bundles that are stored in an external bundle repository, you must add a link to the repository to the set of external repositories listed on this panel. The provisioner can then retrieve the bundles when required.

When you import an enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file as an asset, or update an asset to use new bundle versions, or add a composite bundle as an extension to a composition unit, provisioning ensures that all the required OSGi bundles are available. An OSGi application can use bundles from external repositories, bundles from the internal repository, and bundles that are included in an EBA file or a composite bundle archive (CBA) file.

To view this panel in the administrative console, click the following path:

Environment > OSGi bundle repositories > External bundle repositories

To browse or change the properties of a listed item, select its name in the list.

To act on one or more of the listed items, select the check boxes next to the names of the items on which you want to act, then use the buttons provided.

To change which entries are listed, or to change the level of detail that is displayed for those entries, use the Filter settings.

Bundle repository name
The name of the bundle repository configuration.
Bundle repository description
An optional description of the bundle repository.
Bundle repository URL
The URL of the bundle repository XML file.


Label Action
New Create a new administrative object of this type.
Delete Delete the selected items.