JDK support

The cob2_j command for compiling an application that has object-oriented syntax links the application with the Java™ 1.4.2 libraries by default.

To use a later JDK, such as Java 5 (JDK 5.0) or Java 6 (JDK 6), modify the cob2_j stanza of the default compiler configuration file cob2.cfg to indicate the path names of the higher-level Java libraries.

64-bit COBOL applications that use object-oriented syntax require a 64-bit JDK. 32-bit COBOL applications that use object-oriented syntax require a 32-bit JDK. Specify the -q64 option of the cob2_j command to obtain 64-bit JDK libraries. The -q32 option selects 32-bit JDK libraries.

related tasks  
Modifying the default compiler configuration

related references  
cob2, cob2_j, and cob2_r options  
Object-oriented syntax, and Java 5 or Java 6