Finding configuration changes in delta checkpoints

If automatic repository checkpoints are enabled, the product creates a delta checkpoint whenever a change is made to the configuration repository. A delta checkpoint compressed zip file contains the before and after versions of configuration files that have changed. You can extract the contents of the compressed file and then examine the extracted files to determine what has changed in the configuration.

Before you begin

Enable the product to create delta checkpoints automatically:

  1. From the administrative console, click System administration > Extended Repository Service.
  2. Select Enable automatic repository checkpoints.
  3. For Automatic checkpoint depth, specify the number of delta checkpoints to keep.
  4. Save the changes.

About this task

You can use a delta checkpoint to undo recent changes to the product configuration.

You can also use a delta checkpoint to determine what changes were made to the configuration. This topic discusses how to interpret the contents of an extracted delta repository to determine changes in the configuration.


  1. Export a delta checkpoint.
    1. Click System administration > Extended repository service > Repository checkpoints.
    2. On the Repository checkpoints page, select the delta checkpoint and click Export.
    3. On the Export repository checkpoints page, select the compressed zip file name.
    4. Save the file to a specified location.
  2. Extract files from the exported compressed file.
  3. Examine the extracted files to determine changes in the configuration.


Review the following information to see how various changes to the product configuration are shown in extracted files:

New configuration files have the suffix .ADDED
When configuration files are created, the before version is a marker file with the suffix .ADDED, such as server.xml.ADDED, while the after version is the actual file that is created. New configuration files result from actions such as creating nodes, clusters, application servers, applications, or SIBus artifacts.
Deleted configuration files have the suffix .DELETED
When configuration files are deleted, the before version is the content of the file that was deleted, while the after version is a marker file with the suffix .DELETED.
Changed configuration files have before and after versions
When existing configuration files are changed, the before version is the original configuration, while the after version is the file after the changes are made. Changes to existing configuration files result from actions such as creating or modifying resources or changing Java virtual machine settings.

If the changed files are text or XML files, you can use a text comparison tool to compare the difference between the before and after versions. A visual text comparison tool that shows the two files in side by side comparisons is more effective to highlight the differences. If a configuration element shows only changes to the xmi:id attribute, you can ignore these changes because they do not modify any behavior.

You cannot use text comparison tools to compare binary files such as keystore and truststore files, application binary files, and shared libraries. For key and truststore files, use ikeyman or other key management tools to look at the contents of these files for any differences in the certificates. For application binary or shared library Java archive (JAR) files, manually compare them using JAR or zip utilities to unpack the files.

Changes to the extended repository service configuration are in repository.xml files
When enabling or changing the configuration of the extended repository service, the extracted delta repository shows a change to the repository.xml file. For example, the extracted compressed file contains:

The after version of the repository.xml file contains the updated configuration. In the following example, the after version has an updated value for autoCheckpointsDepth:

repositorycheckpoint:ExtendedRepositoryService xmi:version="2.0"
xmi:id="ExtendedRepositoryService_1" checkpointRoot="${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/checkpoints" 
  autoCheckpointsEnabled="true" autoCheckpointsDepth="50"/>
Adding a node results in as many as three before and after file versions
When adding a node, you might see up to three delta checkpoints being created. The first repository change is the addNode operation itself. The before image contains mostly marker files of the form file_name.ADDED to show that the files did not previously exist. The after image contains the file that is added. In addition, addNode also changes the configuration for system applications, and security settings in security.xml. For example,

The changes to security.xml include additions to SSL configuration and key or trust stores. The addition of new SSL configuration looks like:

<repertoire xmi:id="SSLConfig_1326647216593" alias="NodeDefaultSSLSettings"
   <setting xmi:id="SecureSocketLayer_1326647216593" clientAuthentication="false" securityLevel="HIGH"
     enabledCiphers="" jsseProvider="IBMJSSE2" sslProtocol="SSL_TLS" keyStore="KeyStore_1326647216593"
     trustStore="KeyStore_2" trustManager="TrustManager_1326647216593"
<managementScopes xmi:id="ManagementScope_1326647216593"
  scopeName="(cell):isthmusCell03:(node):isthmusNode02" scopeType="node"/>

Node level key and trust stores, and trust managers, resemble:

