IBM Support

Error message definitions for WebSphere® Application Server's webserver plug-in component.



User's can find errors reported in the http_plugin.log file from the plug-in application. Messages logged at the ERROR log level are described.


Errors occur in the http_plugin.log file

Resolving The Problem

Plug-in log error messages

A listing of the plug-in error messages reported at run time is provided.  The listing includes the error message, cause, and resolution for the problem.

If there is a % in the message, it represents a variable expression that is resolved during execution. The representation is based on C printf syntax ( %s represents a string and %d represents an integer value).

Message: ws_common: websphereGetConfigFilename: Failed to open registry: %s

  • Cause: Windows only. The Windows registry could not be opened or the key containing plug-in configuration file does not exist.
  • Resolution: Check for the existence of the key in the registry. If it does not exist, reinstall and reconfigure the web server for the plug-in component. The registry key is shown in the %s field of the message.

Message: ws_common: websphereGetConfigFilename: Failed to get keysize or keysize too long: %d for confFile: %d
  • Cause: The value of the key could not be determined or the length of the path to the config file is too long.
  • Resolution: The value of the key must be less than 255 in order to fit in the static buffer the plug-in uses to store the path to the config file.

Message: ws_common: websphereGetConfigFilename: Failed to read the key: %s
  • Cause: The attempt to read the value of the key failed.
  • Resolution: Contact IBM® support.

Message: ws_common: websphereGetConfigFilename: Failed to close registry
  • Cause: The key either got corrupted or was deleted since it was opened it.
  • Resolution: Contact IBM® support.

Message: ws_common: websphereGetConfigFilename: Config file path too long: %d for confFile: %d
  • Cause: UNIX only. The path with WASHOME plug /config/plugin-cfg.xml is too long to fit in the static buffer the plug-in uses to store the path to the config file.
  • Resolution: Shorten the installation path of WebSphere®.

Message: ws_common: websphereInit: no configuration filename specified
  • Cause: No config file was given for the plug-in to initialize.
  • Resolution: Contact IBM® Support if other messages do not resolve problem.

Message: ws_common: websphereInit: strdup() of config file failed
  • Cause: The actual call to strdup failed. A memory allocation failure occurred which indicates larger problems than the plug-in not working.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: ws_common: websphereInit: Failed to create the [config, log or reqMetrics] mutex
  • Cause: The creation of the mutex failed. A memory allocation failure occurred (call to malloc failed).
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: ws_common: websphereInit: Failed to load the config file
  • Cause: Something in the loading of the configuration went wrong. Possible problems could be the file doesn't exist or a syntax error in the config file.
  • Resolution: Previous error messages help to determine the reason the config file failed to load.

Message: ws_common: websphereInit: Failed to stat file %s. If the plugin-cfg.xml file is located at %s set the WAS_PLUGIN_CONFIG_FILE environment variable to the correct plugin-cfg.xml file
  • Cause: OS command failed. Valid for AIX®, Solaris®, HPUX11, and Linux™.
  • Resolution: Check for the existence of the file and ensure OS stat command is working.

Message: ws_common: %s Out of file/socket handles during request.
  • Cause: Out of file handles.
  • Resolution: Increase operating system file handles or reduce applications that use handles.  The string (%s) indicates the particular function executing when the error occurred.

Message: ws_common: webspherePortNumberForMatching: Null req info.
  • Cause: Null pointer passed to function.
  • Resolution: Contact IBM® support.

Message: ws_common: websphereUpdateConfig: Failed to create the parser object for %s
  • Cause: The creation of the configuration parser failed. Memory allocation failed (malloc returned NULL).
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: ws_common: websphereUpdateConfig: Failed parsing the plugin config file
  • Cause: A syntax error in the config file or some invalid setting in the config file. Other messages are printed before this one that help lead you to the problem.
  • Resolution: Check the previous messages and fix the problems associated with them.

Message: ws_common: websphereUpdateConfig: configFilename is NULL
  • Cause: AS400 only: configuration file name not specified.
  • Resolution: Specify file name in web server configuration.

Message: ws_common: websphereUpdateConfig: Failed to stat plugin config file: %s. If the plugin-cfg.xml file is not located at %s set the WAS_PLUGIN_CONFIG_FILE environment variable to the correct plugin-cfg.xml file.
  • Cause: OS stat command failed for file. Valid for AIX®, Solaris®, HPUX11, and Linux™.
  • Resolution: Check for the existence and permission of the file and ensure the OS stat command is working. Verify the files specified in both %s fields.

Message: ws_common: websphereUpdateConfig: Failed parsing plug-in config file.
The above file may not have correct authorities. Perform a WRKLNK, Opt 9 on above file. Check that QTMHHTTP and QNOTES have correct authorities.
  • Cause: The plug-in configuration file could not be parsed.
  • Resolution: Ensure file was created by using WebSphere® Application server plug-in generation.

Message: ws_common:websphereUpdateConfig: You must restart the web server to change Intelligent Management enablement. No configuration changes accepted.
  • Cause: Restricted configuration modification attempted dynamically.
  • Resolution: You must restart the web server for this change to take effect.

Message: ws_common: websphereUpdateConfig: Intelligent Management can only be enabled at start
  • Cause: Restricted configuration modification attempted dynamically.
  • Resolution: You must restart the web server for this change to take effect.

Message: ws_common: GetIISErrorLocation: Failed to open registry: %s
  • Cause: Windows only: Keys for custom error messages not found
  • Resolution: Ignore unless custom error messages wanted. Follow technote #1405555 instructions to add required keys and entries in registry. Registry key is displayed in the %s field.

Message: ws_common: GetIISErrorLocation: Failed to read the key: %s
  • Cause: Windows™ only: Key is found but data not valid.
  • Resolution: Follow technote #1405555 instructions to add required entries. Be sure to specify correct data type.

Message: ws_common: websphereBeginRequest: Config reloading FAILED; using old config
  • Cause: The plug-in attempted to reload the config file because it changed recently but the reload failed. The plug-in continues execution with the old configuration until the new configuration can be loaded successfully.
  • Resolution: Previous error messages help determine the reason that the config file load failed.

Message: ws_common: websphereBeginRequest: Request Info Encoded URI is NULL
  • Cause: The webserver did not pass the encoding information to the plug-in.
  • Resolution: Enable tracing on the webserver and plug-in and investigate encoding passed.

Message: ws_common: websphereGetPortForAppServer: Conversion error.
  • Cause: Internal call to copy a string failed.
  • Resolution: Collect plug-in trace during error and contact IBM® support.

Message: ws_common: websphereGetPortForAppServer: Reqinfo and extReqinfo should be non null at this stage.
  • Cause: Request passed to the plug-in is empty.
  • Resolution: Collect webserver and plug-in trace and examine for fault.

Message: ws_common: websphereExtendedHandshake: Failed to read correct number of args for response
  • Cause: Protocol error attempting to establish a secure connection.
  • Resolution: Report error to IBM®. Provide a network trace capturing the issue and the application logs with security tracing enabled.

Message: ws_common: websphereExtendedHandshake: Failed writing the extended handshake request
  • Cause: Write failed to socket.
  • Resolution: Check for adapter errors and TCP errors, use iptrace to ensure partner side is not closing connection.

Message: ws_common: websphereExtendedHandshake: Failed to read the extended handshake response
  • Cause: Read failed to socket.
  • Resolution: Check for adapter errors and TCP errors, use iptrace to ensure partner side is not closing connection.

Message: ws_common: websphereExtendedHandshake: failed to get 200 response, will not send request
  • Cause: Backend did not respond to HEAD request with 200 OK.
  • Resolution: Verify backend server is configured to respond to HEAD with 200 or change plug-in configuration to not use extended handshake.

Message: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Extended handshake failed
  • Cause: Extended handshake did not work.
  • Resolution: Ensure backend configured to respond with 200 OK for HEAD requests or disable the extendedHandshake.

Message: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Maximum allowed socket limit reached, socket %d.
  • Cause: Sockets exceed 32*1024.
  • Resolution: Use netstat to watch for connections that are not closing and investigate this issue.

Message: ws_common: websphereGetStream: socket descriptor=%d exceeds socket descriptor limit of %d
  • Cause: Sockets exceed 32*1024 on AS400.
  • Resolution: Use netstat to watch for connections that are not closing and investigate this issue.

Message: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Failed to connect; OS err = %d
  • Cause: TCP connection failed.
  • Resolution: Check operating system error codes for failure cause.

Message: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Failed to connect to app server on host '%s' (%d): %s (local port %d)
  • Cause: TCP connection failed.
  • Resolution: The remote host is displayed in the first %s value. The operating system error code is provided within (%d)value. The operating system error code meaning is provided in the next %s field and the local port is provided with (local port %d). Check operating system error codes for the failure cause. If a network trace was collected, the host and local port can be used to identify the connection in a network trace.

Message: ws_common: websphereGetStream: socket error conditions pending
  • Cause: getpeerName failed.
  • Resolution: Check for failures for this operating system call.

Message: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Connect timeout fired
  • Cause: The backend did not respond within the connection timeout period.
  • Resolution: Increase the connection timeout or investigate delay from backend.

Message: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Connect timeout fired for %s:%d (local port %d)
  • Cause: The backend did not respond within the connection timeout period.
  • Resolution: Increase the connection timeout or investigate delay from backend. Host and remote port provided in %s:%d. The local port can be used with a network trace to identify the connection.

Message: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Failed to get a socket, OS err=%d
  • Cause: Socket creation failed. The system is out of socket descriptors.
  • Resolution: Increase the available socket per process and verify existing connections are valid. Tune TCP settings to reuse sockets quickly.

Message: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Failed to connect to app server on host '%s', OS err=%d
  • Cause: The plug-in could not connect to the app server.(connect() call failed)
  • Resolution: The application server is down or is so busy that it can't handle any more requests. Review the OS return code for more specific information.

Message: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Could not open stream
  • Cause: The creation of the stream failed. With a secure stream, the plug-in dislikes the certificate presented by the app server or if the app server is using client authentication, the server dislikes the certificate presented by the plug-in.
  • Resolution: Ensure that the kdb/jks files being used in by the plug-in and application server trust the signer of each other's certificates.

Message: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Maximum Number of File Descriptors: %ld is approaching FD_SETSIZE=%d
  • Cause: System is running low on file descriptors.
  • Resolution: Modify the configuration to increase the number of available file descriptions. Requests fail when no file descriptors are available.

Message: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Connect timeout fired for %s:%d (local port %d)
  • Cause: The application server did not respond to the connection request within the defined timeout setting.
  • Resolution: This message provides connection information to identify the connection in a network trace. If the server is not responding, the application server logs need to be examined to find the cause of the problem. If the server responds but it is not within the connect timeout period, modify the plug-in configuration and increase this value.

Message: ws_common: websphereGetStream: Extended handshake failed using shortened timeout of (connectTimeout) %d
  • Cause: The application server did not respond within the defined timeout during a secure socket handshake.
  • Resolution: If the server is not responding, the application server logs need to be examined to find the cause of the problem. If the server responds but it is not within the timeout period, modify the plug-in configuration and increase the connectTimeout value for this server.

Message: ws_common: websphereShouldHandleRequest: Config reloading FAILED; using old config
  • Cause: New configuration could not be loaded.
  • Resolution: Ensure configuration file is not locked by another application and check recent changes for errors.

Message: ws_common: websphereGetDWLMTable: Failed writing the partition table request
  • Cause: Write on the socket failed.
  • Resolution: Ensure connection is not closed by server. Check operating system for TCP or adapter errors.

Message: ws_common: websphereParseCloneID: Failed to allocate space for clone id from pool
  • Cause: Out of memory.
  • Resolution: Examine the operating system logs for memory errors. Add memory. Run memory monitoring tools to look for memory leaks.

Message: ws_common: websphereParsePartitionIDs: Failed to allocate space for clone id from pool
  • Cause: Out of memory.
  • Resolution: Examine the operating system logs for memory errors. Add memory. Run memory monitoring tools to look for memory leaks.

Message: ws_common: websphereCreateClient: Failed to create the client
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: ws_common: websphereCreateClient: Failed to get the headers
  • Cause: The request headers are not read in by the plug-in.
  • Resolution: The request is invalid so the fix is to send a valid request.

Message: ws_common: websphereCreateClient: Failed to add special headers
  • Cause: An error occurred adding the special headers.
  • Resolution: Contact IBM® support.

Message: ws_common: websphereCreateClient: POST (request content) greater than the size limit; please adjust PostSizeLimit attribute for this server group if you wish to allow for this. %d > %d.
  • Cause: Post is too large to accept.
  • Resolution: Increase configuration parameter.

