IBM Support

Collecting explain data for SQL stored procedures and dynamic SQL

Question & Answer


How to collect explain data / access plan for SQL stored procedures and dynamic SQL?



In all techniques outlined below, the explain tables need to be created. For more information on doing this task, see Explain Tables.

db2 "connect to sample"

db2 -tvf ~/sqllib/misc/EXPLAIN.DDL

Technique 1: Obtain the explain plan when creating the stored procedure:

1) Turn on explain either:
  • Dynamically within the scope of the current session by issuing
  • Or, globally at the instance level if the procedure is not being called within the current session
    db2 terminate
2) Run the create statement for the SQL procedure that requires explaining. If one of the same name already exists, you may need to drop the procedure first or create a similar procedure under a different schema or name.

3) The resulting explain data will be stored in the explain tables and can be extracted with a command such as the following:
db2exfmt -d db_name -g TIC -w -1 -n % -s % -# 0 -o outputfilename

4) Disable explain by either issuing either one of these commands depending on how it was enabled.
  • If it was turned on for the current session:
  • If it was turned on globally
    db2 terminate

Technique 2: Obtain the explain plan from the package without needing to re-create the procedure:

Assuming the explain tables under a schema called EXPLAIN_SCHEMA, do the following:

1) Use the following technote to identify the name of the package that corresponds to your SQL routine: How to map stored procedure and user defined function (UDF) names to packages

2) Identify the section number for the SQL statement within the routine you are interested in obtaining the explain for. Run a query such as this, replace SCHEMA_NAME & P854000274 with the name of the schema and package identified in step 1.

db2 "select sectno, text from syscat.statements where pkgschema='SCHEMA_NAME' and pkgname='P854000274'"

3) Call EXPLAIN_FROM_CATALOG, replace SCHEMA_NAME & P854000274 with the name of the schema and package identified in step 1 and replace EXPLAIN_SCHEMA with the name of the schema for which the explain tables were created under. The 4th input parameter identifies the section number. The example below shows a command to obtain the explain for the statement for section 1. Replace this number with the proper section number that was identified in step 2.

db2 "call EXPLAIN_FROM_CATALOG( 'SCHEMA_NAME', 'P854000274', ' ', 1, 'EXPLAIN_SCHEMA', ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )"

This will populate the explain tables under the EXPLAIN_SCHEMA you specified

4) Run this command to extract the explain plan. Replace SCHEMA_NAME, P854000274, and EXPLAIN_SCHEMA respectively similar to the commands above:

db2exfmt -d sample -g TIC -w % -s SCHEMA_NAME -n P854000274 -# 0 -e EXPLAIN_SCHEMA -o exfmt.out

Technique 3: Obtain the explain plan from dynamic SQL section

Refer to EXPLAIN_FROM_SECTION procedure for reference. This example assumes we are looking for the explain for the query "select c1 from t2 where c2 = ?".

The query below may return multiple executable_ids. The output may also dynamically change and by the time CALL EXPLAIN_FROM_SECTION is called, the executable_id may be gone and the error SQL20501N The explain facility failed because the specified section could not be found. Reason code = "1" is returned.

select executable_id, Total_cpu_time, Varchar('select c1 from t2 where c2 = ?', 200) as stmt_text from table(MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT(NULL, NULL, NULL, -1)) as T


-------------------- -------------------------------
13 select c1 from t2 where c2 = ?
1376 select c1 from t2 where c2 = ?

DB2INST1 is the schema where the explain tables are located. Here we only generate the explain plan for one of the executable_ids.

$ db2 "call explain_from_section(x'0000000100000000000000000000007200000000000220161013193227880208','M', NULL, 0, 'DB2INST1', ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
Value of output parameters
Parameter Name : EXPLAIN_SCHEMA
Parameter Value : DB2INST1

Parameter Value : DB2INST1

Parameter Name : EXPLAIN_TIME
Parameter Value : 2016-10-25-

Parameter Name : SOURCE_NAME
Parameter Value : SYSSH200

Parameter Name : SOURCE_SCHEMA
Parameter Value : NULLID

Parameter Name : SOURCE_VERSION
Parameter Value :

Return Status = 0

Generate the access plan for the section and output to file db2exfmt_bad.out

db2exfmt -d sample -g TIC -w -1 -n % -s % -# 0 -o db2exfmt_bad.out

db2exfmt -d sample -e db2inst1 -g TIC -w 2016-10-25- -n SYSSH200 -s NULLID -o db2exfmt.out -# 0

  • Specify the EXPLAIN_TIME, SOURCE_NAME and SOURCE_SCHEMA from step #3. Otherwise the plan of a different query is generated.
  • For dynamic SQL always ensure SOURCE_SCHEMA=NULLID and SOURCE_NAME is SYSS* which is the name of dynamic placeholder packages used to execute dynamic SQL. Some execution ids may belong to same query located inside static SQL package which has a different name.
  • Reference: Example: Investigating query performance using Explain information obtained from a section

[{"Product":{"code":"SSEPGG","label":"Db2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"Compiler - Explain","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"9.7;9.5;10.1;10.5;11.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

