IBM Support

Installation and Configuration guide for Rational Synergy iFix 2 with Synergy for RTC Bridge 1.2

Question & Answer


What are the installation and configuration steps to configure IBM Rational Synergy iFix2 with Rational Synergy for Rational Team Concert Bridge 1.2?



To make Rational Synergy work with Rational Team Concert, you must have the below products installed:
1. Rational Synergy Interim Fix 2 for
2. RTC server version 3.0.1 or higher till 4.0.5.

Clients :
3. Rational Synergy Interim Fix 2 for
4. RTC Eclipse client version compatible with the RTC server installed.


  • Both Synergy and RTC servers can be upgraded independently of each other
  • All the above 4 pre requisites are needed to configure and install the Synergy for RTC Bridge components.
  • The RTC Eclipse client is needed mainly for the Project Area configuration by RTC Admins. The users don’t need this client if they opt to use Synergy client instead.
  • If RTC 3.0.x is installed, you need to configure it use JRE 1.6 from Rational Synergy installation.

  • Modify the eclipse.ini in <RTC_INSTALL_DIR>\jazz\client\eclipse, where RTC_INSTALL_DIR is the directory containing Rational Team Concert.
      - Change the -vm argument to the location of the IBM JRE 1.6.
      - Set the -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion= argument to 1.6.
  • Rational Synergy bundles RTC 4.0 compatible jar files. If you need to use the interface with version 3.0.x, you have to configure Synergy to point to RTC 3.0.x jar files. Perform the following steps:

  • - Download Plain Java Client libraries for Rational Team Concert 3.0.x
    - Unzip the jar files to a location on your system.
    - Edit the file CCM_HOME/etc/ and modify the value of crtool.jardir.rtc to point to RTC 3.0.x jar files.
    For example: crtool.jardir.rtc=D:\\PlainJava301

Installing and configuring the Synergy for Rational Team Concert 1.2 Bridge components

I. Preparing the installation site for Rational Synergy for Rational Team Concert 1.2 Bridge (Synergy Admin activity)

Synergy for Rational Team Concert 1.2 Bridge is bundled only with Rational Synergy 7.2.1. Synergy Admin has to extract the plugin from the Rational Synergy 7.2.1 Linux installer (Only Linux installer can be extracted and the bundled integrations work with both Windows and Linux).

Steps to extract the plugin:
  1. Download Rational Synergy 7.2.1 - Linux version ratl_syn_7.2.1_LNX_INF.tar.gz.
  2. Unzip and Untar to ccm\unix\linux folder.
  3. Unzip and Untar the ccm\unix\linux\linux.tar.gz file.
  4. The resulting folder structure has integrations folder which has the Synergy RTC bridge plugin at integrations/teamconcert.
  5. Share this folder with Users who need to install this plugin in their RTC.

Optionally, your Admin can install Rational Synergy 7.2.1 in one of the machines to get to integrations folder.

II. Installation and configuration of server side components
  • Installation and configuration of RTC server.
    1. Copy the below shared folder by Admin (in Step1) to the machine where RTC Server is installed. Below are the two Rational Synergy for RTC Bridge server side components and both need to be installed.

    2. Start Rational Team Concert Server.
    3. Using a web browser go to the URL http://:/ccm/admin/cmd/requestReset. Where RTCServer is the fully qualified name your Rational Team Concert Server and Port is the port.
      For example: Login to the server and you will get a message saying "The Jazz Server has been flagged to reset and reload from the configured update-site when it is next restarted".
    4. Close the browser and shut down the RTC server.
    5. Place the copied update sites synergylinktype and SynergyParticipantUpdatesite into RTC server installation directory <RTCinstallDir>\server\conf\ccm\sites
    6. Go to <RTCinstallDir>\server\conf\ccm\provision_profiles
    7. Copy profile.ini and paste it in the same directory, then rename the file to synergylinktype-profile.ini
    8. Open the synergylinktype-profile.ini and edit the url and featureid as shown below:
        • url=file:ccm/sites/synergylinktype
    9. Copy profile.ini and paste it in the same directory, then rename the file to SynergyParticipantUpdatesite-profile.ini
    10. Open the SynergyParticipantUpdatesite-profile.ini and edit the url and featureid as shown below:
        • url=file:ccm/sites/SynergyParticipantUpdatesite
    11. Start RTC server.

