

HSL Opticonnect abnormal disconnect from other sys. or partition.


The local system or partition disconnected from a remote system or partition due to an unexpected event or failure. The problem is most likely with the remote system or partition. Intervention at the remote system is most likely required. Examine both the local and remote HSL OptiConnected systems or partitions for problems on this HSL loop.

Possible reasons include: A fatal error in software or hardware in the remote system or partition or a power failure in the remote system.

If there was not a complete HSL loop before this error occurred then a failure or power down in an HSL component between the local system or partition and the remote system or partition could have caused this error. Check for a problem with: an HSL cable, HSL I/O bridge or a power problem in an expansion I/O tower or unit on this loop.

Examine the Service Action Log (SAL), or serviceable event view you are using on the local system or partition for HSL failures on the same HSL loop at approximately the same time this error occurred.

Examine the remote system or partition for problems. If the remote system or partition is powered on and IPL'd then examine the Service Action Log (SAL), or serviceable event view you are using, on the remote system or partition for problems on the same HSL loop at approximately the same time this error occurred.

Correct any problems you find with the remote and local systems or partitions that happened at approximately the same time and involve HSL Opticonnect or HSL loop components or Network Interface Controllers. When the remote system is IPL'd it will automatically reconnect with this system or partition.

If there are no problems with the remote system or partition and there are no problems with the local system or partition then collect all the Product Activity Log information for this failure on both systems. Be sure to record all words in the SRC. Contact your next level of support.

Failing Item