Message: ws_common: websphereExecute: AIX Non Blocking connect and first read failed; port is down
  • Cause: AIX® returns bad return code but you must wait until read to find out the error.
  • Resolution: Review the plug-in log for related errors.

Message: ws_common: websphereExecute: Failed to create the stream
  • Cause: Stream creation failed.
  • Resolution: Check previous error messages to help narrow down what the problem might be.

Message: ws_common: websphereExecute: Failed to write with a %s stream; App Server may have gone down during write %s %s
  • Cause: The request to the application server failed.
  • Resolution: The app server does not respond while the request was being written or closed the connection causing the write to fail. The first %s indicates whether the stream was a new stream or an existing stream. The last two strings indicate whether the write timed out and if the request is retried or not.

Message: ws_common: websphereExecute: Failed to read from a new stream; App Server may have gone down during read
  • Cause: The read of the response from the app server failed.
  • Resolution: The app server did not respond while the response was being read or closed the connection causing the read to fail.

Message: ws_common: websphereFindTransport: Unable to find a transport
  • Cause: A transport is not defined for the server.
  • Resolution: Define a transport to be used when routing requests to this server.

Message: ws_common: websphereFindTransport: Nosecure transports available
  • Cause: Configuration specifies use of secure transports but none were available.
  • Resolution: Review the error log for security library errors, correct, and restart the web server. If secure transports are not requested, set UseInsecure property to true.

Message: ws_common: websphereFindServer: Failed to find a server
  • Cause: A server to handle the request could not be found. All servers are down and the plug-in doesn't have any available to handle the request.
  • Resolution: Bring the app server back up so the plug-in can route requests to it.

Message: ws_common: websphereFindServerGroup: Failed to get the server group
  • Cause: A server group is not defined in the route.
  • Resolution: Contact IBM® support.

Message: ws_common: websphereWriteRequestReadResponse: Failed to find an app server to handle this request
  • Cause: All servers are down.
  • Resolution: Ensure that there is a server capable of handling the request.

Message: ws_common: websphereWriteRequestReadResponse: Failed to find a server
  • Cause: A configuration error occurred.
  • Resolution: Define servers for each cluster.

Message: ws_common: websphereWriteRequestReadResponse: Failed to find a transport
  • Cause: A configuration error occurred. No transports are defined for the server.
  • Resolution: Define a transport for routing requests to this server.

Message: ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Failed to retrieve update DWLM table retrieved from '%s'on host '%s'; using WLM to route request
  • Cause: The DWLM value was not retrieved.
  • Resolution: Check backend configuration. Run network trace to ensure backend is responding to request.

Message: ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Request Info URI is NULL
  • Cause: Check to make sure the url isn't NULL.
  • Resolution: Client is in error.

Message: ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Failed to begin the request
  • Cause: Initialization and checking of the plug-in request structure failed.
  • Resolution: Check previous error messages to help narrow down the source of the problem.

Message: ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Failed to create the client
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure occurred.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Failed to execute the transaction to '%s' on host %s:%d; will try another one
  • Cause: The plug-in failed to either write the request or read the response from the application server. The plug-in looks for another server defined in the server group to execute the transaction.
  • Resolution: Check the app server that the failure occurred to and see whether the machine needs to be restarted or the application server restarted. The values after 'host' indicate the transport hostname and port.

Message: ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Failed to find a server
  • Cause: A server to handle the request could not be found. All the servers are marked down and the plug-in doesn't have any available server to handle the request.
  • Resolution: Bring the app server back up so the plug-in can route requests to it.

Message: ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Failed to find an app server to handle this request
  • Cause: No app server could be found to handle the request. All servers could be offline.
  • Resolution: Check previous error messages to determine which app server appears to be down and bring them back up.

Message: ws_common: websphereRequestHandler: Failed to reply to the browser rc=%d
  • Cause: The response to browser failed.
  • Resolution: The browser was closed. If error continues, collect a network trace from client and plug-in to determine why connection is terminating. The return code is provided.

Message: ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Failed to end the config request
  • Cause: An error occurred cleaning up some of the plug-in request structures at the end of the request.
  • Resolution: Contact IBM® support.

Message: ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: request did not pass through a trusted proxy
  • Cause: Trusted proxy is configured and plug-in received a request that was not from an address configured as a trusted proxy.
  • Resolution: Examine the configuration to ensure trusted proxies are correctly defined in the plugin-cfg.xml file. If configuration is correct, identify the client and advise user of correct usage (to pass through trusted proxy).

Message: [%s:%s] ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Failed to handle request rc=%d
  • Cause: Error occurred processing request.
  • Resolution: Review the log for related error messages. The client hostname and URL are provided, if available, within [%s:%s]. The error code is provided (rc=%d).

Message: [%s:%s] ws_common: websphereHandleRequest: Failed to reply to the browser rc=%d
  • Cause: The response failed to be sent back to the browser successfully.
  • Resolution: The client hit the stop button or clicked another linking causing the connection to be closed. The client hostname and URL are provided  [%s:%s] when it is available and the error code is provided (rc=%d).

Message: ws_common: checkIfRequestIsFromTrustedProxy: Proxy server IP Address or hostname was not detected.
  • Cause: Remote Host header not set in the request.
  • Resolution: Verify trusted proxy is setting the remote host header to its hostname or IP address.

Message: ws_common: checkIfRequestIsFromTrustedProxy: Configuration error. No Trusted Proxy Group is defined in plug-in configuration file, but TrustedProxyEnable parameter is set to TRUE. To resolve, set TrustedProxyEnable= FALSE or define Trusted proxy list.
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Set TrustedProxyEnable property to false or define Trusted proxy list.

Message: ws_common: wlmExecute: Failed to get the server list
  • Cause: No server list configured.
  • Resolution: Ensure servers are configured on this route.

Message: ws_common: ServerActionfromReadRC: ServerIOTimeout fired. Time out %d. retry count %d. serverIOTimeoutRetry %d, retry %s, rc %d, server %s, URI %s, client port %s
  • Cause: The application server did not respond within the configured timeout period.
  • Resolution: Review the application server for errors which related to the delayed response. Increase the serverIOTimeout property. More data is logged with this message to be used to locate this connection in network traces or other application's tracing and logging.

Message: ws_common: pthread_key_create failed, errno=%d
  • Cause: Operating system-specific error.
  • Resolution: The plug-in could not create a thread that is required to process requests. The operating system-specific error is provided (errno). Review the operating system documentation and take appropriate action.

Message: ws_common: Returning error, content found and AcceptAllContent set to FALSE
  • Cause: A request that normally does not contain a body was received with a body. The plug-in accepts payload content on post and puts requests by default.
  • Resolution: Set the AcceptAllContent property to true if the requests are valid; take appropriate actions if the traffic appears to be malicious.

Message: ws_common: Connection to %s:%d failed poll error %d (local port %d)
  • Cause: Network or application server error.
  • Resolution: The application server provided (%s:%d) would not accept a new connection request. The operating system-specific error is provided in "error %d". Review the application server logs for errors. The local port information can be used to identify the connection in a network trace.

Message: ws_common: Connection to %s:%d failed (%d) : %s (local port %d)
  • Cause: Network or application server error.
  • Resolution: The connection to an application server (%s:%d) terminated unexpectedly. The operating system-specific error is provided ((%d) : %s). Review the application server logs for errors. The local port information can be used to identify the connection in a network trace.

Message: ws_common: No table version found in partition table update. Requesting from another server.
  • Cause: Application server error.
  • Resolution: The application server did not provide a valid partition table. Verify application server is compatible with plug-in level. Review application server logs for related information.

Message: ws_list: listAddToTail: Failed to create list element
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: ws_list: listAddAfter: Failed to create list element
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: ws_property: propertyCreate: Failed to create property
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: ws_property: propertySetValue: PluginInstallRoot has been set to a non existent location
  • Cause: Invalid plugin-cfg.xml setting.
  • Resolution: Correct the PluginInstallRoot value in the plugin-cfg.xml file.

Message: ws_property: checkDirExists: %s path is not valid
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Ensure the directory provided in %s exists and read permission is set for the plug-in user. Correct plugin-cfg.xml file if directory name is not correct.

Message: ws_route: routeCreate: Failed to create route
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: ws_route: routeSetVhostGroup: Attempted to set a NULL vhost group for route
  • Cause: The name used for the virtual host group in the route does not match the name for any of the virtual host groups defined in your configuration.
  • Resolution: Check to make sure the name of the vhost group isn't misspelled in any of your route definitions.

Message: ws_route: routeSetUriGroup: Attempted to set a NULL uri group for route
  • Cause: The name used for the URI group in the route does not match the name for any of the URI groups defined in your configuration.
  • Resolution: Check to make sure the name of the URI group isn't misspelled in any of your route definitions.

Message: ws_route: routeSetServerGroup: Attempted to set a NULL server group for route
  • Cause: The name used for the server group in the route does not match the name for any of the server groups defined in your configuration.
  • Resolution: Check to make sure the name of the server group isn't misspelled in any of your route definitions.

Message: ws_transport: transportCreate: Failed to create transport
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: ws_transport: transportCreate: Failed to create properties list
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: ws_transport: transportCreate: Failed to create streams queue
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: ws_transport: transportCreate: Failed to create streams queue mutex
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: ws_transport: transportInitializeSecurity: Keyring was not set
  • Cause: The key ring was not set for this transport.
  • Resolution: Check the syntax of the transport in the plug-in configuration file. Verify the transport element does not end prematurely.

Message: ws_transport: transportInitializeSecurity: No stashfile or keyring password given
  • Cause: Either the stash file or the password for the key ring file was not set and the plug-in attempted to initialize the security library without a key ring.
  • Resolution: Check the syntax of the transport in the plug-in configuration. It could be that you ended the transport element prematurely and the plug-in properties needed for the security library to initialize successfully did not exist.

Message: ws_transport: transportInitializeSecurity: Failed to initialize security. Secure transports are not possible.
  • Cause: The gskit initialization failed. The message occurs when GSK is not installed on the machine or the installation is invalid. The dskit initialization parameters are incorrect.
  • Resolution: Ensure that the correct gskit version is installed. Check other error messages previous to this one to help determine what exactly went wrong.

Message: ws_transport: transportInitializeSecurity: Unknown property: %s
  • Cause: Invalid configuration.
  • Resolution: Correct the plugin-cfg.xml transport properties.

Message: ws_transport: transportStreamEnqueue: Tried to enqueue a NULL stream
  • Cause: A verification check to ensure the stream object is not NULL.
  • Resolution: Contact IBM® support.

Message: ws_transport: transportInitializeSecurity:security library not found. PluginInstallRoot is not defined.
  • Cause: Plug-in configuration is missing critical sections.
  • Resolution: Regenerate the plugin-cfg.xml file and ensure it contains a PluginInstallRoot setting.

Message: ws_transport: transportInitializeSecurity: Failed to determine security library Install Location
  • Cause: Memory allocation failed.
  • Resolution: Ensure sufficient memory. Restart the machine to free memory.

Message: ws_transport: transportInitializeSecurity: security library install path could not be determined.
  • Cause: The security library, gskit, is not installed in expected location.
  • Resolution: Report to IBM®, the directory where the security library, gskit, is installed, operating system, and architecture to determine error.

Message: ws_transport: transportInitializeSecurity: Unable to load security library
  • Cause: Either couldn't open the security library or at least one of the functions failed to get resolved.
  • Resolution: Check and resolve previous error messages.

Message: ws_transport: transportSetServerAddress: Failed to resolve address [%s] and port [%s], error %d
  • Cause: DNS lookup failed.
  • Resolution: Ensure address is resolvable. Review the operating system documentation for more information about the error.

Message: ws_transport: transportSetServerAddress: Failed to allocate space for working copy of getaddrinfo
  • Cause: Memory allocation error.
  • Resolution: Ensure sufficient memory exists. Restart the web server machine to free memory.

Message: ws_transport: transportStreamPush: Tried to push a NULL stream
  • Cause: Stream is invalid.
  • Resolution: Collect a security library trace (gskit) and plug-in trace and report to IBM®.

Message: ws_transport: Failed to read Plugin Installation Root directory
  • Cause: Reading file failed
  • Resolution: Ensure file is not corrupted or locked by another application. Verify permissions allow for read access.

Message: ws_uri: uriCreate: Failed to create uri
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: ws_uri_group: uriGroupCreate: Failed to create uri group
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: ws_vhost: vhostCreate: Failed to create vhost
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: ws_vhost: vhostSetHostname: invalid IPv6 format |%s|
  • Cause: IPV6 invalid format.
  • Resolution: Ensure IPv6 address is enclosed with brackets [ ].