  • Project Area Process Configuration
    Select the Project Areas for which you want to enable this interface and configure them as described below:
    1. Using RTC Eclipse client connect to the RTC Server. You must have Admin role for to perform this process configuration.
    2. In the Team Artifact View, select the Project Area that will be used by this integration
    3. Right Click and select Open
    4. Select Operation Behavior in Team Configuration
    5. Click Process Configuration Tab
    6. In the list of Operations scroll to the bottom where you should see Save Work Item (server) listed
    7. Click the column everyone (default) in the Save Work Item (server) row.
    8. Preconditions actions (xx available) --- Click Add button to select precondition WorkitemProhibitSave and press OK
    9. Follow-up actions (xx available) -- Click Add button to select follow-up action SynergySaveParticipant and then press OK
    10. The above precondition and follow-up actions will not be available to configure, if the Server-side Plug-ins are not installed correctly.

  • Configure Synergy iFix2 Server and database
    • Identify the database to configure for RTC and then run the script setup_rtc present in CCM_HOME/bin.

      You will need to pass the Synergy database path, your Rational Team Concert server URL, RTC Project Area, RTC Admin User Id and Password.

    • For example: setup_rtc <Synergy database path> https://:9443/ccm <RTC Project Area> <RTC_Admin_Id> <RTC_Admin_Password>

      The setup_rtc script updates the CCM_HOME/etc/ file on the server with RTC Admin credentials at the following properties:
        crtool.rtc.server.user = <RTC_Admin_Id>
        crtool.rtc.server.password = <RTC_Admin_Password>
      If the password is manually edited in the file, you need to restart the server and then the password will be replaced by an encrypted password on its first use.
      • If ccm_root is not Synergy admin, then the below property in the file CCM_HOME/etc/ needs to be edited with the right admin user


        Note: You can configure multiple Synergy databases with RTC by running setup_rtc script on each of the database.

    III. Configuring Rational Synergy client (per user)
      • In each of the user’s system where Synergy client is installed, edit the file and specify the following properties, if not present already:

      • crtool.user.tool.<db name>=rtc<RTC_User_Id>
        crtool.rtc.user.password =<RTC_ User_Password>

        Where, RTC_User_Id and RTC_User_Password are the user id and password for this end user in RTC. Rational Synergy uses this account to retrieve the user's list of assigned work items. The RTC user password will be in plaintext until the Synergy client runs and while exiting, it saves the encrypted password in the file.

    IV. Install and configure Rational Team Concert Eclipse Client (per user) (Optional )

      This is required only if user wants to use Rational Team Concert Eclipse client rather than Synergy client. Both the Synergy and RTC Eclipse clients should be installed on the same system where you will be running this integration.

      a. Install Rational Synergy for Eclipse Interface version iFix 1.

        This plugin is bundled in the integrations folder of the Synergy iFix2 server.
        1. Copy the plugin from the Synergy iFix2 server’s integrations folder <CCM_HOME\integrations\eclipse to the machine where Rational Synergy for Eclipse client is installed.
        2. Use Rational Team Concert menu Help > Install New Software… to install the update site IBM Rational Synergy Eclipse Interface iFix 1
        3. Click Add button on Available Software dialog box.
        4. Click Local.
        5. Browse to the location where IBM Rational Synergy Eclipse Interface iFix 1 is copied
        6. Provide a name to it and click OK.
        7. Select the check box for label "Configuration Management".
        8. Click Next.
        9. Accept the license agreement and click Finish.
        10. When prompted to restart Eclipse, click Yes.
      b. Install Rational Team Concert 1.2 Bridge.
        Copy the shared folder by Admin (in Step1) at integrations\teamconcert\client\synergyrtcbridge to your machine where RTC Eclipse client is installed
        1. Use Rational Team Concert menu Help > Install New Software… to install the update site from synergyrtcbridge.
        2. Click Add button on Available Software dialog box.
        3. Click Local.
        4. Browse to the location where synergyrtcbridge is copied
        5. Provide a name to it and click OK.
        6. This interface contains two client side components; You need to choose only the 2nd component which is the Synergy for RTC Bridge. The first component is IBM Rational Synergy for Eclipse Interface (Do not choose this component as in step 4.a, you have installed the latest version). Select only the check box for label ‘Rational Synergy for Team Concert Interface’
        7. Click Next.
        8. Accept the license agreement and click Finish.
        9. When prompted to restart Eclipse, click Yes.
    V. References

    [{"Product":{"code":"SSC6Q5","label":"Rational Synergy"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"General Information","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

    Document Information

    Modified date:
    22 December 2020