<keyStores xmi:id="KeyStore_1326647216593" name="NodeDefaultKeyStore" password="{xor}CDo9Hgw="
  provider="IBMJCE" location="${CONFIG_ROOT}/cells/isthmusCell03/nodes/isthmusNode02/key.p12"
  type="PKCS12" fileBased="true" hostList="" description="Default key store for isthmusNode02"
  usage="SSLKeys" managementScope="ManagementScope_1326647216593"/>
   <keyStores xmi:id="KeyStore_1326647216594" name="NodeDefaultTrustStore"
     password="{xor}CDo9Hgw=" provider="IBMJCE"
     location="${CONFIG_ROOT}/cells/isthmusCell03/nodes/isthmusNode02/trust.p12" type="PKCS12"
     fileBased="true" hostList="" description="Default trust store for isthmusNode02"
     usage="SSLKeys" managementScope="ManagementScope_1326647216593"/>
<trustManagers xmi:id="TrustManager_1326647216594" name="IbmX509" provider="IBMJSSE2"
  algorithm="IbmX509" managementScope="ManagementScope_1326647216593"/>
<trustManagers xmi:id="TrustManager_1326647216593" name="IbmPKIX" provider="IBMJSSE2"
  algorithm="IbmPKIX" trustManagerClass="" managementScope="ManagementScope_1326647216593">
  <additionalTrustManagerAttrs xmi:id="DescriptiveProperty_1326647216593"
    name="" value="false" type="boolean" displayNameKey=""
    nlsRangeKey="" hoverHelpKey="" range="" inclusive="false" firstClass="false"/>
<keyManagers xmi:id="KeyManager_1326647216593" name="IbmX509" provider="IBMJSSE2"
  algorithm="IbmX509" keyManagerClass="" managementScope="ManagementScope_1326647216593"/>
  <sslConfigGroups xmi:id="SSLConfigGroup_1326647216593" name="isthmusNode02" direction="inbound"
    sslConfig="SSLConfig_1326647216593" managementScope="ManagementScope_1326647216593"/>
  <sslConfigGroups xmi:id="SSLConfigGroup_1326647216594" name="isthmusNode02" direction="outbound"
    sslConfig="SSLConfig_1326647216593" managementScope="ManagementScope_1326647216593"/>
  <properties xmi:id="Property_1326647216593" name=""
    description="Trust Association Interceptors are invoked after Single Sign On user validation."

Some system applications are targeted to new servers on the new node. The changes might include new target mappings. For example, the changes to the ibmasyncrsp application include changes to the isthmusCell03/applications/ibmasyncrsp.ear/deployments/ibmasyncrsp/deployment.xml file:

<targetMappings xmi:id="DeploymentTargetMapping_1326647226406" enable="true"
  <targetMappings xmi:id="DeploymentTargetMapping_1326647226407"
  <deploymentTargets xmi:type="appdeployment:ServerTarget" xmi:id="ServerTarget_1326647226406"
    name="server1" nodeName="isthmusNode02"/>

If you have automatic plug-in generation enabled, the product might regenerate the plug-in file. This results in another delta checkpoint being created, resembling:


And finally, the ports of the servers in new node are added to virtual host definitions:


The additions to virtualhosts.xml include:

<aliases xmi:id="HostAlias_1326647278546" hostname="*" port="9130"/>
<aliases xmi:id="HostAlias_1326647278609" hostname="*" port="9508"/>
<aliases xmi:id="HostAlias_1326647278671" hostname="*" port="5113"/>
<aliases xmi:id="HostAlias_1326647278718" hostname="*" port="5112"/>
Creating clusters and cluster members changes cluster.xml, serverindex.xml, and server.xml files
Creating a cluster causes the product to add a cluster.xml file to the configuration repository. Creating a cluster member causes an update to the node serverindex.xml file and creation of new server.xml and other related configuration files. For example, creating a cluster called TestCluster with members on two different nodes, TestCluster1_Node1_1 and TestCluster1_Node2_1, results in changes to the following files:
Creating data sources changes resources.xml and variables.xml files
Creating a data source causes the product to change resources.xml and variables.xml files; for example:

A new factory is shown in configuration files as follows:

<factories xmi:type="resources.jdbc:CMPConnectorFactory" xmi:id="CMPConnectorFactory_1326647771671"
  name="TestCluster1DataSource_CF" authMechanismPreference="BASIC_PASSWORD"
  connectionDefinition="ConnectionDefinition_1054132487569" cmpDatasource="DataSource_1326647771656">
    <propertySet xmi:id="J2EEResourcePropertySet_1326647771671"/>

A new JDBC provider with a data source is shown in configuration files as follows:

