Decision artifacts

In the Decision Artifacts tab, you create and edit rule artifacts, such as action rules, decision tables, or ruleflows, which you can organize in folders. You can define decision operations, ruleset variables, and handle resources for your projects.

You create business rules in two different formats: action rules and decision tables. You can create ruleflows to control the execution of rules, variable sets that you can use in the business rules of a ruleset, or decision operations to define which rules are included in a ruleset. You can also store any type of file within the Decision Center repository by uploading resources to the Business console. You find resources in the Resources folder, where you can create or download resources. You view and edit them offline, then refresh the existing file by re-uploading the newest version in the Resources folder.
Note: Some artifacts are not visible by default, and you need to activate them in the All types window, below the tab name.

You edit the content of a decision artifact in the editor (see Building rules by using the Intellirule editor or Editing decision tables), and the properties by clicking Details. When you edit a business rule, the rule is locked and other users cannot edit the rule. You can copy or move any project element or folders within a project, if it is not locked by someone else and you have permission to create or modify those types of project elements. If you have permission to delete or rename project elements, you can delete or rename any project element that is not locked by someone else. To restore a deleted project, or a decision artifact, by selecting it in a timeline or snapshot, and clicking Restore.