IBM Support



You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description


Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: 01.All RDz users                             *
    *                 02.All RDz users                             *
    *                 03.RDz users who access the CA Endevor       *
    *                    repository using the IBM supplied RDz     *
    *                    Endevor RAM.                              *
    *                 04.RDz users who access the Endevor          *
    *                    repository using the IBM supplied RDz     *
    *                    Endevor RAM.                              *
    *                 05.RDz users who access the Endevor          *
    *                    repository using the IBM supplied RDz     *
    *                    Endevor RAM.                              *
    *                 06.All RDz users                             *
    *                 07.All RDZ users.                            *
    *                 08.z/OS system programmer                    *
    *                 09.z/OS system programmer                    *
    *                 10.All RDz users                             *
    *                 11.all JES Job Monitor users                 *
    *                 12.z/OS System programmer                    *
    *                 13.All zOS Explorer and IDz users            *
    *                 14.All zOS Explorer and IDz users on z/OS    *
    *                    2.3 or higher                             *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: 01.In Rational Developer for System z   *
    *                         - RDz - v9.1.1.2, the daemon         *
    *                         process may end with user abend      *
    *                         code U4039 because of heap damage.   *
    *                                                              *
    *                         If LE runtime option HEAPZONES is    *
    *                         enabled then the following messages  *
    *                         can be observed:                     *
    *                                                              *
    *                         CEE3716I The heap check zone         *
    *                         following the storage at address     *
    *                         46C34FD0 for length X'00000100' has  *
    *                         been overlaid at address 46C350D0.   *
    *                         Each byte in the zone from 46C350D0  *
    *                         to 46C350DC should contain the       *
    *                         value X'55'. From entry point tfree  *
    *                         at compile unit offset +00000088 at  *
    *                         entry offset +00000088 at address    *
    *                         46601270.                            *
    *                                                              *
    *                         And the following traceback:         *
    *                                                              *
    *                         Traceback: DSA Entry E Offset 1      *
    *                         CEEVHMSG +00000846 2 CEEVRONU        *
    *                         +000010B0 3 CEEVFHPH +000006A4 4     *
    *                         CEEVROND +00001258 5 tfree           *
    *                         +00000088 6                          *
    *                         Java_com_ibm_etools_zos_server_CoreJ *
    *                         NI_select                            *
    *                                                              *
    *                         Heap damage can be seen in RSE       *
    *                         joblog or syslog with messages       *
    *                         like:                                *
    *                                                              *
    *                         CEE0374C CONDITION=CEE0802C          *
    *                         TOKEN=00040322 61C3C5C5 461AEE00     *
    *                         WHILE RUNNING PROGRAM tfree WHICH    *
    *                         STARTS AT 4668F1E8                   *
    *                      02.Abend code information is not sent   *
    *                         to client when uploading >16kB       *
    *                         file.                                *
    *                      03.S0C4 abend during dependency         *
    *                         retrieval in RDz Endevor CARMA RAM.  *
    *                      04.Attempts to Add Element from the     *
    *                         RSE View fail.                       *
    *                      05.The RDz CARMA Endevor "List input /  *
    *                         output" command only displays INPUT  *
    *                         elements.                            *
    *                      06.RDz server should support FIPS       *
    *                         140-2 mode in encrypted connections  *
    *                      07.RDz has a message class field in     *
    *                         the JES jobs Table view, but does    *
    *                         not populate it.                     *
    *                      08.Enhancement to issue console         *
    *                         message FEJ211I when server startup  *
    *                         completed.                           *
    *                      09.Enhancement to avoid a false         *
    *                         FEJ275E error message on shutdown    *
    *                      10.When saving a data set member for    *
    *                         which the user has no write access,  *
    *                         RDz does not issue any messages      *
    *                      11.JMON is intermittently unable to     *
    *                         detect a job                         *
    *                      12.RDz JMON gives false error messages  *
    *                      13.Enhancement to support 8-char TSO    *
    *                         userids during logon.                *
    *                      14.Enhancement to support 8-char TSO    *
    *                         userids to read/write the ISPF       *
    *                         statistics area.                     *
    * RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
    01.RDz server calls select() of USS API to check multiple
       inputs by a single thread. RDz server should prepare enough
       length of heap memory to direct select() api which file
       descriptor numbers should be checked by setting
       corresponding memory bits on. The heap memory length depends
       on the maximum value of the file descriptor numbers to be
       checked. When the maximum file descriptor number is 2048,
       RDz server does not allocate enough heap area and writing
       the bit for the file descriptor number 2048 causes the
       memory corruption. When the maximum number is less than or
       greater than 2048, the problem does not occur. RDz server
       code is updated to allocate enough memory even when the
       maximum number is 2048.
    02.When a file with more than 16kB is being uploaded and it
       ends with an abend by some reason, server does not send the
       abend code information in the error response message to
       client. Client shows the incorrect message , "Operation
       failed: file input output error" even if it has a different
       special message for the abend code D37-4 and E37-4.
    03.When using CA Endevor SCM R17/R18, an 0C4 abend may happen
       during internal special list processing.
    04.The internal command to process the Add Element from the RSE
       view was not being recognized.
    05.In some cases, the OUTPUT elements were not being selected
       from the component list response.
    06.RDz server should support FIPS 140-2 mode in encrypted
    07.RDz client has a message class field in the JES jobs Table
       view, but it is not populated since the host does not
       provide the data.
    08.Enhancement to issue console message FEJ211I when server
       startup completed.
    09.Enhancement to avoid a false FEJ275E error message on
    10.Server code is updated to send ABEND information to the
       client while opening a member.
    11.JMON is intermittently unable to detect a job, causing
       problems in other parts of RDz
    12.Rational Developer for System z gives false error messages
       during client disconnect
       v1DropSession: CEEHDLR (registration) failed for SYSABEND
       0x202 abend handler with message number 256
       swriteln: write failed rc(-1), fd(1), errno(140)
       svrmsg error 140
    13.8 byte userid is not blocked on the systems where it is not
    14.The Last modified-by field truncates the last byte of an 8
       byte userid

Problem conclusion

  • 01.RDz server code is updated to allocate enough memory even
       when the maximum value of the file descriptors is 2048.
    02.RDz server code has been updated to send the abend code
       information to client.
    03.RAM load modules compiled with Endevor R14-R16 libraries
       have API issues when working with Endevor R17/R18. The RDz
       Endevor RAM needs to be changed to address the compatibility
       issue with the CA Endevor R17/18.
    04.The RDz Endevor RAM needs to be changed to recognize the Add
       Element from RSE view request.
    05.The RDz Endevor RAM needs to be changed to select the OUTPUT
       components in those cases.
    06.RDz server is updated to support FIPS 140-2 mode
    07.Updated code to get SYSOUT info in SSI80 call.
    08.Enhancement to issue console message FEJ211I when server
       startup completed.
    09.Enhancement to avoid a false FEJ275E error message on
    10.Server code is updated to send ABEND information to the
       client while opening a member.
    11.JMON is updated to not use a terse sysout SSI80 call to get
       to message class, but use standard verbose SSI80 call.
    12.code updated to avoid messages
    13.The host module has been updated to prevent users from using
       an 8 byte userid to log in to a TSO system that doesn't
       support 8 byte userid.
    14.The host module has been updated to display the ISPF
       statistics area correctly.

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:




Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R900 PSY UI47123

       UP17/05/18 I 1000 Ø

Fix is available

  • Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSJK49","label":"IBM Developer for z Systems"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"9.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}},{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SG19M","label":"APARs - z\/OS environment"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"9.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
27 October 2020