Step 2: Specifying the IMS Batch Terminal Simulator data sets

Define the input and output data sets for IMS Batch Terminal Simulator in the TSO CLIST.


Specify the IMS Batch Terminal Simulator data sets.

The following IMS Batch Terminal Simulator data sets are supported.

Table 1. IMS Batch Terminal Simulator data sets for interactive mode
DD name Description

The BTSIN data set is a required input data set. This data set can contain simulator commands and simulator statements. You can enter simulator commands and statements directly to the TSO terminal; however, you can also define a complete test run in the BTSIN data set.

  • The BTSIN data set must not be a concatenated SMS-managed data set. If BTSIN is a concatenated SMS-managed data set, unpredictable results might occur.
  • The BTSIN data set must be in fixed, fixed-block, variable, or variable-block format.
  • When the BTSIN data set is in fixed or fixed-block format, BTSIN LRECL that is longer than 80 bytes is truncated to 80 bytes.
  • When the BTSIN data set is in variable or variable-block format, BTSIN LRECL can be in the range of 5 - 32756 without any truncation.
BTSOUT The BTSOUT data set is a required output data set. After the IMS Batch Terminal Simulator job is run, this data set contains the output listing from the job. To obtain a hard copy of a TSO session, BTSOUT must be allocated to a sequential data set and then routed to a printer.

If you are allocating BTSOUT for IBM® 3278 Model 5 display, the LRECL value that you specify can affect the output that IMS Batch Terminal Simulator produces. See LRECL value for BTSOUT data set for 3270 formatting for more information.

BTSACB The BTSACB data set is an optional data set that specifies the ACB library.

Consider specifying this data set when simulating the application programs that access data entry databases (DEDBs) in BMP or JBP region with IMS 13 or earlier.

See Applications that access DEDBs for more information about specifying BTSACB DD.

BTSISRIO The BTSISRIO DD is an optional DD statement that defines the output data set for the data that the DLI ISRT (Insert) call inserts to IOPCB.

The BTSISRIO data set must be in variable or variable-block format. The LRECL of BTSISRIO must be 32756 to avoid truncation.

BTSSNAP The BTSSNAP data set is an optional output data set that contains snapshot dumps. This data set is used only when you request a snapshot dump by issuing the ./S command.

The BTSPUNCH data set is an optional output data set that contains regression test input data.

IMS Batch Terminal Simulator attempts to open a sequential output data set that is named BTSPUNCH. In this data set, IMS Batch Terminal Simulator records the input data that was entered though TSO as formatted-mode simulator statements. It contains everything that IMS Batch Terminal Simulator receives as input. The data is truncated to 80 bytes when the input data is greater than 80 bytes.

BTSDEBUG The BTSDEBUG data set is an optional output data set that contains snapshot dumps of the trace table and various control blocks. These snapshots are taken at critical points during an IMS Batch Terminal Simulator run.

Allocation of the BTSDEBUG data set starts the BTS DEBUG function.