

High Speed Link (HSL) connection failure.


For Power5 and newer servers, service this error using the B7006987 service information. Otherwise, continue with this information.

Failures are occurring on the HSL link.

There may be B6xx 6982 errors logged on the same loop and about the same time as this error. Close those errors and continue to correct the problem by working this error.

  • If there is a cable FRU in the serviceable event entry:
    1. If the connection is copper and either end has a loose connection, re-seat the cable. To do this, disconnect the connection and wait a minimum of 30 seconds. Then reconnect the cable and complete the tightening process in at most 30 seconds. Repeat the process at the other end of the cable. If the error persists, replace the FRUs in the Service Action Log (SAL), or serviceable event view you are using.
    2. If the connection is optical, clean the connections at both ends of the cable. If the error persists, replace the FRUs in the Service Action Log (SAL), serviceable event view you are using.
    3. If the error persists, replace the FRUs at each end of the cable starting with the FROM FRU listed in the serviceable event view you are using.
  • If there was no cable in the Service Action Log (SAL), or serviceable event view you are using, then replace the FRUs listed in the serviceable event view.

Failing Item