Message: ws_vhost_group: vhostGroupCreate: Failed to create vhost group
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: ws_config: configGetVhostGroup: Failed to find vhost group for %s
  • Cause: A virtual host group with the name provided in the message is not defined. Could be a typographical error or the user just forgot to define the vhost group.
  • Resolution: Fix the typographical error or define a virtual host group with the specified name.

Message: ws_config: configGetUriGroup: Failed to find uri group for %s
  • Cause: A URI group with the specified name is not defined. Could be a typographical error or the user just forgot to define the URI group.
  • Resolution: Fix the typographical error or define a URI group with the specified name.

Message: ws_config: configGetServerGroup: Failed to find server group for %s
  • Cause: A server group with the specified name is not defined. Could be a typographical error or the user just forgot to define the server group.
  • Resolution: Fix the typographical error or define a server group with the specified name.

Message: ws_config: configSetMaximumHeaders: Maximum number of headers is %d
  • Cause: Invalid HTTPMaxHeaders value.
  • Resolution: The HTTPMaxHeaders property cannot exceed 4000. Correct the setting and regenerate the plugin-cfg.xml file.

Message: ws_config_parser: configParserParse: Failed to create the sxpParser object for %s
  • Cause: Memory allocation error or the file failed to be opened.
  • Resolution: Check the permission of the config file and ensure the webserver user has the authority to open the config file for reading.

Message: ws_config_parser: websphereUpdateConfig: Failed to parse the config file %s
  • Cause: Syntax error or bad parameters in the config file.
  • Resolution: Check previous messages to determine exactly what the problem is and fix that issue.

Message: ws_config_parser: resolveConfigRoutes: Failed to set the vhost group
  • Cause: The vhost group was not defined in the configuration file.
  • Resolution: Fix the typographical error or define the vhost in the configuration file.

Message: ws_config_parser: resolveConfigRoutes: Failed to set the uri group
  • Cause: The URI group was not defined in the configuration file.
  • Resolution: Fix the typographical error or define the URI group in the configuration file.

Message: ws_config_parser: resolveConfigRoutes: Failed to set the server group
  • Cause: The server group was not defined in the configuration file.
  • Resolution: Fix the typographical error or define the server group in the configuration file.

Message: ws_config_parser: normalizeServerGroupWeights: Alloc failure.
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Ensure enough memory. Restart the server and try again. Use tools to check for memory leak.

Message: ws_config_parser: handleEndElement: current config is NULL
  • Cause: Configuration file was not read.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again. Ensure configuration file is in correct location and valid file.

Message: ws_config_parser: handleConfigStart: ResponseSizeChunk invalid, using default value of 64k.
  • Cause: Configuration element invalid.
  • Resolution: Valid range is 0 - 200,000.

Message: ws_config_parser: handleServerStart: %s must be a positive integer: %d
  • Cause: Value invalid.
  • Resolution: Ensure value is 0 - 65535.

Message: ws_config_parser: handlePropertyStart: Unknown attribute: %s
  • Cause: Attribute not valid.
  • Resolution: Ensure value is valid for the release being used.

Message: ws_config_parser: convertNameListToServerList: Failed to create the return list
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Ensure enough memory. Restart the server and try again. Use tools to check for memory leak.

Message: ws_config_parser: converNameListToServerList: Failed to find server %s
  • Cause: DNS error.
  • Resolution: Ensure server name is valid and resolvable.

Message: ws_config_parser: handleLogEnd: Failed to open log file: '%s', OS Err: %d
  • Cause: The log file that the plug-in uses to report errors cannot be opened.  An invalid path was entered or the webserver user does not have the required open and write permissions for the directory and file.
  • Resolution: Check the setting in the plug-in config file to verify the path is valid. If you have a valid path, ensure the webserver user has the create, open, and write permission for the log file. Review operating system documentation for return code information.

Message: ws_config_parser: handleServerGroupEnd: Attempting to add a server group with no servers
  • Cause: No servers found.
  • Resolution: Ensure the configuration is correct.

Message: The web server must be stopped and restarted in order to change the logfile setting.
  • Cause: The Logfile property cannot be updated dynamically.
  • Resolution: Stop and restart the web server for the plug-in log file location to be changed.

Message: lib_security: updateOSLibpath: Setting the LIBPATH for GSK failed.
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: lib_security: updateOSLibpath: Setting the LIBPATH for GSK failed, could not append /usr/opt/ibm/gskkm/lib.
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: lib_security: updateOSLibpath: Setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for GSK failed.
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: lib_security: updateOSLibpath: Setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for GSK failed, could not append /usr/lib.
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: lib_security: updateOSLibpath: Setting the LD_LIBRARY for GSK failed.
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: lib_security: updateOSLibpath: Setting the LD_LIBRARY for GSK failed, could not append /usr/lib.
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: lib_security: updateOSLibpath: Storage allocation for OSPath failed.
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: lib_security: updateOSLibpath: Setting the SHLIB_PATH for GSK failed.
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: lib_security: updateOSLibpath: Setting the SHLIB_PATH for GSK failed, could not append /usr/lib.
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: Failed to load gsk library from %s
  • Cause: The security library is not installed or is installed incorrectly. (call to dlopen() or LoadLibrary() failed)
  • Resolution: Check that the security library, gskit, is installed correctly.  Verify that a 64-bit security library is used with a 64-bit web server. If the installer installed a 32-bit security library with a 64-bit plug-in, or vice-versa, the security library fails to load. You can also receive a registry error on Windows™ systems. The expected location of the security library is provided in the %s value of the message.

Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_environment_open function undefined
  • Cause: The function name couldn't be found in the library. Incorrect version of the security library is installed.
  • Resolution: Verify installation of the correct version of the security library.

Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_environment_close function undefined
  • Cause: The function name was not resolved. Incorrect version of the security library installed.
  • Resolution: Verify installation of the correct version of the security library.

Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_environment_init function undefined
  • Cause: The function name was not resolved. Incorrect version of the security library installed.
  • Resolution: Verify installation of the correct version of the security library.

Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_secure_soc_open function undefined
  • Cause: The function name was not resolved. Incorrect version of the security library installed.
  • Resolution: Verify installation of the correct version of the security library.

Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_secure_soc_init function undefined
  • Cause: The function name was not resolved. Incorrect version of the security library installed.
  • Resolution: Verify installation of the correct version of the security library.

Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_secure_soc_close function undefined
  • Cause: The function name was not resolved. Incorrect version of the security library installed.
  • Resolution: Verify installation of the correct version of the security library.

Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_secure_soc_read function undefined
  • Cause: The function name was not resolved. Incorrect version of the security library installed.
  • Resolution: Verify installation of the correct version of the security library.

Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_secure_soc_write function undefined
  • Cause: The function name was not resolved. Incorrect version of the security library installed.
  • Resolution: Verify installation of the correct version of the security library.

Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_attribute_set_numeric_value function undefined
  • Cause: The function name was not resolved. Incorrect version of the security library installed.
  • Resolution: Verify installation of the correct version of the security library.

Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_attribute_get_numeric_value function undefined
  • Cause: The function name was not resolved. Incorrect version of the security library installed.
  • Resolution: Verify installation of the correct version of the security library.

Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_attribute_set_buffer function undefined
  • Cause: The function name was not resolved. Incorrect version of the security library installed.
  • Resolution: Verify installation of the correct version of the security library.

Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_attribute_get_buffer function undefined
  • Cause: The function name was not resolved. Incorrect version of the security library installed.
  • Resolution: Verify installation of the correct version of the security library.

Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_attribute_get_cert_info function undefined
  • Cause: The security library did not provide a required API.
  • Resolution: Upgrade the security library or if at recent level, report the error to the secure library provider.

Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_free_cert_data function undefined
  • Cause: The security library does not provide a required API.
  • Resolution: Upgrade the security library or if at recent level, report the error to the secure library provider.

Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_strerror function undefined
  • Cause: The function name was not resolved. Incorrect version of the security library installed.
  • Resolution: Verify installation of the correct version of the security library.

Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: gsk_attribute_set_callback function undefined
  • Cause: The function name was not resolved. Incorrect version of the security library is installed.
  • Resolution: Verify installation of the correct version of the security library.

Message: lib_security: loadSecurityLibrary: security library install path could not be determined.
  • Cause: The security library, gskit, is not installed in expected location.
  • Resolution: Report to IBM® the directory the security library (gskit) installed, operating system, and architecture to determine error.

Message: lib_security: initializeSecurity: Failed to set gsk environment
  • Cause: Failed to set the key ring or the stash file.
  • Resolution: Verify the transport settings in plug-in configuration.

Message: lib_security: initializeSecurity: Failed to initialize GSK environment. Secure transports are not possible.
  • Cause: The environment could not be initialized successfully. Bad keyfile, stashfile, or password given to the transport.
  • Resolution: Check previous messages and the parameters specified in the transport properties in the plug-in configuration.

Message: lib_security: transportInitializeSecurity:security library not found. PluginInstallRoot is not defined.
  • Cause: The plug-in configuration is missing critical sections.
  • Resolution: Regenerate the plugin-cfg.xml file and ensure it contains a PluginInstallRoot setting.

Message: lib_security: getLocalGskitPath: Failed to read Plugin Installation Root directory
  • Cause: Reading file failed.
  • Resolution: Ensure file is not corrupted or locked by another application. Verify permissions allow for read access.

Message: lib_security: getLocalGskitPath: Failed to determine security library Install Location
  • Cause: Memory allocation failed.
  • Resolution: Ensure sufficient memory. Restart the web server machine to free memory.

Message: lib_security: getLocalGskitPath:security library not found
  • Cause: Memory allocation failed.
  • Resolution: Ensure sufficient memory. Restart the web server machine to free memory.

Message: lib_security: logSSLError: str_security (gsk error %d): %s
  • Cause: Generic error message allowing us to see what the return code from the GSK was.
  • Resolution: Examine the recommended actions from the security library documentation based on the error code provided.

Message: lib_security: updateOSLibpath: Storage allocation failed
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Examine the operating system logs for memory errors. Add memory. Run memory monitoring tools to look for memory leaks.

Message: SetDllDirectory failed rc=%d
  • Cause: Failure setting DllDirectory environment variable.
  • Resolution: Review the operating system-specific error code for recommended actions.

Message: setenv failed rc=%d
  • Cause: Failure setting OS environment variable.
  • Resolution: Review the operating system-specific error code for recommended actions.

Message: SetEnvironmentVariable failed rc=%d
  • Cause: Failure setting operating system-specific environment variable.
  • Resolution: Review the operating system-specific error code for recommended actions.

Message: GetEnvironmentVariable failed rc=%d
  • Cause: Failure getting operating system-specific environment variable.
  • Resolution: Review the operating system-specific error code for recommended actions.

Message: lib_security: logSSLError: str_security (gsk error %d): %s
  • Cause: A call to the security library, gskit, failed.
  • Resolution: Review the gskit documentation for error code. Collect a gskit trace.

Message: LIb_SECURITY: setGskEnvironment can't determine the GsKit version=%d%s
  • Cause: The security library is failing to provide the version attribute.
  • Resolution: Ensure level of web server is supported. Report problem to IBM®.

Message: lib_security: TLS12 set attributes failed %d
  • Cause: The security library does not provide required APIs for strict_security.
  • Resolution: Review security library documentation for error code. Upgrade security library or disable plug-in strict_security setting.

Message: lib_security: validateKDB: Cert Label '%s' specified within secure transport was not found within defined keystore. rc=%d
  • Cause: Invalid configuration.
  • Resolution: Correct the transport settings or the keystore.

Message: lib_security: validateKDB: Cert Label '%s' search resulted with the following return code: %d
  • Cause: The certificate label could not be obtained.
  • Resolution: Review the security library documentation for the specific error. Ensure that the transport certificate is correctly defined and verify the keystore and certificate provided.

Message: lib_security_config: htsecurityConfigDestroy: Failed in r_gsk_environment_close : %s(gsk rc = %d)
  • Cause: A security library call failed.
  • Resolution: Review the gskit documentation for error code. Collect a gskit trace.

Message: lib_security_config: htsecurityConfigCreate: Failed to create security config object
  • Cause: A security library call failed.
  • Resolution: Review the gskit documentation for error code. Collect a gskit trace.

Message: lib_security_config: lib_checkDirExists: %s path was not found
  • Cause: Invalid plug-in configuration.
  • Resolution: Ensure the PluginInstallRoot property is set correctly and that the path provided (%s) exists and has execute and read permission set for the user.

Message: Subject [%s] failed certificate validation
  • Cause: The plug-in could not obtain the certificate from the security library.
  • Resolution: This issue occurs after a previous security error and is a failure trying to obtain more detailed information to provide to the user. This error can be ignored and previous error needs to be corrected.

