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AIX diagnostics and service aids

AIX® diagnostic programs run on partitions that are running the AIX operating system. These diagnostic programs are also know as AIX online diagnostics. Tasks and service aids perform specific AIX diagnostic functions on the different resources contained within a system.

Because the AIX online diagnostics are always available in an AIX partition, they have the advantage of keeping error log files as long as the operating system is running. This enables the online diagnostics to analyze the error logs to help pinpoint any hardware problems without shutting down the partition. With concurrent maintenance capabilities of the hardware, many repairs can be made concurrently and system users can continue their work without interruption.

For partitions that run an operating system other than the AIX operating system, the hardware stand-alone diagnostics are available on a CD that is included with system unit hardware. The stand-alone diagnostics can be booted from a CD or if there is no CD drive available to a partition, the diagnostics also can be loaded from a Network Installation Management (NIM) server.

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Last updated: Fri, Oct 30, 2009