IBM Support

mkview error during creation of a UCM snapshot view on UNIX when VOBs are hosted on a Windows Server



This technote explains why the error, [] cleartool: Warning: Unable to register new snapshot view: not a ClearCase object snapshot view may not be recognized by some commands [], might occur when using IBM® Rational® ClearCase® to create a UNIX® or Linux® UCM snapshot view when the VOBs are on a Microsoft® Windows® server.


The following error occurs when attempting to create a UNIX or Linux UCM snapshot view with the VOBs on a Windows server:

$ cleartool mkview -snapshot -tag IPSKTOOL_MAIN_lls -stream IPSKKOOL_MAIN_cag@/oscar_pvob /home/john_doe/I        TOOL_MAIN_lls.vws
Created view.
Host-local path: localhost:/home/jonn-doe/IPSKTOOL_MAIN_lls.vws/.view.stg
Global path:     /net/localhost/home/jon_doe/IPSKTOOL_MAIN_lls.vws/.view.stg
It has the following rights:
User : john-doe : rwx
Group: LEXCCUsers : rwx
Other:          : r-x
cleartool: Warning: Unable to register new snapshot view: not a ClearCase object
snapshot view may not be recognized by some commands.

Created snapshot view directory "/home/john_doe/IPSKTOOL_MAIN_lls.vws".
cleartool: Error: Unable to find replica in registry for VOB with object ID:"cbdbaab4.4e234d9a.907c.51:65:d9:b4:4e:f6"
cleartool: Error: Unable to locate versioned object base with object id: "cbdbaab4.4e234d9a.907c.51:65:d9:b4:4e:f6".
cleartool: Error: Unable to find replica in registry for VOB with object ID:"cbdbaab4.4e234d9a.907c.51:65:d9:b4:4e:f6"
cleartool: Error: Unable to locate versioned object base with object id: "cbdbaab4.4e234d9a.907c.51:65:d9:b4:4e:f6".
cleartool: Warning: Component "ald_aldmakes" has an invalid ComponentRootDir hyperlink; its component VOB may have been removed.
cleartool: Error: Unable to generate config spec for stream "IPSKTOOL_MAIN_cag".
Removing the view.
cleartool: Error: Unable to open file "/net/localhost/home/jon-doe/IPSKTOOL_MAIN_lls.vws/.view.stg/.view": No such file or direc        y.
cleartool: Error: /net/localhost/home/john_doe/IPSKTOOL_MAIN_lls.vws/.view.stg isn't a view: No such file or directory
cleartool: Error: Unable to remove view "/net/localhost/home/john_doe/IPSKTOOL_MAIN_lls.vws/.view.stg".


UNIX and Windows Regions

This error is caused by a missing VOB tag in the unix region. In this case, the VOBs are stored on a Windows VOB server that is set to a windows region and the snapshot view is being created on a UNIX view server that is set to a unix region . The UCM VOBs must be tagged in the unix region.

ClearCase MultiSite with UCM

The same error can occur in a MultiSite environment where the UCM project is replicated, but one component or the AdminVOB was not replicated.

You can find the name of the missing VOB tag by running the below cleartool lsvob command at the site or region where all is working by running this command using the VOB object ID reported in the above error:

cleartool lsvob -region <working region> -family cbdbaab4.4e234d9a.907c.51:65:d9:b4:4e:f6

Resolving The Problem

Create a tag in the unix region for the VOB. In the case of the error message above the UCM project VOB (PVOB) is "oscar_pvob".

cleartool  mktag -vob -tag vob-tag -region unix  -public -password tagPword <vob storage path>

You can also use the -replace option in the above mktag command if you wish to remove the tag from the windows region and want it only to be associated with the unix region. This would be the case if for instance, all your clients are on unix and the VOBs are not accessed from any Windows clients.

The same VOB tag process above would also have to be done for any VOBs that contain components that are part of the UCM project associated to the UCM stream designated in the mkview command.

Note: In this example we use the region names of unix and windows, however, in your environment, it is likely that the region names will be different.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSSH27","label":"Rational ClearCase"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"View: Snapshot","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"2003.06.16;;7.0.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
29 September 2018