Message: X509 Certificate validation log: [%s]
  • Cause: Information is logged as related information of the previous security error.
  • Resolution: The issue occurs after a previous security error and provides related information about the current security configuration.

Message: lib_sxp: sxpCreate: Can't open '%s', OS Err: %d
  • Cause: The plugin-cfg.xml file could not be opened.
  • Resolution: Review the operating system documentation about error code for suggested actions. Check for read permission on the plugin-cfg file and verify the name and location of the file.

Message: lib_sxp: sxpParse: File Lexer returned NULL. line %d of %s
  • Cause: The file lexer reached the end of the file unexpectedly.
  • Resolution: Check the syntax of the config file to make sure it is proper.

Message: lib_sxp: sxpParse: Expected '<' token; got '%s'. line %d of %s
  • Cause: The state machine of the plug-in parser came across unexpected input in the plug-in configuration file.
  • Resolution: Remove the unexpected text.

Message: lib_sxp: sxpParse: Expected first dash of comment start; got '%s'. line %d of %s
  • Cause: The state machine of the plug-in parser was expecting the other part of a comment but found something else.
  • Resolution: Fix the syntax of the comment.

Message: lib_sxp: sxpParse: Expected second dash of comment start; got '%s'. line %d of %s
  • Cause: The state machine of the plug-in parser was expecting the other part of a comment but found something else.
  • Resolution: Fix the syntax of the comment.

Message: lib_sxp: sxpParse: Expected comment end; got '%s'. line %d of %s
  • Cause: The state machine of the plug-in parser was expecting the other part of a comment but found something else.
  • Resolution: Fix the syntax of the comment.

Message: lib_sxp: sxpParse: Start element returned FALSE for %s. line %d of %s
  • Cause: The call for starting the element failed and returned false.
  • Resolution: Check previous error messages to help narrow down what exactly might be the problem.

Message: lib_sxp: sxpParse: Expected '=' token; got '%s'. line %d of %s
  • Cause: The state machine of the plug-in parser came across unexpected text.
  • Resolution: Fix the syntax of the plug-in config file.

Message: lib_sxp: sxpParse: End element returned FALSE for %s. line %d of %s
  • Cause: The call for ending the element failed and returned false.
  • Resolution: Check the previous error messages to help narrow down what exactly might be the problem.

Message: lib_sxp: sxpParse: Expected '>' token or %s; got '%s'. line %d of %s
  • Cause: The state machine of the plug-in parser came across unexpected text.
  • Resolution: Fix the syntax of the plug-in config file.

Message: lib_sxp: sxpParse: Expected '>' token; got '%s'. line %d of %s
  • Cause: The state machine of the plug-in parser came across unexpected text.
  • Resolution: Fix the syntax of the plug-in config file.

Message: Parsing error detected. Web server will be started.
  • Cause: The plugin-cfg.xml file has an invalid format or fatal DNS error occurred.
  • Resolution: If KillWebServerStartUpOnParseErr is set to true, the web server does not start. The plugin-cfg.xml file can be viewed under an XML editor with the plugin-config.xsd xml schema to identify the invalid format.

Message: mod_was_ap%d_http: as_create_config: memory allocation failed
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure. The module is ap20, ap22, or ap24 depending on the web server apache level.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: mod_was_ap%d_http: as_config: WebSphere plugin directives must be global.
  • Cause: Invalid httpd.conf configuration. The module is ap20, ap22, or ap24 depending on the web server apache level.
  • Resolution: Verify that the plug-in configuration in the httpd.conf file is defined as global.

Message: mod_was_ap%d_http: as_init: unable to get module config
  • Cause: The apache module config was not found. The module is ap20, ap22, or ap24 depending on the web server apache level.
  • Resolution: Contact IBM® support.

Message: mod_was_ap%d_http: as_post_config: unable to get module config
  • Cause: The apache module config was not found. The module is ap20, ap22, or ap24 depending on the web server apache level.
  • Resolution: Contact IBM® support.

Message: mod_was_ap%d_http: as_post_config: unable to initialize websphere.
  • Cause: The apache module config was not found. The module is ap20, ap22, or ap24 depending on the web server apache level.
  • Resolution: Contact IBM® support.

Message: mod_was_ap%d_http: as_init: unable to initialize WebSphere
  • Cause: WebSphere initialization failed. The module is ap20, ap22, or ap24 depending on the web server apache level.
  • Resolution: Check previous error messages to help narrow down the problem.

Message: mod_was_ap%d_http: as_handler: failed to create pool
  • Cause: Memory error. The module is ap20, ap22, or ap24 depending on the web server apache level.
  • Resolution: Check system logs for related memory errors. Restart the web server machine to free memory.

Message: mod_was_ap%d_http: as_post_config: unable to initialize WebSphere
  • Cause: WebSphere initialization failed. The module is ap20, ap22, or ap24 depending on the web server apache level.
  • Resolution: Check previous error messages to help narrow down the problem.

Message: mod_was_ap%d_http: as_post_config: no WebSpherePluginConfig directive found in htttp.conf
  • Cause: The plug-in not configured correctly. The module is ap20, ap22, or ap24 depending on the web server apache level.
  • Resolution: Reconfigure the plug-in according to installation instructions.

Message: mod_was_ap%d_http: cb_get_extended_info: Buffer overflow. (%s)
  • Cause: Memory error. The module is ap20, ap22, or ap24 depending on the web server apache level.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine. Restart the server. Check OS for other errors or memory leak.

Message: mod_was_ap%d_http: WebSphere Plugin: pipedOpenLog called without pipe symbol.
  • Cause: Program error. The module is ap20, ap22, or ap24 depending on the web server apache level.
  • Resolution: Change the plug-in log file so that it begins with a pipe symbol (" | ") or if one exists, remove it for temporary relief. Report the problem to IBM®.

Message: mod_was_ap%d_http: Error writing (%d/%d) to piped log : %s
  • Cause: Data could not be written to the plug-in log. The module is ap20, ap22, or ap24 depending on the web server apache level. This message is seen in the web server error_log.
  • Resolution: Review the web server log for related messages. Change the plug-in log to not use piped logging. Examine the documentation for valid piped logging invocation. This message indicates the message length, the number of bytes written and the text message that is being written.

Message: mod_was_ap%d_http: cb_write_headers: Failed to allocate the buffer for the status line.
  • Cause: Memory error. The module is ap20, ap22, or ap24 depending on the web server apache level.
  • Resolution: Insufficient memory existed to respond to the status request. Examine system logs for related memory errors or modify the status request to provide smaller responses.

Message: mod_was_ap%d_http: cb_get_extended_info: NULL pool.
  • Cause: Memory error. The module is ap20, ap22, or ap24 depending on the web server apache level.
  • Resolution: Memory pool not provided to the plug-in. Check the web server and system logs for related memory errors.

Message: mod_was_ap%d_http: cb_get_headers: Skipping header name '%s'; This is a restricted WebSphere header
  • Cause: The request arrived with a plug-in special header in the request. The module is ap20, ap22, or ap24 depending on the web server apache level.
  • Resolution: Could be a sign of a hacker trying to attach the system. If the user doesn't want the headers to be removed, they can set the RemoveSpecialHeaders attribute for the ServerGroup(s) they don't want the removed from to false.

Message: odrlib daemon: initializeODR: Failed to configure ODR environment.
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Verify the odr connector settings in the plugin-cfg.xml file. Enable Intelligent Management tracing on the webserver and regenerate the plugin-cfg.xml file.

Message: as_handler: Trace not explicitly enabled in server configuration.
  • Cause: A trace request was received but the plug-in is not configured to allow trace requests.
  • Resolution: This message is logged in the web server error_log. If trace requests are acceptable, modify the web server configuration. If trace requests are not acceptable, review the request information to determine whether the requests were malicious.

Message: iis_plugin: GetFilterVersion: Failed to get the config file
  • Cause: The path to the plug-in config file could not be found in the registry.
  • Resolution: Fix the registry so that the path to the config file is specified.

Message: iis_plugin: GetFilterVersion: Failed to initialize WebSphere
  • Cause: WebSphere initialization failed.
  • Resolution: Check previous error messages to help narrow down the problem.

Message: iis_plugin: getServerVariable: Failed to extract server variable: %s (%d)
  • Cause: Failure to extract a variable needed by the plug-in from ISAPI interface.
  • Resolution: The error occurs when there is a large variable; the plug-in allocates more memory and tries again. There is no problem unless some other issues are reported. Current service levels report the message at a warning level instead of an error level. The request field is provided in (%s) field and the error code in (%d) field.

Message: iis_plugin: cb_get_headers: Skipping header name '%s'; This is a restricted WebSphere header
  • Cause: The request arrived with a plug-in special header in the request.
  • Resolution: Could be a sign of a hacker trying to attach the system. If the user doesn't want the headers to be removed, they can set the RemoveSpecialHeaders attribute for the ServerGroup(s) they don't want the removed from to false.

Message: iis_plugin: cb_get_headers: Unknown state parsing headers: |%s|
  • Cause: The state machine used to parse the headers entered an unknown state.
  • Resolution: Contact IBM® support.

Message: iis_plugin: cb_get_headers: Failed to parse and set headers: |%s|
  • Cause: The parsing of the request headers failed for some reason.
  • Resolution: Incorrect headers sent in the request.

Message: iis_plugin: filterGetServerPort: Bad parameter (%p, %p).
  • Cause: Call to IIS failed.
  • Resolution: Ensure IIS is compatible level, report error to IBM®.

Message: iis_plugin: filterGetServerPort: Couldn't get SERVER_PORT: %d.
  • Cause: Call to IIS failed.
  • Resolution: Ensure IIS is compatible level, report error to IBM®.

Message: iis_plugin: filterGetServerPort: non-numeric port? '%s'
  • Cause: Call to IIS failed.
  • Resolution: Ensure IIS is compatible level, report error to IBM®.

Message: iis_plugin: get_host_and_port: Couldn't fit port in buffer.
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine. Restart the web server machine. Check the operating system for related errors or memory leak.

Message: iis_plugin: logOpen: Piped logger not supported
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Piped logging is not supported by the plug-in on this web server. Correct the plugin-cfg.xml log file to not indicate piped logging (remove the ' | ' symbol from the filename).

Message: iis_plugin: logClose: Piped logger not supported
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Piped logging is not supported by the plug-in on this web server. Correct the plugin-cfg.xml log file to not indicate piped logging (remove the ' | ' symbol from the filename).

Message: ns61_plugin: malloc failed %d
  • Cause: Memory allocation failed.
  • Resolution: Determine the corrective action based on the OS return code provided.

Message: ns61_plugin: as_init: no config file specified
  • Cause: The file not found.
  • Resolution: Ensure proper configuration.

Message: ns61_plugin: as_init: unable to initialize WebSphere
  • Cause: Initialization failed.
  • Resolution: Examine the plug-in log for other errors.

Message: ns61_plugin: cb_get_headers: Skipping header name '%s'; This is a restricted WebSphere header
  • Cause: Internal message.
  • Resolution: This error can be ignored.

Message: ns61_plugin: cb_get_extended_info: Buffer overflow. (%s)
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory in machine. Restart the web server machine. Check operation system for other errors or memory leak.

Message: ns61_plugin: logOpen: Piped logger not supported
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Piped logging is not supported by the plug-in on this web server. Correct the plugin-cfg.xml log file to not indicate piped logging (remove the ' | ' symbol from the filename).

Message: ns61_plugin: logClose: Piped logger not supported
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Piped logging is not supported by the plug-in on this web server. Correct the plugin-cfg.xml log file to not indicate piped logging (remove the ' | ' symbol from the filename).

Message: ns_plugin: cb_get_headers: No headers from the client
  • Cause: The client didn't send any headers with the request.
  • Resolution: Figure out why the client isn't sending any headers.

Message: ns_plugin: cb_get_headers: Skipping header name '%s'; This is a restricted WebSphere header
  • Cause: The request arrived with a plug-in special header in the request.
  • Resolution: Could be a sign of a hacker trying to attach the system. If the user doesn't want the headers to be removed, they can set the RemoveSpecialHeaders attribute for the ServerGroup(s) they don't want the removed from to false.

Message: ns_plugin: cb_get_headers: Unknown state parsing headers: |%s|
  • Cause: The state machine used to parse the headers entered an unknown state.
  • Resolution: Contact IBM® support.
Message: ns_plugin: cb_get_headers: Failed to parse and set headers: |%s|
  • Cause: The parsing of the request headers failed for some reason.
  • Resolution: Incorrect headers sent in the request.

Message: ns_plugin: as_init: unable to initialize WebSphere
  • Cause: WebSphere Initialization failed.
  • Resolution: Check previous error messages to help narrow down the problem.

