IBM Support

IBM® Datacap Version 9.1.4, Interim Fix 004 readme file

Fix Readme


This readme file contains information about installation of the interim fix and about known problems, restrictions, and solutions in support of IBM® Datacap Version 9.1.4.


Readme file for: IBM® Datacap
Product or component release:
IBM® Datacap
Update name:
Interim Fix 004
Fix ID:
Publication date:
31 January 2019
Last modified date:
31 January 2019

Download location

Download the fix from the following location: or access the fix from the following table.

Product or Component Name
File Name
IBM® Datacap Windows

Known problems, restrictions, and solutions

Known problems, restrictions, and solutions that affect administration and usage of interim fixes are documented as techdocs in the product support knowledge base. To review all known problems, restrictions, and solutions that affect Version 9.1.4 interim fixes, use the following link to query the product support knowledge base:

The techdoc links are also provided here:

Component Problem description
Datacap Navigator Local Profile feature does not support OCR, ICR, DocumentAnalytics, and other actions depending on them, such as PDFFREDocumentToImage and PDFDocumentToImage actions that depend on OCR/A.
Datacap IdentifyByBarcodes action removes ‘+’ character from regular expression in Datacap 9.1.4. 
Datacap You need to recreate new custom scan panel when you upgrade from Datacap version 8.x to 9.x.
Datacap You may face field highlight issues while using Datacap 9.1.4 interim fix 004. In addition, Chrome 71 may also hang when you switch image in this version of Datacap.

To review all known problems, restrictions, and solutions that affect Version 9.1.4, see  IBM Datacap Version 9.1.4 Release Notes .

To view IBM Datacap 9.1.4 documentation, see  IBM Datacap 9.1.4 Knowledge Center .

Prerequisites for IBM® Datacap Version 9.1.4, Interim Fix 004

The official statements for hardware and software support for IBM® Datacap are provided as part of the hardware and software requirements for IBM® Datacap Version 9.1.4. Before you install this fix, ensure that you installed IBM® Datacap Version 9.1.4. For more information about installing IBM® Datacap, see  Installing IBM Datacap . For complete details about the hardware and software requirements for IBM® Datacap, see  System requirements .

Installing IBM® Datacap 9.1.4, Interim Fix 004

To install the IBM® Datacap 9.1.4, Interim Fix 004, use the following procedure:


  1. Download the 914 iFix 004 package from  Fix Central .
  2. Extract the 914 iFix 004 package, and run the Update.exe file.

Feature enhancements

Datacap Navigator enhancements:
  • The Edit Job Properties window displays the Input manually check boxes for the Operator and Stored operator lists. For more information, click  here .
  • Support for configuration of a field that needs focus by default in Verify client when switching to a page in Verify client. For more information, click  here .

APARs addressed by this code fix

The following table displays a list of APARs created in the previous versions of Datacap, and fixed in IBM Datacap V9.1.4, Interim Fix 004:

