IBM Support

Puredata System for Analytics: columns in nz_query_history

Question & Answer


What do the columns in the table nz_query_history contain? How are they populated?


The nz_query_history table materializes data from a number of in-memory tables. The core data here is better represented by the integrated query history process (more information on this can be found in the product documentation here:

nz_query_history still has a place as it adds additional fields on actual resource usage. If you want to know how to enable this, please see the following technote:

The column definitions are as follows.

QH_SESSIONID Session IDInternal ID, useful for joining
QH_PLANID    Plan IDInternal ID, useful for joining
QH_CLIENTID  Sequential number, no customer use.
QH_CLIIPADDR Client IP Address (if known)
QH_DATABASE  Database connected to 
QH_USER      Connected username
QH_SQL       SQL textFirst 63000 characters only. For full text see integrated query history tables.
QH_TSUBMIT   Time submitted (system time)
QH_TSTART    Time execution started (system time)
QH_TEND      Time query ended (system time)
QH_PRIORITY  Query priority (numeric, 1-4)
QH_PRITXT    Query priority (text description)
QH_ESTCOST   Estimated query cost (milliseconds)
QH_ESTDISK   Estimated query disk use (KB)
QH_ESTMEM    Estimated memory usage (KB)
QH_SNIPPETS  Number of query snippets
QH_SNPTSDONE Snippets completedTypically the same as total snippets unless the query was aborted
QH_RESROWS   Number of rows returnedThis is the number of row returned as a result. Stored procedures and external table operations will return just the final status typically which is what this value will refer to.
QH_RESBYTES  Number of bytes returnednumber of bytes returned based on qh_resrows.
QH_CLIENT_USER_ID           Client user ID string as defined by the client system 
QH_CLIENT_APPLICATION_NAME  Client application name string as defined by the client system 
QH_CLIENT_WORKSTATION_NAME  Client workstation name string as defined by the client system 
QH_CLIENT_ACCOUNTING_STRING Client accounting string as defined by the client system 
HOST_CPU_SECS          Host CPU seconds for this plan
HOST_DISK_READ_SECS    Host Disk Read seconds for this plan
HOST_DISK_WRITE_SECS   Host Disk Write seconds for this plan
HOST_FABRIC_SECS       Host Fabric seconds for this plan
SPU_CPU_SECS           SPU CPU seconds for this planAverage over all blades
SPU_DISK_READ_SECS     SPU Disk Read seconds for this planAverage over all blades
SPU_DISK_WRITE_SECS    SPU Disk Write seconds for this planAverage over all blades
SPU_FABRIC_SECS        SPU Fabric seconds for this planAverage over all blades
MAX_SPU_CPU_SECS       Max SPU CPU seconds for this planValue for the highest blade value amongst all blades.
MAX_SPU_DISK_READ_SECS Max SPU Disk Read seconds for this planValue for the highest blade value amongst all blades.
MAX_SPU_DISK_WRITE_SECSMax SPU Disk Write seconds for this planValue for the highest blade value amongst all blades.
MAX_SPU_FABRIC_SECS    Max SPU Fabric seconds for this planValue for the highest blade value amongst all blades.
SQB                    Was this a short query? 
FIT                    Failed to fit; bit pattern identifies any misfit reasons that occurredProvides some detail on whether a query exceeded it's estimates and which estimate was exceeded.
PLANNER_ESTIMATE_SECS  Planner duration estimate in seconds
SQB_ESTIMATE_SECS      SQB/prep duration estimate in seconds
SPU_MEM_PEAK           Peak SPU memory use in pagesValue for the highest blade value amongst all blades.
HOST_MEM_PEAK          Peak host memory use in pages
DOWNLOAD_RATE          average download rate in MB/sec if at least 1MB sentDownload refers to data coming INTO the system, not out. This will only be populated when loading data.
WEIGHT                 average snippet weight for this plan (0.0 .. 1.0)