Message: domino5_plugin: FilterInit: Failed to get the config file
  • Cause: The path to the plug-in config file does not exist in the registry.
  • Resolution: Fix the registry so that the path to the configuration file is specified.

Message: domino5_plugin: FilterInit: Failed to initialize WebSphere
  • Cause: WebSphere initialization failed.
  • Resolution: Check previous error messages to help narrow down the problem.

Message: domino5_plugin: WebSpherePluginCfg variable not defined in notes.ini
  • Cause: The WebSpherePluginCfg variable not defined
  • Resolution: Verify configuration

Message: domino5_plugin: Failed to initialize WebSphere
  • Cause: Initialization failed.
  • Resolution: Review log for other errors.

Message: domino5_plugin: WebSphere HTTP DSAPI filter initialization failed. Return code = %x
  • Cause: Initialization failed.
  • Resolution: Review the log for other errors, contact IBM®.

Message: domino5_plugin: domino_parse_headers: Can't parse headers with length 0
  • Cause: The plug-in failed to extract the header from DSAPI interface.
  • Resolution: The client didn't send any request headers for the plug-in to parse.

Message: domino5_plugin: domino_parse_headers: Skipping header name '%s'; This is a restricted WebSphere header
  • Cause: The request arrived with a plug-in special header in the request.
  • Resolution: Could be a sign of a hacker trying to attach the system. If the user doesn't want the headers to be removed, they can set the RemoveSpecialHeaders attribute for the ServerGroup(s) they don't want the removed from to false.

Message: domino5_plugin: domino_parse_headers: Unknown state parsing headers: |%s|
  • Cause: The state machine used to parse the headers entered an unknown state.
  • Resolution: Contact IBM® support.

Message: domino5_plugin: cb_get_headers: Failed to parse and set headers: |%s|
  • Cause: The parsing of the request headers failed for some reason.
  • Resolution: Unlikely to see this message unless bad headers are being sent in the request.

Message: domino5_plugin: logOpen: Piped logger not supported
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Piped logging is not supported by the plug-in on this web server. Correct the plugin-cfg.xml log file to not indicate piped logging (remove the ' | ' symbol from the filename).

Message: domino5_plugin: logClose: Piped logger not supported
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Piped logging is not supported by the plug-in on this web server. Correct the plugin-cfg.xml log file to not indicate piped logging (remove the ' | ' symbol from the filename).

Message: lib_odr: initializeODR: Failed to initialize ODR environment
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Verify the ODR connector settings in the plugin-cfg.xml file. Enable Intelligent Management tracing on the webserver and regenerate the plugin-cfg.xml file.

Message: lib_odr: odrChildInit: Failed to create ODR environment
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Verify the odr connector settings in the plugin-cfg.xml file. Enable Intelligent Management tracing on the webserver and regenerate the plugin-cfg.xml file.

Message: lib_odr: odrChildInit: Failed to configure ODR environment
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Verify the odr connector settings in the plugin-cfg.xml file. Enable Intelligent Management tracing on the webserver and regenerate the plugin-cfg.xml file.

Message: lib_odr: odrChildInit: Failed to start ODR environment
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Verify the odr connector settings in the plugin-cfg.xml file. Enable Intelligent Management tracing on the webserver and regenerate the plugin-cfg.xml file.

Message: lib_odr: odrDefaultInit: Failed to create ODR environment
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Verify the odr connector settings in the plugin-cfg.xml file. Enable Intelligent Management tracing on the webserver and regenerate the plugin-cfg.xml file.

Message: lib_odr: odrDefaultInit: Failed to configure ODR environment
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Verify the odr connector settings in the plugin-cfg.xml file. Enable Intelligent Management tracing on the webserver and regenerate the plugin-cfg.xml file.

Message: lib_odr: odrDefaultInit: Failed to start ODR environment
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Verify the odr connector settings in the plugin-cfg.xml file. Enable Intelligent Management tracing on the webserver and regenerate the plugin-cfg.xml file.

Message: lib_odr: logODRError: str_security (gsk error %d): %s
  • Cause: Network or application server error.
  • Resolution: A connection error occurred over a secure connection. Error-specific information is provided in "(gsk error %d): %s" string. Enable the gskit tracing on the web server and enable security tracing on the application server for related information.

Message: lib_odr: setupSSLProps: Invalid keyring or stashfile found in plugin-cfg for https connector
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Verify the location of the key ring and stash file provided in plugin-cfg.xml file. Ensure read permissions are available for the plug-in user ID.

Message: ws_odrlib: odrInit: Failed to configure ODR environment
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Verify the odr connector settings in the plugin-cfg.xml file. Enable Intelligent Management tracing on the webserver and regenerate the plugin-cfg.xml file.

Message: ws_odrlib: odrInit: initializeODR: Failed to open odr-trace.xml
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Verify the odr-trace.xml file exists in the plug-in etc directory and was not modified since installation. Ensure that the trace value configured for Intelligent Management tracing on the webserver and within the plugin-cfg.xml file are valid.

Message: ws_odrlib: odrInit: initializeODR: Failed to odrCreate
  • Cause: Configuration or program error.
  • Resolution: Verify the odr connector settings in the plugin-cfg.xml file. Enable Intelligent Management tracing on the webserver and regenerate the plugin-cfg.xml file. Report the error to IBM®.

Message: Error setting kdb credentials database for connector %s:%d
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Verify the odr connector settings in the plugin-cfg.xml file. Ensure read permission on files specified for ODR security.

Message: EnvTargetEndpoint: Error setting server address for %s
  • Cause: Network or configuration errors.
  • Resolution: Verify the odr connector settings in the plugin-cfg.xml file. Verify DNS hostname resolution. Host name and address can be added to local /etc/hosts file to avoid DNS problems.
Message: ws_ReallySendRequest: URI was NULL
  • Cause: Problem error.
  • Resolution: Report the problem to IBM®. Enable full plug-in and Intelligent Management request tracing and capture the problem in the trace.

Message: Error setting server address for %s
  • Cause: Network or configuration errors.
  • Resolution: Verify the odr connector settings in the plugin-cfg.xml file. Verify DNS hostname resolution. Host name and address can be added to local /etc/hosts file to avoid DNS problems.

Message: Failed to initialize security
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Verify the odr connector https settings in the plugin-cfg.xml file.

Message: ws_ConnectorSendRequest: Couldn't get a stream for %s:%d
  • Cause: Network or application server error.
  • Resolution: A connection to the application server %s:%d could not be made. Examine application server logs for failure messages.

Message: Couldn't fit ODR response in memory, last alloc is %d
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Insufficient memory to process the request. Reduce memory usage or provide more memory.

Message: Couldn't create ODR Connector thread
  • Cause: Resource error.
  • Resolution: Insufficient memory to process the request. Reduce memory usage or provide more memory. Increase file descriptors per process.

Message: ws_odr_connector: createOdrConnector: Failed to create WSOdrConnector
  • Cause: Configuration or program error.
  • Resolution: Verify the odr connector settings in the plugin-cfg.xml. Report the problem to IBM®.

Message: ws_odr_connector: odrConnectorCreate: Failed to create property list
  • Cause: Program error.
  • Resolution: Report the problem to IBM®.

Message: ws_odr_connector_cluster: odrConnectorGroupCreate: Failed to create odr connector cluster
  • Cause: Configuration or program error.
  • Resolution: Verify the odr connector settings in the plugin-cfg.xml file. Report the problem to IBM®.

Message: ws_trace_specification: wsTraceSpecificationCreate: Failed to create WSTraceSpecification
  • Cause: Configuration or program error.
  • Resolution: Verify the trace settings in plugin-cfg.xml file and on Intelligent Management settings for the web server. Report problem to IBM®.

Message: ws_intelligent_management: wsIntelligentManagementCreate: Failed to create IM.
  • Cause: Configuration or program error.
  • Resolution: Verify the odr connector settings in the plugin-cfg.xml file. Report the problem to IBM®.

Message: ws_server: serverAddTransport: Failed to initialize server address
  • Cause: The creation of the server address failed. The DNS server is down or the IP address could not be found on the network.
  • Resolution: Try putting the IP address of the machine in the transport definition. Attempt to ping the value defined. If you can't, then figure out what the problem is.

Message: ws_server: serverAddTransport: Failed to initialize security. Secure transport are not possible.
  • Cause: The security library initialization failed. Verify the security library is installed on the machine or if the installation of the security library is corrupted. The security library initialization parameters are incorrect.
  • Resolution: Ensure that the correct security library version is installed. Check other error messages previous to this one to help determine what exactly went wrong.

Message: ws_server: serverAddTransport: HTTPS Transport is skipped. IMPORTANT: If a HTTP transport is defined, it is used for communication to the application server.
  • Cause: The security library initialization failed and UseInsecure property is set to true.
  • Resolution: Correct reported errors or temporarily remove secure transports.  If secure transports are not used, remove the transports from the configuration.

Message: ws_server: serverSetFailoverStatus: Marking %s down
  • Cause: The plug-in determined that the specified server is down. The plug-in retries the server in 60 seconds or whatever the specified RetryInterval property is for the server group.
  • Resolution: Check the app server to verify it is available. Verify the application server is responding to requests.

Message: ws_server: serverSetFailoverStatusJustMarkDown: Marking %s down
  • Cause: The plug-in determined that the specified server is down. The plug-in retries the server in 60 seconds or whatever the specified RetryInterval is for the server group. No connection counts are updated.
  • Resolution: Check the app server to ensure it is online and responding to requests.

Message: Plugin will continue to startup, however, SSL transport %s:%d did not initilize. Secure communication between app server and plugin will NOT occur. To run with SSL, additional products may need to be installed: 1) OS/400 Digital Certificate Manager (5722-SS1 or 5769-SS1, option 34) 2) Cryptographic Access Provider 5769-AC1 (40-bit), 5722-AC2 or 5769-AC2 (56-bit), 5722-AC3 or 5769-AC3 (128-bit)
  • Cause: Security configuration failed on IBM i.
  • Resolution: Verify required software installed. Report issue to IBM or remove secure transports.

Message: ws_server_group: serverGroupFindClone: Null clone ID for %s
  • Cause: The server group appears to be using session affinity but the clone id to be used for the specified server can't be found.
  • Resolution: Regenerate the plug-in config so that the clone id can be defined by the app server.

Message: ws_server_group: serverGroupNextRandomServer: Failed to find a server in group %s; all could be down or have reached the maximum connections limit
  • Cause: No servers available
  • Resolution: Examine configuration and ensure servers are correctly defined. If servers are down, correct issue causing the server outage.

Message: ws_server_group: serverGroupNextRandomServer:unable to allocate space for serverList
  • Cause: Insufficient memory available.
  • Resolution: Restart web server or machine. Increase available memory.

Message: ws_server_group: serverGroupNextRandomServer: Failed to find a server; all could be down or have reach the maximum connections limit
  • Cause: No servers available
  • Resolution: Examine configuration and ensure servers are correctly defined. If servers are down, correct issue causing the server outage.

Message: ws_server_group: serverGroupGetServerByID: Null clone ID for %s
  • Cause: Clone ID is empty.
  • Resolution: Review configuration for errors.

