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failgrp command


Manages failure groups in a shared storage pool.


failgrp -create [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] -fg FGName: PhysicalVolume ...

failgrp -create [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] -file -fg FGName: FileName

failgrp -remove [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] -fg FGName

failgrp -modify [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] [-fg FGName] -attr Attribute=Value

failgrp -list [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] [-verbose | -field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter [-header]]


The failgrp command is used to manage the failure groups within a shared storage pool (SSP). A failure group is a set of physical volumes that are treated as a single point of failure by the system, which has one mirror copy of the data in a shared storage pool. By using the failgrp command, various operations, such as create, remove, modify, and list can be performed on the failure groups. When a shared storage pool is created by using the cluster with -create flag, a default failure group is created. A new failure group can be created by using the failgrp with the -create flag. If you create a failure group, it means that it is a second failure group, which has a mirror copy of the data in a default failure group. Ensure that the total capacity of the new failure group that is created is equal to or more than the default failure group. Use -remove flag to remove failure groups from the shared storage pool. This means that one mirror copy of the data is removed. To display information about the failure groups in a shared storage pool, use the -list flag. Use the attr option with -modify flag to modify the specified attribute.
Note: Only two failure groups are supported in a shared storage pool.


Flag name Description
-attr Specifies the failure group attribute and a value to be changed.
Supports the following attributes:
-clustername Specifies the name of the cluster.
-create Creates the failure group in a shared storage pool.
-fg Specifies the name of the failure group. When this flag is combined with the -create flag, it specifies the physical volume names, which are separated by a white space or the file name, along with the failure group name.
-file Specifies that a file name must be provided by using the -create flag. The file must contain physical volume names that are separated by a white space.
Supports one or more of the following fields if the -list flag is specified:
fg_name, fg_size, fg_state, pool_name, tier_name
-fmt Separates output that is specific to an individual failure group, by a user-specified delimiter.
-header Specifies the display field names in the formatted listing output.
-list Lists failure groups in a shared storage pool.
-modify Modifies the properties of a failure group.
-remove Removes failure group from a shared storage pool.
-sp Specifies name of the shared storage pool.
-verbose Displays detailed information about the failure group.

Exit Status

This command returns the following exit values:

Return code Description
0 Successful completion.
>0 An error occurred.


  1. To create the myfg failure group within the mysp pool. in the mycluster cluster and on two disks hdisk1 and hdisk2, type the following command:
    failgrp -create -clustername mycluster -sp mysp -fg myfg:hdisk1 hdisk2

    The system displays the following message:

    myfg failuregroup has been created successfully.
  2. Alternatively, to create the myfg failure group by using the physical volumes from the pvfile file, type the following command:
    failgrp -create -file -fg myfg:/tmp/pvfile

    The pvfile file contents: hdisk51 hdisk52

    The system displays the following message:

    myfg failuregroup has been created successfully.
  3. To modify the failure group name from myfg to newfg, type the following command:
    failgrp -modify -fg myfg -attr fg_name=newfg

    The system displays the following message:

    Given attribute(s) modified successfully.
  4. To list failure groups in a shared storage pool, type the following command:
    failgrp -list

    The system displays the following message:

    POOL_NAME: sp
    Default        20416       ONLINE
  5. To remove the newfg failure group from the shared storage pool, type the following command:
    failgrp -remove -fg newfg

    The system displays the following message:

    newfg failuregroup removed successfully.

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Last updated: Wed, June 03, 2015