Configuring the call-home policy

Use this procedure to configure your system to call home (contact your next level of support).

In the following topic, call-home refers to contacting the IBM® service center computer.

  • The call-home feature is supported only when the service processor (FSP) is in one of the following states: FSP Standby, FSP Termination, or during IPL process when the POWER Hypervisor™ is not up. 
  • The call-home option is not available on the 9080-MHE, 9080-MME, 9119-MHE, and 9119-MME systems.
  • The call-home option is not available for systems that are managed by the Hardware Management Console (HMC).
To complete this operation, your must have one of the following authority levels:
  • Administrator
  • Authorized service provider

To configure the call-home policy, complete the following steps:

  1. On the ASMI Welcome pane, specify your user ID and password, and click Log In.
  2. In the navigation area, expand System Service Aids.
  3. Select Call-home Setup.
  4. Provide the details in the specified fields.
    • Call-home policy
      Click Disabled to disable the call-home feature.
      IBM CC
      Click IBM CC to forward the call-home request to IBM Service Center.
      Note: If your system is behind a firewall, ensure that you allow the following IBM servers for the call-home to reach the service center:
      OEM CC
      Click OEM CC to forward the call-home request to the customer-specified customer care IP address and port number.
      Note: If the system with the specified IP address is behind a firewall, ensure that you add the IP address to the list of allowed addresses.
      Legacy CC
      This option is only available for an authorized service provider. If the authorized service provider sets the call-home policy as Legacy CC, the administrator can view the details, but will not be able to change it. This option allows the call-home policy to use the configuration that was set up earlier.
    • Telephone numbers
      Service center telephone number
      This is the number of the service center computer. The service center usually includes a computer that takes calls from servers with call-out capability. This computer is referred to as the catcher. The catcher expects messages in a specific format to which the service processor conforms. Contact your authorized service provider for the correct service center telephone number to enter. Until you have that number, leave this field unassigned.
      Customer administration center telephone number
      This is the number of the system administration center computer (catcher) that receives problem calls from servers. Contact your system administrator for the correct telephone number to enter here. Until you have that number, retain this field as unassigned.
      Digital pager telephone number
      This is the number for a numeric pager carried by the personnel who responds to problem calls from your server. Contact your administration center representative for the correct telephone number to enter.
      Pager numeric data
      Enter the numeric data to be sent during a pager call.
    • Customer company information

      Provide the complete postal address of the company and the details must be as per boarding pass process.

      • Company name
      • Street address
      • City and state
      • Zip/postal code
      • Country or region
    • Customer Data

      Provide any specific data that has to be sent with call-home. The data can be a string up to 64 characters in length.

    • Customer care address
      This information must be provided only when the call-home policy is set to OEM CC.
      • IP address
      • Port number
    • Call-home setup for Legacy CC
      This information must be provided only when the call-home policy is set to Legacy CC
      • Call-home serial port
      • Call-in serial port
      • Call-home dialing policy
      • Number of retries
      • Clear settings
    • System location
      This information must be provided only when the call-home policy is set to Legacy CC.
      Specify the geography where the system is located.
  5. Click Save settings to save changes.

Last updated: Tue, September 18, 2018