Message: NewserverGroupNextRoundRobin : Null request
  • Cause: Program error.
  • Resolution: Report problem to IBM®.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestCreate: Failed to create request object
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestDup: Failed to duplicate request object
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestSetCookie: no '=' in cookie: |%s|
  • Cause: Malformed request.
  • Resolution: Check send for error,

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestSetCookie: too many headers
  • Cause: Maximum number of headers reached.
  • Resolution: Increase maximum headers in configuration or limit senders on headers.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestGetCookieValue: failed to create list for %s cookie
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestGetCookieValue: failed to create list for %s sessions
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteRequestLine: Failed to obtain storage to translate the method
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteRequestLine: Failed writing the method
  • Cause: Write to socket failed.
  • Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see whether network errors are occurring.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteRequestLine: Failed writing the space after method
  • Cause: Write to socket failed.
  • Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see whether network errors are occurring.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteRequestLine: Failed to obtain storage to translate the URL
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteRequestLine: Failed writing the URL
  • Cause: Write to socket failed.
  • Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see whether network errors are occurring.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteRequestLine: Failed writing the question mark
  • Cause: Write to socket failed.
  • Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see whether network errors are occurring.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteRequestLine: Failed to obtain storage to translate the queryString
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteRequestLine: Failed writing the query string
  • Cause: Write to socket failed.
  • Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see whether network errors are occurring.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteRequestLine: Failed writing the space after URL
  • Cause: Write to socket failed.
  • Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see whether network errors are occurring.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteRequestLine: Failed to obtain storage to translate the protocol
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteRequestLine: Failed writing the protocol
  • Cause: Write to socket failed.
  • Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see whether network errors are occurring.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteRequestLine: Failed writing the new line
  • Cause: Write to socket failed.
  • Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see whether network errors are occurring.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteHeaders: Failed to obtain storage to translate the headerName
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteHeaders: Failed writing the headerName
  • Cause: Write to socket failed.
  • Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see whether network errors are occurring.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteHeaders: Failed writing the colon
  • Cause: Write to socket failed.
  • Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see whether network errors are occurring.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteHeaders: Failed to obtain storage to translate the headerValue
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteHeaders: Failed writing the headerValue
  • Cause: Write to socket failed.
  • Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see whether network errors are occurring.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteHeaders: Failed writing the new line
  • Cause: Write to socket failed.
  • Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see whether network errors are occurring.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteHeaders: Failed writing the expect for post requests
  • Cause: Write to socket failed.
  • Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see whether network errors are occurring.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWriteHeaders: Failed writing the blank line
  • Cause: Write to socket failed.
  • Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see whether network errors are occurring.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: Allocation failed for %u bytes of Post content
  • Cause: Insufficient memory existed to buffer the post content.
  • Resolution: Modify the plug-in PostBufferSize or PostSizeLimit; Increase available memory on the machine.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: Failed to read the first line of the continue response
  • Cause: The "100 Continue" response from the application server was not received.
  • Resolution: Investigate the application side for cause of the error.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: Failed to read correct number of args for continue response
  • Cause: The "100 Continue" header received from WebSphere had an incorrect format.
  • Resolution: Check application side for error in the 100 Continue content.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: Read %d; not sending the post content
  • Cause: The plug-in expected to read more bytes than it did based on the content length in the request headers.
  • Resolution: Determine why the client is calculating the content length incorrectly.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: Failed to allocate memory
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: Failed writing the request line
  • Cause: Write to socket failed.
  • Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see whether network errors are occurring.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: Failed writing the request headers
  • Cause: Write to socket failed.
  • Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see whether network errors are occurring.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: Failed to write the buffered content and request will be retried
  • Cause: Write to socket failed, server might be offline.
  • Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see whether network errors are occurring.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: Write failed and request will be retried
  • Cause: Write to socket failed, server might be offline.
  • Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see whether network errors are occurring.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: Write failed and request is not retried read=%d, wrote=%d
  • Cause: Write to socket failed, server might be offline.
  • Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see whether network errors are occurring. The number of bytes received and sent are provided in the message.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: just_read is %d; reading of chunked content failed rc=%d
  • Cause: Read socket failed.
  • Resolution: The first variable indicates the number of bytes read and the value indicated in rc= is an operating system-specific return value; review operating system-specific documentation to determine cause of the failure.

Message: lib_htrequest: htrequestWrite: just_read failed and request is not retried
  • Cause: Read socket failed.
  • Resolution: Examine log for other errors. Collect network trace to see whether network errors are occurring. Check server side for failures.

Message: ws_tusted_proxy_group: tproxyGroupCreate: Failed to create trusted proxy group
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ws_trusted_proxy: tproxyGroupCreate: Failed to create trusted proxy server
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ws_trusted_proxy: tproxySetHostname: Failed to resolve address [%s], error %d
  • Cause: DNS problem. Review the error code for specific information.
  • Resolution: Verify correct TrustedProxyList information in plugin-cfg.xml; consider adding the host to the local hosts file to avoid DNS resolution; examine DNS-specific return code.

Message: ws_trusted_proxy: tproxySetHostname: Failed to resolve hostname [%s] to IP, error=%d
  • Cause: DNS problem. Review the error code for specific information.
  • Resolution: Verify correct TrustedProxyList information in plugin-cfg.xml; consider adding the host to the local hosts file to avoid DNS resolution; examine DNS-specific return code.

Message: ws_trusted_proxy: tproxySetHostname: invalid IPv6 format |%s|
  • Cause: IPV6 invalid format.
  • Resolution: Ensure IPv6 address is enclosed with [ ]

Message: WSRequest: requestCreate: malloc failed
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ws_request: requestCreate: failed to get config
  • Cause: Configuration not loaded.
  • Resolution: Check plug-in log for related errors.

Message: ws_request: requestCreate: failed to create client info
  • Cause: Possible memory error.
  • Resolution: Check logs for other errors.

Message: ws_reqmetrics: getIP: Failed to get address for [%s], ret %d
  • Cause: Address resolution failed.
  • Resolution: Ensure address is resolvable. Check configuration and check OS for return code.

Message: ws_reqmetrics: getIP: Failed to get IP
  • Cause: Address resolution failed.
  • Resolution: Ensure configuration has valid resolvable IP address.

Message: ws_reqmetrics: getIP: Failed to get IP for [%s]
  • Cause: Address resolution failed.
  • Resolution: Ensure configuration has valid resolvable IP address.

Message: ws_reqmetrics: reqMetricsSetFiltersEnable: fconfig or enableStr is null
  • Cause: Internal error.
  • Resolution: Contact IBM® support.

Message: ws_request_info: requestInfoCreate: malloc failed
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ws_request_info: requestInfoCreate: unable to create mpool
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: lib_htresponse: htresponseGetContentBlock: Failed to allocate the content block
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: lib_htresponse: htresponseGetChunk: Failed to allocate the chunk
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: lib_htresponse: htresponseGetChunk: Failed to read the length of the chunk
  • Cause: The app server is sending back an invalid chunked transfer response.
  • Resolution: This error occurs when there is a bug on the app server side.

Message: lib_htresponse: htresponseGetChunk: Failed to scan the chunk length line
  • Cause: The app server is sending back an invalid chunked transfer response.
  • Resolution: This error occurs when there is a bug on the app server side.

Message: lib_htresponse: htresponseCreate: Failed to create the response
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: lib_htresponse: htresponseRead: Response code %d received. Error occurred in reading response %d.
  • Cause: Error received from server.
  • Resolution: Take action based on return code (HTTP).

Message: lib_htresponse: htresponseRead: Response code %d received; retrying
  • Cause: Error received from server.
  • Resolution: Take action based on return code (HTTP).

Message: lib_htresponse: htresponseRead: Failed to allocate memory
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: lib_htresponse: htresponseGetChunk: Failed to read the length of the chunk after extra blank line
  • Cause: Packet does not contain valid data.
  • Resolution: Examine partner for errors and collect network trace to find error.

Message: lib_stream: openStream: Failed to create stream
  • Cause: Memory allocation failure.
  • Resolution: Restart the server and try again.

Message: lib_stream: openStream: Failed in r_gsk_secure_soc_open: %s(gsk rc = %d)
  • Cause: A call to the security library, gskit, failed.
  • Resolution: The return code from the security library provides an indication to the cause of the problem.

Message: lib_stream: openStream: Failed in r_gsk_attribute_set_numeric_value: %s(gsk rc = %d)
  • Cause: A call to the security library, gskit, failed.
  • Resolution: The return code from the security library provides an indication to the cause of the problem.

Message: lib_stream: openStream: Failed in r_gsk_secure_soc_init: %s(gsk rc = %d)
  • Cause: A call to the security library, gskit, failed.
  • Resolution: The return code from the security library provides an indication to the cause of the problem.

Message: lib_stream: openStream: Failed in r_gsk_attribute_set_numeric (GSK_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT): %s(gsk rc = %d)
  • Cause: A call to the security library, gskit, failed.
  • Resolution: Related error information provided in the string (%s). Report the problem to IBM®.

Message: lib_stream: openStream: Failed in r_gsk_attribute_get_buffer (GSK_USER_DATA) : %s(gsk rc = %d)
  • Cause: A call to the security library, gskit, failed.
  • Resolution: Related error information provided in the string (%s). Report the problem to IBM®.

Message: lib_stream: openStream: Setting the skitSocInitData for gsk_secure_soc_init failed.
  • Cause: A call to the security library, gskit, failed.
  • Resolution: The return code from the security library provides an indication to the cause of the problem.

Message: lib_stream: openStream: Failed in r_gsk_attribute_set_buffer: %s(gsk rc = %d
  • Cause: A call to the security library, gskit, failed.
  • Resolution: The return code from the security library provides an indication to the cause of the problem.

Message: lib_stream: destroyStream: Failed in r_gsk_secure_soc_close: %s(gsk rc = %d)
  • Cause: A call to the security library, gskit, failed.
  • Resolution: The return code from the security library provides an indication to the cause of the problem.

Message: lib_stream: timeout during handshake operation
  • Cause: Application server security did not respond during the SSL handshake.
  • Resolution: Review application server logs for errors. If timeouts continue, restart the application server.

Message: Backend server sent %s alert [level %d (%s), description %d (%s)]
  • Cause: Security alert received from application server.
  • Resolution: Examine alert specific information for specific details of the problem. Check the application server logs for further error information.

Message: readLine: Failure allocating thread-local store for SSL ServerIOTimeout.
  • Cause: Memory issue.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server or operating system. Allocate more memory to the system. Report problem to IBM®.

Message: ws_os: osSafeSnprintf: alloc failed.
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ws_os: osSafeSnprintf: second try failed.
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ws_os: osSafeSnprintf: Couldn't retry, buffer overrun.
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ws_os: check_file: Error accessing %s. Search permission is denied for a component of the path prefix. Check the filename and correct the plugin-cfg.xml if necessary.
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Verify all the file or path location provided in %s variable set in the plugin-cfg.xml file.

Message: ws_os: check_file: Error accessing %s. An error occurred while reading from the file system. If the file exists, remove it and retry.
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Verify all the file or path location provided in %s variable set in the plugin-cfg.xml file.

Message: ws_os: check_file: Error accessing %s. The length of the path is too large. Shorten the path and regenerate the plugin-cfg.xml with the new value.
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Verify all the file or path location provided in %s variable set in the plugin-cfg.xml file.

Message: ws_os: check_file: Error accessing %s. A component of path does not name an existing file or path is an empty string. Check the filename and correct the plugin-cfg.xml if necessary.
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Verify all the file or path location provided in %s variable set in the plugin-cfg.xml file.

Message: ws_os: check_file: Error accessing %s. A component of path prefix is not a directory. Check the filename and correct the plugin-cfg.xml if necessary.
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Verify all the file or path location provided in %s variable set in the plugin-cfg.xml file.

Message: ws_os: check_file: Error accessing %s. A loop exists in the symbolic links encountered during resolution of the path. Correct the loop or specify a new file in plugin-cfg.xml
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Verify all the file or path location provided in %s variable set in the plugin-cfg.xml file.

Message: ws_os: check_file: Error accessing %s. If the file exists, delete it and try again.
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Verify all the file or path location provided in %s variable and remove the file.

Message: ws_os: check_file: Error accessing %s. OS specific return code %d.
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Verify all the file or path location provided in %s variable set in the plugin-cfg.xml file. Review the operating system-specific return code value for cause of the problem accessing the file or directory.

Message: ws_wlm: wlmInit: Failed to load the wlm library
  • Cause: Verify installation.
  • Resolution: Reinstall.

Message: ws_wlm: wlmInit: Failed to initialize the wlm library rc = %d
  • Cause: Could not load library.
  • Resolution: Review the operating system documentation for error details.

Message: ws_wlm: wlmGetServerList: Error obtaining servers from WLM library
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Verify configuration.

Message: ws_wlm: wlmExecute: Failed to populate WLM Http Info
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Verify configuration.

Message: ws_wlm: loadWLMLibrary: Failed to load wlm library : errno = %d , errno2 = %X
  • Cause: Library could not be loaded.
  • Resolution: Review the operating system documentation for error code details; reinstall.

Message: ws_wlm: loadWLMLibrary: Failed to load wlm library %s
  • Cause: Library could not be loaded.
  • Resolution: Reinstall.

Message: ws_wlm: loadWLMLibrary: Failed to resolve the wlm library functions
  • Cause: Library not valid.
  • Resolution: Reinstall, report to IBM®.

Message: lib_rio: rdopen: failed to set socket as non-block, OS err = %d
  • Cause: Network error.
  • Resolution: Review the operating system documentation for error code information.

Message: lib_rio: wait_on_socket: Problem on the poll=%d= errno=%d.
  • Cause: Network error.
  • Resolution: Review the operating system documentation for error code information. Look for errors on partner machine.

Message: lib_rio: wait_on_socket: Failed to allocate fd_set bit array for select() on OS/400.
  • Cause: Memory issue.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server or operating system. Allocate more memory to the system.

Message: %s line %d : Write failed, rc = %d
  • Cause: Sending data to application server failed.
  • Resolution: Review the operating system-specific documentation for the error code (rc = %d) provided.

Message: Error %d allocating thread-local store.
  • Cause: Memory issue.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server or operating system. Allocate more memory to the system. OS error code is provided in %d. Review the operating system documentation for specific error information.

