IBM Support

APM IIB agent: How to create Message Flow Stopped threshold to exclude some Integration Servers?

Question & Answer


We have a need to exclude specific Integration Servers from following predefined threshold.
Formula: (*IF *VALUE Broker_Status.Stopped_Message_Flows *GT 0) 
The threshold 'WMB_Inactive_Message_Warn' checks if message flows are stopped on any of the Integration Servers. In our environment, some of the Integration Servers run message flows in batches, therefore the "Stopped" status for message flows are expected on those servers and should not cause an alert to be raised.
How can we create a threshold to exclude specific Integration Servers, while still alerting when the other Integration Servers have stopped message flows?


Broker Status dataset is at IIB node level and does not have granular Integration Server level data. A different dataset needs to be used to create threshold for this scenario.


The dataset Execution_Group_Status provides message flow metrics at Integration Server level and can be used to create thresholds based on Integration Server names. See examples below.

Example 1: If the Integration Servers to be excluded are named with a pattern, such as "BATCH01", "BATCH02" etc, then use REGEX operator "Regular expression does not contain" on Integration Server Name attribute to exclude the servers:

*VALUE Execution_Group_Status.Stopped_Message_Flows *GT 0 *AND *REGEX Execution_Group_Status.Execution_Group_U *NE "BATCH"

Exclude servers with common string in names

Example 2: To exclude multiple Integration Servers with different names (e.g. ABC, XYZ in names), you can create following threshold by including an OR (|) operator in the Execution_Group_U attribute check as shown in screenshot below:

*VALUE Execution_Group_Status.Stopped_Message_Flows *GT 0 *AND *REGEX Execution_Group_Status.Execution_Group_U *NE "ABC|XYZ"

Exclude servers with distinct names
Example 3: To include specific Integration Servers (e.g. names include substrings SALES, MARKET), use "Regular expression contains" operator for Execution_Group_U attribute.
*VALUE Execution_Group_Status.Stopped_Message_Flows *GT 0 *AND *REGEX Execution_Group_Status.Execution_Group_U *EQ "SALES|MARKET"
Additionally, the Regular Expression operators in Threshold Manager provide standard REGEX pattern matching for "string" type of attributes. See additional references in "Related information" below.
Note: Prior releases of IBM Integration Bus (IIB) were known as WebSphere Message Broker (WMB). And the "Integration Server" in the IIB was known as "Execution Groups" in WMB. Hence some of the datasets and attributes for the IIB monitoring agent have reference to terms of previous releases such as execution group. The latest release of the IIB product is known App Connect Enterprise or ACE.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSVJUL","label":"IBM Application Performance Management"},"Component":"IIB Agent, Monitoring Agent for IBM Integration Bus","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.1.4","Edition":"APM Advanced","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym

iib agent;apm SaaS;apmv8

Document Information

Modified date:
05 July 2019

