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wkldagent command


Starts, stops, or queries the state of the Workload Manager Agent.


wkldagent -start | -status | -stop


The wkldagent command starts, stops, and queries the state of the Workload Manager Agent. The Workload Manager Agent provides recording capability for a limited set of local system performance metrics. These include common CPU, memory, network, disk, and partition metrics typically displayed by the topas command.

The Workload Manager must be started using the wkldmgr command before the wkldagent command is run. Daily recordings are stored in the /home/ios/perf/wlm directory with filenames xmwlm.YYMMDD, where YY is the year, MM is the month, and DD is the day. The wkldout command can be used to process Workload Manager-related recordings. All recordings cover 24-hour periods and are retained for only two days.


Flag name Description
-start Starts the Workload Manager Agent.
-status Displays the state of the Workload Manager Agent, either running or stopped.
-stop Stops the Workload Manager Agent.

Exit Status

Return code Description
0 The command completed successfully
>0 An error occurred.


  1. To start the Workload Manager Agent, type:
    wkldmgr -start
  2. To check whether the Workload Manager Agent is currently active, type:
    wkldmgr -status
  3. To stop the Workload Manager Agent, type:
    wkldmgr -stop

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Last updated: Wed, June 03, 2015