Message: lib_util: setAuthString: Buffer overflow. (%d:%d)
  • Cause: User password combination is too large.
  • Resolution: Report error to IBM®.

Message: lib_util: setAuthString: authentication header truncated.
  • Cause: User password combination too large.
  • Resolution: Data truncated and operations continue.

Message: lib_util: decodeURI: Null URI.
  • Cause: Invalid data received.
  • Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Determine the cause of the error from a network trace.

Message: lib_util: decodeURI: Null memory pool.
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: lib_util: decodeURI: Zero length URI.
  • Cause: Invalid data received.
  • Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Determine the cause of the error from a network trace.

Message: lib_util: decodeURI: Couldn't allocate memory for decoding.
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: lib_util: decodeURI: Invalid escape sequence - ran off end of URI.
  • Cause: Invalid data received.
  • Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Determine the cause of the error from a network trace.

Message: lib_util: decodeURI: Invalid escape sequence: '%%%c%c'
  • Cause: Invalid data received.
  • Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Determine the cause of the error from a network trace.

Message: lib_util: encodeURI: Null memory pool or uri (%p, %p)
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: lib_util: encodeURI: Failed to allocate memory for encoded URI.
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: lib_util: uriTrimQuery: Null pool.
  • Cause: Invalid data received.
  • Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Determine the cause of the error from a network trace.

Message: lib_util: uriTrimQuery: Null uri.
  • Cause: Invalid data received.
  • Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Determine the cause of the error from a network trace.

Message: lib_util: uriTrimQuery: Zero length uri.
  • Cause: Invalid data received.
  • Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Determine the cause of the error from a network trace.

Message: lib_util: uriTrimQuery: Failed to allocate memory
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: lib_util: parseHostHeader: Null pointer (%p, %p, %p, %p)
  • Cause: Invalid data received.
  • Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Collect iptrace.

Message: lib_util: parseHostHeader: invalid IPv6 format |%s|
  • Cause: Invalid data received.
  • Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Collect iptrace.

Message: lib_util: sanitize_string: source is Null
  • Cause: Invalid data received.
  • Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Collect a network trace and examine the data for the cause of the problem.

Message: lib_util: sanitize_string: source length is invalid
  • Cause: Invalid data received.
  • Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Collect a network trace and examine the data for the cause of the problem.

Message: dgw390_plugin: service_exit: Failed to allocate memory for extract.
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: dgw390_plugin: service_exit: Failed to allocate memory for encoded URI.
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: dgw390_plugin: service_exit: ERROR: can not obtain response code -- return_code = %d
  • Cause: A web server internal error occurred.
  • Resolution: Report problem to IBM®.

Message: dgw390_plugin: cb_get_headers: Skipping header '%s'; This is a restricted WebSphere header
  • Cause: Internal message.
  • Resolution: Ignore this message.

Message: dgw390_plugin: cb_get_headers: Unable to obtain headers
  • Cause: Invalid data received.
  • Resolution: Check partner machine for correct functioning. Collect a network trace and examine the data for the cause of the problem.

Message: dgw390_plugin: cb_get_headers: Unknown state parsing headers |%s|
  • Cause: Unexpected plug-in or web server behavior.
  • Resolution: Report the problem to IBM®.

Message: dgw390_plugin: cb_get_headers: Failed to parse and headers |%s|
  • Cause: Unexpected plug-in or web server behavior.
  • Resolution: Report the problem to IBM®.

Message: dgw390_plugin: cb_read_body: Read EOF prematurely; read %d of expected %d
  • Cause: Invalid data received.
  • Resolution: Check the partner machine for correct functioning. Collect a network trace and examine the data for the cause of the problem.

Message: dgw390_plugin: cb_read_body: Failed to read from client rc = %d; read %d of expected %d
  • Cause: Invalid data received.
  • Resolution: Check the partner machine for correct functioning. Collect a network trace and examine the data for the cause of the problem.

Message: dgw390_plugin: cb_write_body: Failed to write the response to the client %d", zos_plugin, return_code
  • Cause: Invalid data received.
  • Resolution: Check the partner machine for correct functioning. Collect a network trace and examine the data for the cause of the problem.

Message: dgw390_plugin: logOpen: Piped logger not supported
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Piped logging is not supported by the plug-in on this web server. Correct the plugin-cfg.xml log file to not indicate piped logging (remove the ' | ' symbol from the filename).

Message: dgw390_plugin: logClose: Piped logger not supported
  • Cause: Configuration error.
  • Resolution: Piped logging is not supported by the plug-in on this web server. Correct the plugin-cfg.xml log file to not indicate piped logging (remove the ' | ' symbol from the filename).

Message: ws_esi: esiInitialize: invalid log value ... assuming ERROR
  • Cause: Invalid setting in plug-in configuration
  • Resolution: Correct the log level setting in the plugin-cfg.xml file.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy server group
  • Cause: Data corrupted.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Collect a plug-in at trace level. Report error to IBM®.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy virtual host
  • Cause: Data corrupted.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Collect a plug-in at trace level. Report error to IBM®.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy host header
  • Cause: Data corrupted.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Collect a plug-in at trace level. Report error to IBM®.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_AUTH_TYPE header
  • Cause: Data corrupted.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Collect a plug-in at trace level. Report error to IBM®.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE header
  • Cause: Data corrupted.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Collect a plug-in at trace level. Report error to IBM®.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_CIPHER_SUITE header
  • Cause: Data corrupted.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Collect a plug-in at trace level. Report error to IBM®.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_IS_SECURE header
  • Cause: Data corrupted.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Collect a plug-in at trace level. Report error to IBM®.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_SCHEME header
  • Cause: Data corrupted.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Collect a plug-in at trace level. Report error to IBM®.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_PROTOCOL header
  • Cause: Data corrupted.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Collect a plug-in at trace level. Report error to IBM®.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_REMOTE_ADDR header
  • Cause: Data corrupted.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Collect a plug-in at trace level. Report error to IBM®.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_REMOTE_HOST header
  • Cause: Data corrupted.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Collect a plug-in at trace level. Report error to IBM®.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_REMOTE_USER header
  • Cause: Data corrupted.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Collect a plug-in at trace level. Report error to IBM®.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_SERVER_NAME header
  • Cause: Data corrupted.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Collect a plug-in at trace level. Report error to IBM®.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_SERVER_PORT header
  • Cause: Data corrupted.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Collect a plug-in at trace level. Report error to IBM®.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_SSL_SESSION_ID header
  • Cause: Data corrupted.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Collect a plug-in at trace level. Report error to IBM®.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_PMIRM_CORRELATOR header
  • Cause: Data corrupted.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Collect a plug-in at trace level. Report error to IBM®.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_PARTITION_VERSION header
  • Cause: Data corrupted.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Collect a plug-in at trace level. Report error to IBM®.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy affinity cookie
  • Cause: Data corrupted.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Collect a plug-in at trace level. Report error to IBM®.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy affinity URL
  • Cause: Data corrupted.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Collect a plug-in at trace level. Report error to IBM®.

Message: ESI: myRequestCopy: requestCreate failed
  • Cause: Data corrupted.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Collect a plug-in at trace level. Report error to IBM®.

Message: ESI: myRequestDup: requestDup failed
  • Cause: Data corrupted.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Collect a plug-in at trace level. Report error to IBM®.

Message: ESI: esiDumpStats: unable to create /QIBM/UserData/WebAS7/service/trace/statTrace
  • Cause: Cannot create file.
  • Resolution: Manually try to create file. Check disk quota and file permission.

Message: ESI: esiDumpStats: unable to create /tmp/statTrace
  • Cause: Cannot create file.
  • Resolution: Manually try to create file. Check disk quota and file permission.

Message: ESI: esiHandleRequest: failed to create request
  • Cause: Data corrupted.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Collect a plug-in at trace level. Report error to IBM®.

Message: ESI: esiHandleRequest: failed to write response
  • Cause: Data corrupted.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Collect a plug-in at trace level. Report error to IBM®.

Message: ESI: esiControlCreate: no closing \" in Surrogate-Control header value
  • Cause: Invalid data.
  • Resolution: Data received from WebSphere® was invalid. Collect WebSphere® traces and network trace. Examine data for the cause of the problem.

Message: ESI: esiControlCreate: no value for 'cacheid'
  • Cause: Invalid data.
  • Resolution: Data received from WebSphere® was invalid. Collect WebSphere® traces and network trace. Examine data for the cause of the problem.

Message: ESI: esiControlCreate: no value for 'depid'
  • Cause: Invalid data.
  • Resolution: Data received from WebSphere® was invalid. Collect WebSphere® traces and network trace. Examine data for the cause of the problem.

Message: ESI: esiControlCreate: no value for 'max-age'
  • Cause: Invalid data.
  • Resolution: Data received from WebSphere® was invalid. Collect WebSphere® traces and network trace. Examine data for the cause of the problem.

Message: ESI: esiControlCreate: no value for 'content'
  • Cause: Invalid data.
  • Resolution: Data received from WebSphere® was invalid. Collect WebSphere® traces and network trace. Examine data for the cause of the problem.

Message: ESI: esiMonitorCreate: unable to copy request for '%s'
  • Cause: Internal plug-in problem.
  • Resolution: Collect a plug-in log at TRACE level and report to IBM®.

Message: ESI: esiMonitorCreate: unable to set scheme for '%s'
  • Cause: Internal plug-in problem.
  • Resolution: Collect a plug-in log at TRACE level and report to IBM®.

Message: ESI: esiMonitorCreate: unable to set URL path for '%s'
  • Cause: Internal plug-in problem.
  • Resolution: Collect a plug-in log at TRACE level and report to IBM®.

Message: ESI: esiMonitorCreate: unable to set Transfer-Encoding header for '%s'
  • Cause: Internal plug-in problem.
  • Resolution: Collect a plug-in log at TRACE level and report to IBM®.

Message: ESI: esiMonitorCreate: unable to set Connection header for '%s'
  • Cause: Internal plug-in problem.
  • Resolution: Collect a plug-in log at TRACE level and report to IBM®.

Message: ESI: esiMonitorCreate: unable to send request to '%s' for server group '%s'
  • Cause: Internal plug-in problem.
  • Resolution: Collect a plug-in log at TRACE level and report to IBM®.

Message: ESI: esiMonitorCreate: unable to talk to invalidator servlet '%s' for server group '%s'
  • Cause: Internal plug-in problem.
  • Resolution: Collect a plug-in log at TRACE level and report to IBM®.

Message: ESI: esiMonitorCreate: unable to get the server name that handled the request to invalidator servlet '%s' for server group '%s'
  • Cause: Servlet error.
  • Resolution: Verify the configuration and the partner configuration.

Message: ESI: esiMonitorRun: invalid message type: %d
  • Cause: Internal error.
  • Resolution: Collect a plug-in log at TRACE and report to IBM®.

Message: ESI: esiRequestAddResponse: invalid Last-Modified header value: 0x%x
  • Cause: Internal error.
  • Resolution: Collect a plug-in log at TRACE and report to IBM®.

Message: ESI: esiHdrInfoCreate: null response message
  • Cause: Internal error.
  • Resolution: Collect a plug-in log at TRACE and report to IBM®.

Message: ESI: esiHdrInfoCopy: failed to set status
  • Cause: Internal error.
  • Resolution: Collect a plug-in log at TRACE and report to IBM®.

Message: ESI: esiHdrInfoCopy: failed to set message
  • Cause: Internal error.
  • Resolution: Collect a plug-in log at TRACE and report to IBM®.

Message: ESI: esiHdrInfoCopy: failed to set header
  • Cause: Internal error.
  • Resolution: Collect a plug-in log at TRACE and report to IBM®.

Message: ESI: esiResponseCreate: unable to remove Transfer-Encoding
  • Cause: Internal error.
  • Resolution: Collect a plug-in log at TRACE and report to IBM®.

Message: ESI: esiResponseCreate: unable to set Surrogate-Capability header
  • Cause: Internal error.
  • Resolution: Collect a plug-in log at TRACE and report to IBM®.

Message: ESI: esiResponseCreate: unable to set URL
  • Cause: Internal error.
  • Resolution: Collect a plug-in log at TRACE and report to IBM®.

Message: ESI: esiResponseCreate: unable to set query string
  • Cause: Internal error.
  • Resolution: Collect a plug-in log at TRACE and report to IBM®.

Message: ESI: esiResponseCreate: unable to set Surrogate-Capability header
  • Cause: Internal error.
  • Resolution: Collect a plug-in log at TRACE and report to IBM®.

Message: ESI: esiResponseCreate: unable to start the invalidation monitor.
  • Cause: Internal error.
  • Resolution: Collect a plug-in log at TRACE and report to IBM®.