<resources.jdbc:JDBCProvider xmi:id="JDBCProvider_1326647771343"
  name="DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider (XA)"
  description="Two-phase commit DB2 JCC provider that supports JDBC 3.0. Data sources that use
    this provider support the use of XA to perform 2-phase commit processing. Use of driver
    type 2 on the application server for z/OS is not supported for data sources created under
    this provider."
  providerType="DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider (XA)" isolatedClassLoader="false"
    implementationClassName="" xa="true">
  <factories xmi:type="resources.jdbc:DataSource" xmi:id="DataSource_1326647771656"
    name="TestCluster1DataSource" jndiName="TestCluster1DataSource"
    description="DB2 Universal Driver Datasource"
    providerType="DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider (XA)" authMechanismPreference="BASIC_PASSWORD"
    authDataAlias="" manageCachedHandles="false" logMissingTransactionContext="true"
    xaRecoveryAuthAlias="" diagnoseConnectionUsage="false" relationalResourceAdapter="builtin_rra"

You might see that some configuration elements contain changes to xml:id only. You can ignore these changes. For example, the following two elements have changed xml:id values:

<displayNames xmi:id="DisplayName_1326647771359" value="WS_RdbResourceAdapter"/>
<displayNames xmi:id="DisplayName_1326647771360" value="WebSphere Default Messaging Provider"/>
Modifying Java virtual machine settings changes server.xml files
The product stores changes to Java virtual machine settings in the server.xml file:

The following changes to Java virtual machine settings:

  • Enabling verbose garbage collection
  • Changing the initial heap size to 512 MB
  • Changing the maximum heap size to 768 MB
  • Adding a system property, MyVar=MVal

Result in an after version of the server.xml:

<jvmEntries xmi:id="JavaVirtualMachine_1326647543890" verboseModeClass="false"
  verboseModeGarbageCollection="true" verboseModeJNI="false" initialHeapSize="512"
  maximumHeapSize="768" runHProf="false" hprofArguments="" debugMode="false"
  genericJvmArguments="-DMyVar=MyVal" executableJarFileName="" disableJIT="false">

This new version of the server.xml file has the additional XML attributes executablejarFileName and disableJIT. These attributes do not introduce any behavior change because a managed application server does not need executableJarFileName and JIT is disabled by default.

Creating a Service Integration Bus changes SIB configuration files
Creating a bus causes the product to add new files under the cells/cell_name/buses/bus_name directory and change the bus member configurations. For example, the following file change after creating a bus named TestBus with bus members under the TestCluster1 scope:

Changes to sib-service.xml for the existing cluster members and for the cluster level template enable the SIBService. In the following example, enabling SIBService sets the enable property to true:

sibservice:SIBService xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi=""
  xmi:id="SIBService_1" enable="true"/>
Note: The after version of configure files might contain changes that remove comments from the before version of the files.

Additional configurations are added to coregroup.xml file, depending on the policies you chose. The following example shows the addition of a policy for high availability:

<policies xmi:type="coregroup:OneOfNPolicy" xmi:id="OneOfNPolicy_1326648336750"
  isAlivePeriodSec="120" quorumEnabled="false" failback="false" preferredOnly="false">
    <MatchCriteria xmi:id="MatchCriteria_1326648336765" name="type" value="WSAF_SIB"/>
    <MatchCriteria xmi:id="MatchCriteria_1326648336781" name="WSAF_SIB_MESSAGING_ENGINE"
Creating SIBus destinations changes the sib-destinations.xml and sib-engines.xml files
Creating a destination causes the product to change SIB configuration files:

The sib-destinations.xml file shows the addition of a SIBQueue:

<sibresources:SIBQueue xmi:id="SIBQueue_1326648599140" identifier="TestBusQeue1"
  uuid="0AA3CFB9BB0FFA92BE5BCB57" description="" overrideOfQOSByProducerAllowed="true"
  exceptionDestination="$DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_DESTINATION" sendAllowed="true" receiveAllowed="true">
    <localizationPointRefs xmi:id="SIBLocalizationPointRef_1326648599156" cluster="TestCluster1"

The sib-engines.xml shows the addition of a SIBQueueLocaliazationPoint:

<localizationPoints xmi:type="sibresources:SIBQueueLocalizationPoint"
  xmi:id="SIBQueueLocalizationPoint_1326648599156" identifier="TestBusQeue1@TestCluster1.000-TestBus"
  uuid="A55E76D18D6F4339" targetUuid="0AA3CFB9BB0FFA92BE5BCB57" highMessageThreshold="50000"/>

The use of targetUUID correlates with the uuid of the SIBQueue.

