Bundle cache [Collection]

The bundle cache is a cell-wide store (or server-wide for single-server systems) of bundles that are referenced by OSGi applications, and that have been downloaded from both internal and external repositories. You can get an up-to-date list of the bundles in the bundle cache, check if all bundles are successfully downloaded, and request that one or more bundles be downloaded again.

A bundle download is requested when you import an enterprise bundle archive (EBA) file as an asset, and when you update an asset to use new bundle versions. A bundle download is also requested when you add a composite bundle as an extension to a composition unit.

To view this panel in the administrative console, click the following path:

Environment > OSGi bundle repositories > Bundle cache.

To browse or change the properties of a listed item, select its name in the list.

To act on one or more of the listed items, select the check boxes next to the names of the items on which you want to act, then use the buttons provided.

To change which entries are listed, or to change the level of detail that is displayed for those entries, use the Filter settings.

Bundle Symbolic Name and Version
The non-localizable name and version identifier for this bundle. The bundle symbolic name, together with the bundle version, uniquely identifies a specific version of a bundle.
The current state of the bundle. This is one of the following states:
The bundle is not in the bundle cache and there has been no request to download the bundle.
Download requested
A request has been issued to download the bundle, but the download has not yet begun.
The bundle is downloading.
The bundle download is complete.
The bundle download has failed.
Trace information is available in the Bundle download exceptions pane of the Bundle cache [Settings] panel.
To restart the download, select the bundle then click Download Bundle Again on this panel.
The bundle is unsaved if you have imported an asset and not yet saved your changes to the master configuration.
The bundle is not downloaded until you save your changes.
Download Status
The download status tells you how much of the bundle has been downloaded. If the download is complete, 100% is displayed. If a download is in progress and the total expected file size is known, the approximate percentage complete is displayed. If a download is in progress and the total expected file size is not known, for example because the file is being downloaded through an FTP site, the number of bytes downloaded so far is displayed.
The size is the total size of the bundle, displayed in the most appropriate units (usually kilobytes or megabytes). If the bundle size is not known, because the bundle download is not yet complete, Unknown is displayed.


Label Action
Download Bundle Again Use this button in either of the following situations:
  • To reattempt a download of one or more bundles for which the download failed. Select the unsuccessful bundles, then click this button to request that they are downloaded again.
  • (Development environment only) To update binaries that are used in the runtime environment. Before you download a bundle again, complete the following steps:
    1. Stop all applications that use the bundle.
    2. Upload a new copy of the bundle to a bundle repository.

    When you click the button, the new version of the bundle is downloaded from the bundle repository and replaces the version of the bundle in the bundle cache. On restart, the applications that use the bundle use the new binaries.

    Redownloading a bundle in the bundle cache can, in some situations, cause instability in applications; for example, when the application is deployed in a mixed version cluster. Use this button only in a development environment.
Refresh List Get an up-to-date list of the bundles in the bundle cache.