IBM Support

Integrating IBM PowerPlay Server 10.2.2 with IBM Cognos Analytics



This article will describe the steps on how to integrate IBM PowerPlay 10.2.2 Server with IBM Cognos Analytics


This document applies to
  • IBM Cognos Analytics 11.0.3 - 11.0.6
  • IBM Cognos PowerPlay Server 10.2.2 fp5 and higher

NOTE: For IBM Cognos Analytics 11.0.7 and higher you will need to use IBM Cognos PowerPlay 11. Installation instructions for this configuration can be found in core documentation in the PowerPlay section.

Resolving The Problem

Before continuing with this article, be sure the following have been performed:
  • IBM Cognos Analytics 11.0.3 or higher has been installed
  • The reader is familiar with the installation of Cognos BI 10.2.2 products
  • file attached to this technote has been downloaded. (Cognos Analytics 11.0.5 and lower only)

A video tutorial on the Powerplay integration in Cognos Analytics is available in the IBM Support TV Channel


Enabling the Legacy Studios

If You have a Cognos Analytics - Ready to Run or Easy install, then the legacy studios option will have to be enabled.
If you have performed a custom install, legacy studios are already enabled so you can skip the following and then proceed to Installing Cognos PowerPlay Server section.
  • 1. Open the ..\analytics\configuration folder from the Cognos Analytics install
    2. Edit the file
    3. Modify the following line
    • Configuration.LegacyLaunchable=0
    4. Save file


Installing Cognos PowerPlay Server

  • Cognos Analytics 11.0.6 and higher
    • Install only the Application tier of IBM Cognos PowerPlay 10.2.2 fp5 or higher to a different folder or server than Cognos Analytics.
  • Cognos Analytics 11.0.5 and lower
    • Install the Application and Gateway tiers of IBM Cognos PowerPlay 10.2.2 fp5 to a different folder or server than Cognos Analytics.
      PowerPlay 10.2.2 Gateway tier contains content needed by Cognos Analytics 11.0.5 and lower (see next section), but otherwise unneeded by the PowerPlay 10.2.2 Application install during inter-operation. You can uninstall it once its contents have been deployed into Cognos Analytics.
  • DO NOT Launch PowerPlay’s Cognos Configuration at this time.


Copying Cognos PowerPlay files to Cognos Analytics

  • Cognos Analytics 11.0.6 and higher
    • No actions are needed. These files are incorporated in the Cognos Analytics installation. Proceed to the PowerPlay Configuration section.
  • Cognos Analytics 11.0.5 and lower
    • 1. Extract the files from file to the bin folder of the PowerPlay install
      2. Open a Command window with Administrator privileges.
      3. Go to the bin folder of the PowerPlay install.
      4. Type 'PPStoc11InteropDeploy.bat' (*or 'sh')
      5. Follow script instructions and copy the contents of the generated InteropDeployment folder to the install paths of ALL interoperating Cognos Analytics Application and Gateway servers.
      6. Start/Restart Cognos Analytics.

      NOTE: If a new Fix Pack gets applied to the PowerPlay server which contains any Gateway code changes, the administrator will have to repeat steps 4-6 again in this section in order for those changes to be propagated to the inter-operating Cognos Analytic servers.

      NOTE: When Cognos Analytics is updated with versions 11.0.3 and 11.0.4, PowerPlay files will be removed from the Cognos Analytics directory and the administrator will have to repeat steps 5-6 in order to restore inter-operation.
      Upgrading to Cognos Analytics 11.0.5 and above, PowerPlay files will now be retained within the Cognos Analytics directory structure.

      7. Copy the contents of the webcontent/documentation folder from a PowerPlay 10.2.2 Gateway installation to the webcontent/documentation folder of ALL inter-operating Cognos Analytics servers. This copy should not overwrite any files already in place. This step is a one-time activity as no future changes to PowerPlay product documentation are anticipated.


PowerPlay Configuration

  • 1. Open PowerPlay’s Cognos Configuration
    2. Under Environment --> Gateway Settings. Configure the Gateway URI to point to the Cognos Analytics Gateway.
    • CA_Gateway_Server:port/bi/v1/disp
    3. Under Environment --> Other UI settings. Configure the Content Manager URIs to point to the Cognos Analytics Content Manager.
    • CA_CM_Server:port/p2pd/servlet
    4. If PowerPlay is installed on the same server as Cognos Analytics, be sure that PowerPlay is running on a different port number. This can be set under Environment --> Dispatcher Settings

    5. Click on IBM Cognos service in the Explorer pane and turn ALL services to False except for:
    • Dispatcher service
    • PowerPlay service
  • 6. Save the Configuration.

    7. Start Cognos PowerPlay Server.


Add Monitor Service advanced setting

  • Cognos Analytics 11.0.6 and higher
    • No actions are needed. This step is no longer required. Proceed to Launching PowerPlay Studio in Cognos Analytics

  • Cognos Analytics 11.0.5 and lower
    • 1. Launch Cognos Analytics in a browser.
      2. Tap on Manage -> Administration Console
      3. Go to the Configuration tab, then click on Dispatchers and Services
      • a. Drill down on the Cognos Analytic dispatchers.
        b. Find MonitorService and click Set properties
        c. Click Settings tab then click Edit beside Advanced settings
        d. Put a check beside Override the settings acquired from the parent entry, if not already checked.
        e. Set the following Advance setting:
        Parameter: Value serviceName=powerPlayService,numThreads=10

        • If you want the PowerPlay server to belong to a server group, then set the value to:
          Parameter: Value:
          With SERVER_GROUP_NAME_HERE being replaced with your server group name
        f. Click OK.
        g. Click OK once again in the Set Properties page.


Launching PowerPlay Studio in Cognos Analytics

  • 1. Launch Cognos Analytics
    2. Publish a Power Play cube to the Cognos Analytics portal via Manage -> Administration Console
    3. In the Cognos Analytics portal, click New --> Other --> PowerPlay Studio

Related Information

[{"Product":{"code":"SSTSF6","label":"IBM Cognos Analytics"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Administration and Configuration v11x","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"11.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
12 September 2022