Creating a queue connection factory changes the resources.xml file
The product stores changes to queue connection factories in resources.xml files. A queue connection factory that is created at the cluster level changes the cluster level resources.xml file:

The addition to resources.xml looks like:

<factories xmi:type="resources.j2c:J2CConnectionFactory"
  xmi:id="J2CConnectionFactory_1326648753984" name="TestClusterQCF" jndiName="TestClusterQCF"
  description="" category="" authDataAlias="" manageCachedHandles="false"
  logMissingTransactionContext="false" xaRecoveryAuthAlias=""
Creating a JMS queue changes the resources.xml file
Adding a JMS queue changes the resources.xml file:

Creation of a JMS queue at the cluster level changes the cluster level resources.xml file. The addition of the resources.xml file looks like:

<j2cAdminObjects xmi:id="J2CAdminObject_1326649181984" jndiName="jms/TestClusterQueue"
  name="TestClustereQueue" description="" adminObject="AdminObject_1326644816218">
Deploying an application changes serverindex.xml and possibly other files
Application deployment involves changes to serverindex.xml file of the target nodes. Changes to business-level application and composition unit configurations, even for Java EE applications, results in changes to file in the application directory under cells/cell_name/applications/application_name subdirectory. For example, deployment of the IVT application to a cluster of two nodes causes changes to the following files:
before/cells/isthmusCell03/blas/IVT Application/bver/BASE/bla.xml.ADDED
before/cells/isthmusCell03/cus/IVT Application/cver/BASE/controlOpDefs.xml.ADDED
before/cells/isthmusCell03/applications/IVT Application.ear/deployments/IVT Application/deployment.xml.ADDED
after/cells/isthmusCell03/blas/IVT Application/bver/BASE/bla.xml
after/cells/isthmusCell03/cus/IVT Application/cver/BASE/controlOpDefs.xml
after/cells/isthmusCell03/applications/IVT Application.ear/deployments/IVT Application/deployment.xml

The addition to the serverindex.xml on each node looks like:

<deployedApplications>IVT Application.ear/deployments/IVT Application</deployedApplications>
Uninstalling an application changes the serverindex.xml file
Uninstalling an application causes the product to modify the serverindex.xml file to remove the application and to delete application files. In the exported compressed file, the deleted files are appended with .DELETED suffix. For example, the files affected by uninstalling the IVT application from a cluster of two nodes are:
before/cells/isthmusCell03/blas/IVT Application/bver/BASE/bla.xml
before/cells/isthmusCell03/cus/IVT Application/cver/BASE/controlOpDefs.xml
before/cells/isthmusCell03/applications/IVT Application.ear/deployments/IVT Application/deployment.xml
after/cells/isthmusCell03/blas/IVT Application/bver/BASE/bla.xml.DELETED
after/cells/isthmusCell03/cus/IVT Application/cver/BASE/controlOpDefs.xml.DELETED
after/cells/isthmusCell03/applications/IVT Application.ear/deployments/IVT Application/deployment.xml.DELETED
Adding role to user mapping changes the admin-authz.xml file
Administrative authorization changes affect the admin-authz.xml file:
before/cells/isthmusCell03/admin-authz.xml after/cells/isthmusCell03/admin-authz.xml

As an example, when adding user2 user to the operator role, the affected portion of admin-authz.xml in the before version is:

<authorizations xmi:id="RoleAssignmentExt_2" role="SecurityRoleExt_2"/>

The after version looks like:

<authorizations xmi:id="RoleAssignmentExt_2" role="SecurityRoleExt_2">
  <users xmi:id="UserExt_1326649772453" name="user2"
Creating a security domain changes files under waspolicies subdirectories
Security domain related files are stored under the waspolicies subdirectories. Adding a security domain called, for example, TestDomain creates many files under the waspolices/default/securitydomains/TestDomain directory:
Adding SSL configurations changes the security.xml file
SSL configurations are stored in security.xml. Thus, adding an SSL configuration changes files such as the following:

A SSLConfig addition to security.xml looks like:

<repertoire xmi:id="SSLConfig_1326650114281" alias="TestSSLConfig" type="JSSE"
    <setting xmi:id="SecureSocketLayer_1326650114296" clientAuthentication="false"
      securityLevel="HIGH" jsseProvider="IBMJSSE2" sslProtocol="SSL_TLS" keyStore="KeyStore_1"

What to do next

Used the identified file changes to revise the product configuration as needed.