Skeleton JCL for generating DBRC commands

IMS DEDB Fast Recovery generates DBRC commands for creating backout records from the skeleton input. You can use the output for submitting DBRC commands.

Skeleton JCL for generating a JCL with DBRC commands

The following figure is an example of a skeleton JCL for generating DBRC NOTIFY.BKOUT and CHANGE.BKOUT commands.

Specify $$DBRCBKO where you want to insert the DBRC NOTIFY.BKOUT and CHANGE.BKOUT commands to create backout records.

Figure 1. Skeleton JCL for DBRC commands
//* DBRC COMMAND                         *
//        EXEC PGM=DSPURX00
//SYSIN     DD *

The JCL is written in the input data set specified by the DBRCIN DD statement. The completed commands with the skeleton JCL are written in the output data set specified by the following data sets.

All commands are written in this data set, though some might be incomplete because of lack of parameters.
Of the commands written in DBRCOUTL, only the complete commands are written in this data set.
Of the commands written in DBRCOUTL, only the incomplete commands are written in this data set.

$$ statement for generating DBRC commands

The $$ statement is specified in the skeleton JCL, and will be replaced by DBRC commands in the generated JCL. If the first and second columns of the skeleton JCL contain $$, the line is interpreted as a $$ statement. The $$ statements can be specified multiple times. If there is an error in the $$ statement, the error statement is ignored and the process is continued.

DBRC commands to create backout records will be inserted at this place. The first command is NOTIFY.BKOUT; the second or later ones are CHANGE.BKOUT commands. These commands are accompanied by SSID, PSB, DBD, UOR, and UORTIME parameters. All created commands appear in the data set specified by DBRCOUTL DD statements. If IMS DEDB Fast Recovery cannot create UORTIME and or DBD parameters, they appear as XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX+XX:XX, XXXXXXXX, or both. These incomplete commands appear in the data set specified by DBRCOUTN DD statements. The complete commands appear in the data set specified by the DBRCOUTV DD statements.

The following figure is an example of the commands generated.

NOTIFY.BKOUT  SSID(IMA1    ) -                         
              UOR(C9D4C1F1404040400000000100000000) -  
              UORTIME(16296170644413109+09:00) -       
              PSB(FPLOAD16) -                          
CHANGE.BKOUT  SSID(IMA1    ) -                         
              UOR(C9D4C1F1404040400000000200000000) -  
              UORTIME(16296170702008210+09:00) -       
              PSB(FPLOAD17) -                          
Note: If you specify LCHKPT=Y on the EXEC parameter, you might see incomplete commands.