Message: ESI: getResponse: failed to get response: rc = %d
  • Cause: The server did not respond.
  • Resolution: Check server for errors.

Message: ESI: esiResponseCreate: invalid Last-Modified header value: 0x%x
  • Cause: Internal error.
  • Resolution: Collect a plug-in log at TRACE and report to IBM®.

Message: ESI: esiResponseAddEsiTag: unsupported ESI tag: %s
  • Cause: Bad response received.
  • Resolution: The server sent invalid response. Review the server configuration.

Message: ESI: esiResponseAddEsiTag: no value for '%s'
  • Cause: Bad response received.
  • Resolution: The server sent invalid response. Review the server configuration.

Message: ESI: esiResponseAddEsiTag: no closing \" for value '%s'
  • Cause: Bad response received.
  • Resolution: The server sent invalid response. Review the server configuration.

Message: ESI: esiResponseAddEsiTag: no value found for '%s'
  • Cause: Bad response received.
  • Resolution: The server sent invalid response. Review the server configuration.

Message: ESI: responseAddEsiTag: unknown 'onerror' value: '%s'
  • Cause: Bad response received.
  • Resolution: The server sent invalid response. Review the server configuration.

Message: ESI: responseAddEsiTag: 'src' was not found in include tag: %s
  • Cause: Bad response received.
  • Resolution: The server sent invalid response. Review the server configuration.

Message: ESI: getResponseFromCache: invalid If-Modified-Since header value: 0x%x
  • Cause: Bad response received.
  • Resolution: The server sent invalid response. Review the server configuration.

Message: ESI: storeResponseToCache: unable to determine cache id
  • Cause: Bad response received.
  • Resolution: The server sent invalid response. Review the server configuration.

Message: ESI: esiResponseProcessBody: non-terminated HTML comment: %s
  • Cause: Bad response received.
  • Resolution: The server sent invalid response. Review the server configuration.

Message: ESI: esiResponseProcessBody: no closing '/>': %s
  • Cause: Bad response received.
  • Resolution: The server sent invalid response. Review the server configuration.

Message: ESI: esiResponseGet: maximum include depth exceeded: %d
  • Cause: Bad response received.
  • Resolution: The server sent invalid response. Review the server configuration.

Message: ESI: esiResponseGet: failed ... aborting
  • Cause: Internal plug-in error.
  • Resolution: Restart the plug-in. Collect plug-in log at trace level capturing the error and examine the new log file for related details.

Message: ESI: esiResponseWrite: failed to set status to 304: rc = %d
  • Cause: Internal plug-in error.
  • Resolution: Restart the plug-in. Collect plug-in log at trace level capturing the error and examine the new log file for related details.

Message: ESI: esiResponsePassThru: failed to set status to 304: rc = %d
  • Cause: Internal plug-in error.
  • Resolution: Restart the plug-in. Collect plug-in log at trace level capturing the error and examine the new log file for related details.

Message: ESI: esiResponsePassThru: failed to write headers: rc = %d
  • Cause: Internal plug-in error.
  • Resolution: Restart the plug-in. Collect plug-in log at trace level capturing the error and examine the new log file for related details.

Message: ESI: esiResponsePassThru: failed to write body: rc = %d
  • Cause: Internal plug-in error.
  • Resolution: Restart the plug-in. Collect plug-in log at trace level capturing the error and examine the new log file for related details.

Message: ESI: findClosing: no closing '%c' at '%s'
  • Cause: Internal plug-in error.
  • Resolution: Restart the plug-in. Collect plug-in log at trace level capturing the error and examine the new log file for related details.

Message: ESI: parseRuleEleList: invalid operator at '%s'
  • Cause: Internal plug-in error.
  • Resolution: Restart the plug-in. Collect plug-in log at trace level capturing the error and examine the new log file for related details.

Message: ESI: parseRuleEleValues: expecting '{' at '%s'
  • Cause: Internal plug-in error.
  • Resolution: Restart the plug-in. Collect plug-in log at trace level capturing the error and examine the new log file for related details.

Message: ESI: parseRuleEleValues: invalid rule termination at '%s'
  • Cause: Internal plug-in error.
  • Resolution: Restart the plug-in. Collect plug-in log at trace level capturing the error and examine the new log file for related details.

Message: ESI: ruleGetCacheId: invalid rule type
  • Cause: Internal plug-in error.
  • Resolution: Restart the plug-in. Collect plug-in log at trace level capturing the error and examine the new log file for related details.

Message: ESI: ruleListCreate: invalid start of rule at '%s'
  • Cause: Internal plug-in error.
  • Resolution: Restart the plug-in. Collect plug-in log at trace level capturing the error and examine the new log file for related details.

Message: ESI: esiRulesInit: unable to create rules cache
  • Cause: Internal plug-in error.
  • Resolution: Restart the plug-in. Collect plug-in log at trace level capturing the error and examine the new log file for related details.

Message: ESI: esiUrlCreate: null URL
  • Cause: Internal plug-in error.
  • Resolution: Restart the plug-in. Collect plug-in log at trace level capturing the error and examine the new log file for related details.

Message: ESI: esiUrlCreate: failed to create URL
  • Cause: Internal plug-in error.
  • Resolution: Restart the plug-in. Collect plug-in log at trace level capturing the error and examine the new log file for related details.

Message: ESI: esiInitLog: unable to create ESI log file: '%s': errno=%d
  • Cause: Internal plug-in error.
  • Resolution: Restart the plug-in. Collect plug-in log at trace level capturing the error and examine the new log file for related details.

Message: ESI: esiCheckMask: mask > 256
  • Cause: Internal plug-in error.
  • Resolution: Restart the plug-in. Collect plug-in log at trace level capturing the error and examine the new log file for related details.

Message: ERROR: attempt to free memory twice at %s:%d - addr=%x
  • Cause: Internal plug-in error.
  • Resolution: Restart the plug-in. Collect plug-in log at trace level capturing the error and examine the new log file for related details.

Message: ERROR: invalid magic # at %s:%d - addr=%x
  • Cause: Internal plug-in error.
  • Resolution: Restart the plug-in. Collect plug-in log at trace level capturing the error and examine the new log file for related details.

Message: ESI: esiMalloc: malloc failure
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ESI: esiMalloc_TS: teraspace malloc failure
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ESI: esiStrdup: strdup failure
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy server group
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy virtual host
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy host header
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_AUTH_TYPE header
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE header
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_CIPHER_SUITE header
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_IS_SECURE header
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_SCHEME header
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_PROTOCOL header
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_REMOTE_ADDR header
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_REMOTE_HOST header
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_REMOTE_USER header
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_SERVER_NAME header
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_SERVER_PORT header
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_SSL_SESSION_ID header
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_PMIRM_CORRELATOR header
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy PRIVATE_HDR_PARTITION_VERSION header
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy affinity cookie
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ESI: copyReq: failed to copy affinity URL
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ESI: myRequestCopy: requestCreate failed
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ESI: myRequestDup: requestDup failed
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: esiResponseReadBody, response too large
  • Cause: Response size exceeds configured cache size.
  • Resolution: Increase cache size. Examine application configuration to send smaller response sizes, embedded ESI or not to cache this data.

Message: esiResponseReadBody, total response too large
  • Cause: Response size exceeds configured cache size.
  • Resolution: Increase cache size. Examine application configuration to send smaller response sizes, embedded ESI or not to cache this data.

Message: [%s:%s] esiResponse: esiResponsePassThru: Failed to reply to the browser rc=%d
  • Cause: Error communicating with client.
  • Resolution: Review the return code for specific causes. The client broke the connection before the response was available.

Message: ws_arm: updateOSLibpath: Setting the LIBPATH for arm failed.
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ws_arm: updateOSLibpath: Setting the LIBPATH for arm failed, could not append /usr/lib:/lib
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ws_arm: updateOSLibpath: Setting the LD_LIBRARY for arm failed.
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ws_arm: updateOSLibpath: Setting the LD_LIBRARY for arm failed, could not append /usr/lib.
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ws_arm: updateOSLibpath: Setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for arm failed.
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak. This message occurs on Solaris.

Message: ws_arm: updateOSLibpath: Setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for arm failed, could not append /usr/lib.
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak. This message occurs on Solaris.

Message: ws_arm: updateOSLibpath: Setting the SHLIB_PATH for arm failed.
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ws_arm: updateOSLibpath: Setting the SHLIB_PATH for arm failed, could not append /usr/lib.
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ws_arm: armReqCreate: %d: %d
  • Cause: Invalid metric.
  • Resolution: A negative number was recorded as a time. Collect plug-in trace and report to IBM®.

Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_register_application function undefined
  • Cause: Library invalid.
  • Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM® if problem continues.

Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_destroy_application function undefined
  • Cause: Library invalid.
  • Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM® if problem continues.

Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_start_application function undefined
  • Cause: Library invalid.
  • Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM® if problem continues.

Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_register_transaction function undefined
  • Cause: Library invalid.
  • Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM® if problem continues.

Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_start_transaction function undefined
  • Cause: Library invalid.
  • Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM® if problem continues.

Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_stop_transaction function undefined
  • Cause: Library invalid.
  • Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM® if problem continues.

Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_update_transaction function undefined
  • Cause: Library invalid.
  • Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM® if problem continues.

Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_discard_transaction function undefined
  • Cause: Library invalid.
  • Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM® if problem continues.

Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_block_transaction function undefined
  • Cause: Library invalid.
  • Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM® if problem continues.

Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_unblock_transaction function undefined
  • Cause: Library invalid.
  • Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM® if problem continues.

Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_bind_thread function undefined
  • Cause: Library invalid.
  • Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM® if problem continues.

Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_unbind_thread function undefined
  • Cause: Library invalid.
  • Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM® if problem continues.

Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_report_transaction function undefined
  • Cause: Library invalid.
  • Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM® if problem continues.

Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_generate_correlator function undefined
  • Cause: Library invalid.
  • Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM® if problem continues.

Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_get_correlator_length function undefined
  • Cause: Library invalid.
  • Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM® if problem continues.

Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_get_correlator_flags function undefined
  • Cause: Library invalid.
  • Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM® if problem continues.

Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_get_arrival_time function undefined
  • Cause: Library invalid.
  • Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM® if problem continues.

Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_get_error_message function undefined
  • Cause: Library invalid.
  • Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM® if problem continues.

Message: ws_arm: loadArmLibrary: r_arm_is_charset_supported function undefined
  • Cause: Library invalid.
  • Resolution: Reinstall. Report to IBM® if problem continues.

Message: ws_arm: _stringifyCorrelator: %d
  • Cause: Correlator is too large.
  • Resolution: Collect plug-in log at trace when error occurs and report to IBM®.

Message: ws_arm: _deStringifyCorrelator: %d: %d: Odd length correlator
  • Cause: Internal programming error.
  • Resolution: Collect plug-in log at trace when error occurs and report to IBM®.

Message: ws_arm: _deStringifyCorrelator: %d: %d: %s
  • Cause: Internal programming error.
  • Resolution: Collect plug-in log at trace when error occurs and report to IBM®.

Message: ws_arm: _armInitialize: %d: %d
  • Cause: Initialization error.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Verify the configuration.

Message: ws_arm: armStart: Secondary Initialization Failed: %d
  • Cause: Initialization error.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Verify the configuration.

Message: ws_arm: armStart: extRequestInfo == NULL: %d
  • Cause: Memory error.
  • Resolution: Verify sufficient memory on the server. Restart the server. Check operating system for other errors or a memory leak.

Message: ws_arm: armStart: %d: %d
  • Cause: Internal programming error.
  • Resolution: Collect plug-in log at trace when error occurs and report to IBM®.

Message: ws_arm: armStop: %d: %d
  • Cause: Internal programming error.
  • Resolution: Collect plug-in log at trace when error occurs and report to IBM®.

Message: ws_arm: armBlock: %d: %d
  • Cause: Internal programming error.
  • Resolution: Collect plug-in log at trace when error occurs and report to IBM®.

Message: ws_arm: armUnBlock: %d %d
  • Cause: Internal programming error.
  • Resolution: Collect plug-in log at trace when error occurs and report to IBM®.

Message: ws_arm: _armUnInitialize: 15: %d
  • Cause: Arm library shutdown returned error.
  • Resolution: Examine arm documentation for the error code provided in %d. Report error to provider of the arm library.

Message: lib_arm: loadArmLibrary: Failed to load arm library
  • Cause: Initialization error.
  • Resolution: Restart the web server machine. Verify the configuration. Reinstall the plug-in and ARM software.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSEQTP","label":"WebSphere Application Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Plug-in","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"9.0;8.5;8.0;7.0","Edition":"Advanced;Base;Enterprise;Express;Network Deployment","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SS7K4U","label":"WebSphere Application Server for z\/OS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":null,"Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"7.0;6.1;6.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
12 February 2020