GK_WAIT_SECS           seconds between being submitted and entering GRA.
GRA_WAIT_SECS          seconds between entering GRA and entering SN (Snippet scheduler); does not include prep time
SN_WAIT_SECS           sum of seconds waiting for each snippet to start
EXECUTION_SECS         sum of seconds in snippet execution
IDLE_SECS              sum of seconds in idle wait (for RESOURCE MAXIMUM); does not include greed
ABORTED                     plan aborted Added in release 7.0.
SPU_DATA_DISK_READ_SECS     SPU Data Disk Read seconds for this planAdded in release 7.0. Average over all blades
SPU_DATA_DISK_WRITE_SECS    SPU Data Disk Write seconds for this planAdded in release 7.0. Average over all blades
SPU_TEMP_DISK_READ_SECS     SPU Temp Disk Read seconds for this planAdded in release 7.0. Average over all blades
SPU_TEMP_DISK_WRITE_SECS    SPU Temp Disk Write seconds for this planAdded in release 7.0. Average over all blades
MAX_SPU_DATA_DISK_READ_SECS Max SPU Data Disk Read seconds for this planAdded in release 7.0. Value for the highest blade value amongst all blades.
MAX_SPU_DATA_DISK_WRITE_SECSMax SPU Data Disk Write seconds for this planAdded in release 7.0. Value for the highest blade value amongst all blades.
MAX_SPU_TEMP_DISK_READ_SECS Max SPU Temp Disk Read seconds for this planAdded in release 7.0. Value for the highest blade value amongst all blades.
MAX_SPU_TEMP_DISK_WRITE_SECSMax SPU Temp Disk Write seconds for this planAdded in release 7.0. Value for the highest blade value amongst all blades.
SPOOLED_MB     number of mb spooledAdded in release 7.1. Possibly inaccurate. Use qh_resbytes instead.
DOWNLOADED_MB  number of mb downloadedAdded in release 7.1.  Download refers to data coming INTO the system, not out. This will only be populated when loading data.
MAX_SPU_TEMP_DISK_PAGES_ALLOCATEDMax SPU Temp Disk pages allocated for this planAdded in release 7.2. Value for the highest blade value amongst all blades.
SUBMIT_TIME                      Timestamp when plan submitted to dbos (microseconds)Added in release 7.2. 
DONE_TIME                        Timestamp when plan completed (microseconds)Added in release 7.2. 
PRIOR_PLAN                       The plan id for the immediately previous related plan (sample scan, pre-broadcast)Added in release 7.2. 
PLANS_FOLLOW                     Non-zero if related plans will followAdded in release 7.2. 
DHJ                              True if the plan used a disk based hash joinAdded in release 7.2. 
SPU_MEM_ESTIMATE                 SPU memory estimate in pagesAdded in release 7.2.  Estimate per blade
HOST_MEM_ESTIMATE                Host memory estimate in pagesAdded in release 7.2. 
PARSE_SECS                       seconds spent in Postgres parseAdded in release 7.2. 
REWRITE_SECS                     seconds spent in Postgres rewriteAdded in release 7.2. 
PLAN_CREATE_SECS                 seconds spent in Postgres plan creationAdded in release 7.2. 
PREP_SECS                        seconds spent in running preps, including prep queuingAdded in release 7.2. 
RECONSTITUTE_SECS                seconds spent loading cached transientsAdded in release 7.2. 
CACHE_SECS                       seconds spent copying transients to cacheAdded in release 7.2. 
SETUP_SECS                       sum of seconds in snippet setupAdded in release 7.2. 
NULL_IO_SECS                     sum of MICROseconds waiting for external I/O Added in release 7.2.  This field can overflow and become negative so treat with caution until resolved. Should be seconds, not microseconds.
GREED_SECS                       sum of seconds delayed for balance (greed)Added in release 7.2. 
JOB                              Job idAdded in release 7.2. 

[{"Product":{"code":"SSULQD","label":"IBM PureData System"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Database","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"1.0.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 October 2019

