IBM Support

Readme for the IBM Maximo People Data Management Utility

Fix Readme


Use the information in this readme to help you to install and use the Maximo People Data Management Utility.


Readme for the Maximo People Data Management Utility.

Date: April 2018

Copyright(C) International Business Machines Corporation 2018.
All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication
or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Table of contents

1. Introduction
2. Pre-installation considerations
3. Installation instructions
4. Deleting personal information
5. Deleting transactional references to people
6. Limitations
7. Notices

1. Introduction

In Maximo Asset Management, some object attributes may be used to store personally identifiable information (PII), depending on the client's business case. The system administrator can use the Maximo People Data Management Utility to manage and delete PII as required.

Supported products
Maximo Asset Management, 7.6,,,,,,,,, and

2. Pre-installation considerations
Before you start, create a backup of your Maximo directory and the Maximo database instance.

3. Installation instructions
  1. Download the Maximo People Data Management Utility from the attachments tab of the Maximo Content Library.
  2. Extract the file to your Maximo administrative workstation.
  3. Open a command prompt and change to the install_home/tools/maximo directory.
    • For Windows, run the following command:
    • For Unix or Linux, run the following commands:
    chmod +x
4. Restart the application server.
The following table, domains, dialog boxes, and signature options are created:



Dialog boxes

Signature options
• Delete Person Data
• Delete Person Data Dialog Button
• Manage People Data

4. Deleting personal information

Use the Maximo People Data Management Utility to delete personally identifiable information from specified attributes.

In the People application, you use the Manage People Data action to configure the removal of personal information, and you use the Delete Person Data action to delete that information.

Typically, when you configure the removal of personal information, you specify a relationship that is based on the PERSONID attribute. This ensures that the deleted information is limited to the selected person in the People application. If you specify a relationship that is not based on the PERSONID attribute, you risk deleting personal information for multiple people. Exercise caution, back up your database, and thoroughly test advanced relationships before you delete personal information.

Note: Deleted personal information cannot be recovered.
Note: The client is responsible for checking their results. We recommend verifying the data was removed as intended.

Before you begin
Back up your Maximo database.

By default, you can manage attributes that are related to the following six objects:
  • Phone
  • SMS
  • Labor
  • Maxuser
  • Person
  • Email

To manage an object attribute that is not listed by default, use the Domains application to add the object to the MAXPIOBJ domain.

  1. In the People application, select the Manage People Data action.
  2. Specify the object attributes that you want to delete or scramble, specify removal types for each attribute, and specify relationships based on the PERSONID attribute.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Select the person whose personal information you want to delete or scramble.
  5. Select the Delete Person Data action.

The values for the specified attribute values are deleted or scrambled for the selected person.

5. Deleting transactional references to people

In some cases, you might want to delete personal information that is stored as a transactional reference to a person. For example, personal information can be entered as free-form text in work orders or service requests rather than selected from a drop-down list. You can use advanced relationships to delete that personal information.

Warning: Exercise extreme caution when using advanced relationships. Ensure that you test relationships thoroughly, and back up your Maximo database before you delete any personal information. When you delete personal information, the data is not recoverable.

Example of deleting transactional references

You want to delete the personal information for a person in your organization. In addition to deleting personal information from the default object attributes, you also want to delete the following personal information:
  • Transactional references to the person in the Reported By field in the Service Requests application
  • Transactional references to all people in the On Behalf Of field for all open work orders at the AIR102 location in the Work Order Tracking application.

  1. Back up the Maximo database.
  2. In the Domains application, click Edit Detail for the MAXPIOBJ domain.
  3. In the List Where Clause field, add 'SR','WORKORDER' to the list of objects that are in parentheses.
  4. In the People application, select the Manage People Data action.
  5. Click New Row.
  6. Specify the following information in the relevant fields:
  7. ObjectAttributeRelationshipRemoval Type
  8. Click OK.
  9. Click New Row.
  10. Specify the following information in the relevant fields:
  11. ObjectAttributeRelationshipRemoval Type
    WORKORDERONBEHALFOFlocation ='AIR102' and status in ('WAPPR','APPR','INPRG')
    Note: The content in the On Behalf Of field will be scrambled for all people on all open work orders because the relationship is not based on the personid attribute.
  12. Select the person that has personal information that you want to delete or scramble.
  13. Select the Delete Person Data action.

The values for the specified object attributes are deleted or scrambled for the selected person.

The values for the ONBEHALFOF attribute are scrambled for all people on all open work orders at location AIR102.

6. Limitations

The Maximo People Data Management Utility does not remove personal information from the following object attributes:
  • User ID
  • Person ID
  • Labor ID

To avoid divulging personal information, use pseudonyms for the above identifiers.

Similarly, the Maximo People Data Management Utility does not remove personal information from electronic signatures or audit records.

Large database queries are limited by the mxe.db.fetchResultStopLimit system property.

The Maximo People Data Management Utility is available in English only.

7. Notices

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Privacy Policy Considerations

IBM Software products, including software as service solutions, (Software Offerings)
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Depending on the configuration that is deployed in the application server, this Software
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Optionally, you can also use functionality, such as typeahead, to store data locally on the
browser. The data that is stored locally could contain personally identifiable information.
For more information, see the Data validation topic in the Maximo Asset Management Information

If the configurations that are deployed for this Software Offering provide you as customer
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[{"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"7.5;7.6;;;;;","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

