Step 6: Entering the simulation input

To start the simulation, provide a transaction message by entering a simulator statement or directly entering input in the formatted screen image.


IMS Batch Terminal Simulator supports two format types for simulator statements: unformatted-mode simulator statements and formatted-mode simulator statements. When full screen image support (FSS) is active (that is, the /FORMAT command is specified), the simulator statements cannot be used, and the transaction messages can be entered only through the TSO terminal. If FSS is not used, the unformatted-mode simulator statements are accepted. The procedure differs by whether FSS is active or not.

  • If FSS is not active (/FORMAT command is not specified), specify the unformatted-mode simulator statements.

    The first unformatted-mode simulator statement must begin with a transaction code to which it is related, followed by a transaction message (input for the transaction), and finally an end-of-segment indicator or an end-of-message indicator. This indicator can be coded as either a single-EBCDIC character or as two hexadecimal digits. In the following example, a dollar sign ($) is used for the end-of-message indicator.

    PART AN960C10$                  

    Related reading: See Unformatted-mode simulator statements for information about specifying the unformatted-mode simulator statements.

  • If FSS is active (the /FORMAT command is specified) and your screen displays the formatted screen image, specify only the transaction message in the location where the transaction message is to be entered.

    For example, to process transaction message AN960C10 for the PART transaction of IMS sample application, enter AN960C10 in the PART NUMBER field. Then enter the function key that is assigned to process this transaction.

         B T S   3270   F O R M A T T E R   S A M P L E   P R O G R A M.            
        *    *    *    *   INPUT   SECTION *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *
                 PART NUMBER :                 TRANSACTION :                        
                 INVENTORY NO:           DESCRIPTION:                               
     PROC CODE/DISBURSE(U/P)/QUANT:                                                 

    When IMS Batch Terminal Simulator finishes processing the transaction message, it prompts you with the following message:


    When you are ready to receive the IMS screen, press Enter.

    1. Because writing a full screen image to the TSO terminal overwrites whatever is currently on the terminal, IMS Batch Terminal Simulator issues a message that indicates that a full screen image write is pending.
    2. IMS Batch Terminal Simulator does not write this message immediately after a /FORMAT command or PA1 request is entered.
  • Finally, when you have completed all the testing activities, enter /* to end the simulation. When the job ends, see Interpreting the simulation output to confirm the application behavior.

What to do next

If necessary, you can use the following IMS commands while simulating your application:
  • IMS /EXIT command to end the IMS Batch Terminal Simulator job at the particular conversation point.
  • IMS /SET command to establish the destination of all messages that are entered into this terminal. The destination can be another terminal or a particular transaction code.
  • IMS /RESET command to eliminate the preset mode that is established by the /SET command.
Related reading: See IMS commands for more information about the IMS commands that are supported by IMS Batch Terminal Simulator.

FSS supports many other options. See the following topics for more information about these options: