IBM Support

Version map for baseline is unavailable



This technote explains why the error, cleartool: Error: Version map for baseline "BLXXX" is unavailable, will occur when trying to perform IBM® Rational® ClearCase® UCM operations in a MultiSite® configuration.


There are various symptoms which include the following:


When trying to run cleartool rebase the following error is encountered:

Version map for baseline "<baseline-name>" is unavailable.
Unexpected error in rebase.
Unable to update configuration specification.
Unable to perform integration.


When running cleartool deliver -status against a UCM stream, the following error occurs:

% cleartool deliver -status -stream  <int_stream>@<pvob>
cleartool: Error: Version map for baseline "<baseline-name>" is unavailable.
cleartool: Error: Unable to get closure from foundation.                  
cleartool: Error: Unable to get closure baselines for first argument.


The "Version map" referred to is the baseline label.
The baseline and the label type are linked by a hyperlink of type BaselineLbtype.

Version map for baseline "<baseline-name>" is unavailable.

means that ClearCase is, for some reason, unable to follow a BaselineLbtype hyperlink from the baseline and find a label type.


The context in which the baseline is encountered should allow ClearCase to assume that the baseline is labelled, but in fact it is unlabeled. [does not have a BaselineLbtype hyperlink attached]


The baseline has a BaselineLbtype hyperlink attached, but the other endpoint of the hyperlink cannot be resolved.

Diagnosing The Problem

The baseline and the label type are linked by a hyperlink of type BaselineLbtype.

cleartool lsbl -long <baseline-selector>

cleartool describe -ahlink BaselineLbtype baseline:<baseline-selector>


If the "lsbl -long" says


  label status: Not labeled


and the "describe -ahlink" does not show any hyperlinks, then it suggests that the hyperlink has been destroyed somehow. It could mean the hyperlink never existed, but if that were the case then the baseline could not, for example, be used as a foundation baseline. Attempting to rebase to an unlabeled baseline will give a different error.


If the "lsbl -long" says


  label status: <unavailable>


and probably gives other errors such as (example)

cleartool: Error: Unable to find replica in registry for VOB with object ID:"3ffde530.02404927.b941.10:bf:38:7a:c9:d9"

cleartool: Error: Unable to locate versioned object base with object id: "3ffde530.02404927.b941.10:bf:38:7a:c9:d9".
cleartool: Error: Version map for baseline "baseline-name" is unavailable.

and the "describe -ahlink" shows


    BaselineLbtype -> <object not available>

then it suggests that the label type object cannot be found in the component VOB.

Resolving The Problem

Solution for SCENARIO 1:

Use a "cleartool lstype" command to see whether a label type object exists in the component VOB, with a name matching the baseline name. A "cleartool describe" of the label type should show:


  supertype: xxxxxxxxxxx


If you find the label type, the ClearCase Administrator can relink it to the baseline by the command

cleartool mkhlink BaselineLbtype baseline:<baseline-name>@<project-vob-tag>  lbtype:<baseline-name>@<component-vob-tag>

If there is no such label type, then upgrade the baseline to be labeled.

cleartool chbl -incremental <baseline-name>@<project-vob-tag>

Solution for SCENARIO 2:

There can be several reasons that the label type is unavailable:

* In a ClearCase MultiSite environment, at a site not mastering the baseline, the component VOB may not be up-to-date with synchronisation from the site which masters the baseline

* In a ClearCase MultiSite environment, the local site may not have a replica of the component VOB

* The component VOB's tag may have been removed

* This error maybe an indication of VOB database corruption in the component VOB (in this case the message shall generally be accompanied by a message "Error from VOB database"

If none of these apply, and the label type is unavailable at the baseline master site (or at the ONLY site in a non-replicated environment) then the broken hyperlink can be cleared from the baseline by the command:

cleartool checkvob -hlink -hltype BaselineLbtype baseline:<baseline-name>@<project-vob-tag>

This shall make the baseline revert to "Not labeled" status, and it can be labeled again by

cleartool chbl -incremental <baseline-name>@<project-vob-tag>

If further assistance is required determining the underlying cause, or the root cause, please contact IBM Rational Client Support.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSSH27","label":"Rational ClearCase"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"UCM","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.1.2;8.0;8.0.1;9.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSSH27","label":"Rational ClearCase"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"UCM: Baseline","Platform":[{"code":"","label":""}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