Component APAR Number Description Defect ID
Datacap Services IO26526  Taskmaster services crashing due to memory leak and forcing Datacap applications to become unresponsive. 182914
Datacap Web Services IO26567 In Datacap Navigator date formats are incorrectly displayed when using German locale. 183751
Datacap Desktop IO26549 Filter values used in DcDesktop Job Monitor are not cleared when user switches between applications 183672
Datacap Desktop IO26453 Configuring Queue By User fails in DcDesktop application preventing users from seeing batches when the option is set on task 183524
Datacap Desktop IO26454 In Datacap Desktop applications changing any or all shortcut keys does not persist after re-opening DcDesktop 184041
Datacap Web IO26411 User is able to access batches in a new tab in same session in tmweb even after experiencing an valid error 184044
Actions IO26513 SplitMultiPageTiff action fails with GDI+ error for large (700+ page) multi-page tiff file 184553
Datacap Navigator IO26550 In Datacap Navigator application the currency data is not shown correctly in the verify page 183092
Actions IO26428 RescaleImage in ImageConvert doesn't safely create a backup file which may cause a file IO error at runtime 184203
Datacap Desktop IO26573 DCDesktop does not display image and field data if page ID does not match field/image name 183316
Fingerprints IO26590 autodoc.SetFingerprintSearchArea (0.6,) fails to limit the fingerprint matching to the first half of the page (0 to 50%) 183359
Datacap Services IO26726 Configure TMServer to allow a different attribute other than distinguishedName in UserDistringuishedNameAttr in LLLDAP Group Authentication 184207
Datacap Navigator IO26781 Viewmode configuration does not take effect if launching a client with seperate viewer window initially 185270
Datacap Navigator IO26676 Datacap Navigator allows batches to be submitted even though required fields have empty and missing values 183609
Rulesets IO26810 Error when exporting documents under a folder on CM using IBMCM_UploadDCO_DOC 185163
Rulesets IO26662 Exporting documents using IBMCM_UploadDCO_DOC () to IBM DB2 Content Manager fails to make the uploaded pdf documents text searchable 183946
FastDoc IO26710 In a newly created Fastdoc Application shortcuts are greyed out and do not allow the user to vscan using the vscan shortcut buttons 184217
Datacap Desktop IO26467 Datacap Web Client Job Monitor Privileges when unchecked or checked fails to work correctly for users in DcDesktop Application 183328
Datacap Desktop IO26563 Improve the performance of loading entries in DcDesktop application job monitor 183529
Rulerunner IO26466 Datacap Navigator role-based batch filtering fails to display batches restricted by users and instead they are seeing all batches 183933
Datacap Navigator IO26786 In Datacap Navigator,  when the task list is switched between two shortcuts the sort column and sort order isn't preserved 185400
Datacap Navigator IO26430 9.1.4ifix4: In Datacap Navigator when a user clicks shortcuts quickly multiple verify tabs are opened preventing users from using the right verify panel to index 182095
Rulerunner IO26301 Click n key established zones are being overwritten in Fingerprints when scanning other similar image 184138
Navigator Client IO26429 Can not save field data when editor type is "Editable entry list" (StartPanel & FieldDetailPanel) 181919
Actions IO26791 Recognize action on PDF create wrong CCO file naming convention making it fail on further actions 185415
Fingerprints IO26590 autodoc.SetFingerprintSearchArea (0.6,) fails to limit the fingerprint matching to the first half of the page (0 to 50%) 183359
Datacap Navigator IO26770 In Datacap Navigator application when a user inputs the operator or stored operator manually a default blank space is placed at the beginning of edit box. 185333
FastDoc IO26710 In a newly created Fastdoc Application shortcuts are greyed out and do not allow the user to vscan using the vscan shortcut buttons 184217
System T IO26805 DocumentAnalytics- ExtractText text action not returning entity positions if two different custom extractors returns same data 185404

Fixed issues:

The following issues are fixed in IBM Datacap 9.1.4 Interim Fix 004:


Defect ID


Datacap Services 182865 Datacap navigator shortcuts missing in subsequent applications when users log into multiple application
Actions 183441 "dcpdf MakePDFDoc()" generates pdfs that include an incorrect page from another document
Actions 183658 Mvscan.scan() splits files under a subfolder into different batches instead of ingesting them into a batch folder
Actions 183554 Validations.IsFieldDateWithinXDays () is reformatting the date causing incorrect calculations when running in a English UK locale
Datacap Navigator 183274 When trying to launch any of the clients - Scan, Classify, Verify in the Datacap Navigator's Dual Viewer's Separate Window if it is accidentally closed before it is fully loaded it will hang when trying to open
Actions 183737 Locate.FindLastWord () fails to match or find the word in the action to a word or phrase on the page
Actions 184232 Convert.OutlookMessageToImageAndAttachement() fails to convert the body of the email into a TIFF image if the .eml file was created as type "text/plain" in the email exchange server inbox
Datacap Desktop 184596 Datacap Desktop crashes when the application is idle for 20 - 30 mins and then user tries to continue processing batches in their application
Datacap Web 184578 In Datacap Web Client applications when user clicks the browser back button to return to Job Monitor batches abort, or stay in pending or hold status preventing the user from processing the batch
Actions 184071 OutlookMessageToImageAndAttachment action attach .eml extension by default, for extensionless attachment, changing it to .file
Miscellaneous 184204 DCO.Variable (SelectedDCONodes) is no longer updated into the task xml file after the execution of the additional task using ISISScan Panel
FastDoc 183782 Fastdoc (Admin) crashes with an system exception error when user inputs a non-alpha numeric character such as '?' in the field name
Datacap Web 184317 Datacap Web client throws an error, "Error received from a TM component' when a user tries to select a value under Station column in Job Monitor tab
Datacap Web 185182 Chrome fails to open any page with scripts in Script Adapters when used against ICM 5.3.1 or against ICM 5.3.3 when having DatacapWebPlugin configured
Datacap Web 185174 In Datacap Web client Job monitor an error is thrown when the user runs a filter applied on custom column
Datacap Desktop 181893 In DcDesktop Application job monitor UI when filtering items in Filter filed drop down list, typing partial values in By field does not return the correct data set
Datacap Navigator 183974 Sticky Field option once selected in Datacap Navigator Verify panel fails to persist its value when launched in the second verify panel for the same batch
Datacap Navigator 183500 Warning popup messages thrown during Fujitsu scanner pre-scanning, even though ‘suppress scanner warning’ is enabled in Datacap Navigator application
Development Tools 184060 Datacap App Wizard in FastDoc Admin returns an Exception error when copying a FastDoc app
Development Tools 183519 Datacap Navigator job monitor fails to display batches, DcDesktop App job monitor fails to display batches, and Datacap Copy Tool fails to copy successfully when TLS v1.2 is enabled
Development Tools 183306 Datacap Application Wizard fails to create the dco object in the new app even after configuring "Add Multiple" during app creation
Datacap Desktop 185175 Selecting large number of images for deleting in DcDesktop Scan panel results in unresponsiveness and exceptions
Actions 183895 PDFFREDocumentToImage action with @P.convPdfIgnoreContent = 1 and @X.y_createLayout not = 1, fails to create tiff images instead creates an empty CCO file
Datacap Desktop 183018 Pages and document loading very slowly from NAS resulting in batch submit hanging because it takes time to complete Datacap Desktop application
Datacap Services 183160 Logging into Datacap applications login screen as “*” instead of a valid LDAP user name returns a list of all users in the domain
Datacap Navigator 183728 WebScan and SpeedScan in Datacap Navigator application does not support all groups to edit scan settings
Actions 184098 When physical images in the assigned source folder is not accessible SplitBatch () action continues to create child batches without images in the batch folder
Datacap Web 185276 When processing documents in Datacap Web Client using Verifine panel some of the fields are displayed with large fonts causing the text in the fields to seem zoomed out
Actions 183777 When Using OCR/S In Rulerunner the action will sometimes abort for an unknown reason
Actions 183531 Validations - CalculateFields returning false when even the expression evaluates true.
Actions 184618 OCRA Setting y_EnableTextExtractionMode is reset to False when y_EnableAggressiveTextExtraction is set to False
Application Manager 185303 Datacap tabs.xml needs to be updated with the proper string en-GB instead of en-UK to properly convert dates.
DCPDF 181872 Updated VeryPDF tookit to resolve crash issues when running Convert.Pdf library actions in a multi-threaded environment
FastDoc 183603 In FastDoc app if a user drags and drops fields in a page in different sorting order in the‘configure documents, pages and fields‘ area of the panel, then this order does not persist when the application is restarted
Datacap Navigator 185571 When there is no pages in scanner or scanner is unable to scan pages, 'Post Scan' profile is triggered with an empty and returns an error, "Post Scan profile failed" which is misleading to users

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSZRWV","label":"IBM Datacap"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"9.1.4","Edition":"Interim Fix 004","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
08 September 2020

