IBM Support

How to Change the Hostname, URL, or Storage Directory of an OpenPages Application Server

How To


If the hostname of one of your application servers or a load balancing server changes after IBM OpenPages with Watson has been installed, you must perform certain steps in order to update the hostname, application URL, and/or OpenPages storage directory in OpenPages.


Prerequisite Steps

  1. Ensure that all servers in the OpenPages deployment can successfully connect to the new hostname.  See Configuring the hosts file for details.
  2. Stop OpenPages node and application server processes on the server with the changed hostname.  See Stopping application servers for details.
  3. Make sure the OpenPages deployment manager is running (if applicable).

Update the Hostname on the Installation Server

Perform the following steps on the installation server:

  1. Open the file <OPInstallerHome>/src/deployment/<deployment_name>/ in a text editor, where <OPInstallerHome> is the location of the installer files and <deployment_name> is the name of your deployment in the OpenPages Installer.

  2. Update the host property under the [app.serverX] section (where X is the index of the application server that has changed) with the new hostname of the application server, and save the file.

Update the Hostname on the Deployment Manager Server

Note: Only perform these steps if the hostname of the admin application server (Application Server #1) has changed, and if your OpenPages version is prior to 8.2.

Perform the following steps on the server hosting the OpenPages deployment manager:

  1. Open the file <OP_HOME>/aurora/conf/ in a text editor, where <OP_HOME> is the location of your OpenPages installation.  Update the property using the new application server hostname, and save the file.

Update the Hostname on the Application Server

Perform the following steps on the application server with the changed hostname:

  1. Open the file <OP_HOME>/installer/ in a text editor.  Update the host property under the [app.serverX] section (where X is the index of the application server that has changed) with the new hostname, and save the file.
  2. If the application server operating system is Linux or AIX, and the OpenPages database type is DB2, open the file <OP_HOME>/aurora/bin/db2stats/ in a text editor.  Update the hostname following the argument OP_HOSTNAME= using the new hostname, and save the file.
  3. If the OpenPages storage directory is located on the application server and is shared with other servers in your deployment, follow the steps under Additional Information for Updating the OpenPages Storage Directory Location.

  4. Perform one of the following steps based on whether you are using a load balancer for your application servers:

    1. If you are using a load balancer for your application servers, update the configuration of your load balancer with the new application server hostname and restart it.  For example, if you use IBM HTTP Server to load balance your application servers, you must update the plugin files that were created for the web server (see Configuring IBM HTTP Server to load balance application servers for details).

    2. If you are not using a load balancer for your application servers, follow the steps under Additional Information for Updating the OpenPages Application URL.

  5. If your OpenPages version is prior to 8.2, perform the following steps:

    1. Open the file <OP_HOME>/temp/perlinstall/ in a text editor, where <OP_HOME> is the location of your OpenPages installation.  Update the property OP_HOST using the new hostname, and save the file.

    2. For each server <ServerName> in the node, open the file <OP_HOME>/temp/wasconfig/<CellName>.<ServerName>.config.props in a text editor, where <CellName> is the name of your OpenPages cell.  Update the property HOST using the new hostname, and save the file.

    3. Open the file <OP_HOME>/aurora/conf/ in a text editor.  Update the property using the new hostname, and save the file.

    4. For each server <ServerName> in the node, open the file <OP_HOME>/aurora/conf/<ServerName> in a text editor.  Update the following properties using the new hostname, and save the file.
      • dmgr.hostname
      • jms.providerurl
      • jta.providerurl
      • security.providerurl
      • service.client.providerurl
      • url.repositoryService
      • url.service.clientapi
      • url.service.repository
      • url.service.rule
      • url.service.sitegenerator
      • url.service.transformation
    5. For each server <ServerName> in the node, open the file <OP_HOME>/aurora/conf/<ServerName> in a text editor.  Update the property using the new hostname, and save the file.
    6. Open the file <OP_HOME>/bin/ in a text editor.  Update the property using the new hostname, and save the file.
    7. Open the file <OP_HOME>/bin/|.cmd in a text editor.  Update the hostname following the argument -CCBootstrapHost= using the new hostname, and save the file.
    8. Run the sequence of commands 
      <WAS_HOME>\bin\wsadmin.bat -user <admin_username> -password <admin_password> -lang jython -conntype soap -host <DmgrHost> -port <DmgrSoapPort>
      AdminTask.changeHostName('-hostName <NewHostName> -nodeName <NodeName>')

      where <WAS_HOME> is the installation location of IBM WebSphere Application Server, <admin_username> is the WAS admin username, <admin_password> is the WAS admin password, <DmgrHost> is the hostname of the deployment manager, <DmgrSoapPort> is the SOAP port of the deployment manager, <NewHostName> is the new hostname of the deployment manager, and <NodeName> is the name of the OpenPages node on the application server.

    9. Sync the application node by running the command 

      <OP_HOME>/profiles/<NodeName>/bin/|.bat <DmgrHost> <DmgrSoapPort>

      where <NodeName> is the name of the OpenPages node on the application server, <DmgrHost> is the hostname of the deployment manager, and <DmgrSoapPort> is the SOAP port number of the deployment manager.

    10. Start the OpenPages node and application servers.  See Starting application servers for details.

  6. If your OpenPages version is 8.2 or higher, perform the following steps:
    1. For each vertical cluster member <ServerName>, open the file <OP_HOME>/aurora/conf/<ServerName> in a text editor.  Update the property using the new hostname, and save the file.
    2. Open the file <OP_HOME>/bin/ in a text editor.  Update the property rest.url.path using the new hostname, and save the file.
    3. If working with the admin application server (Application Server #1), then for each vertical cluster member <ServerName> on the application server, open the file <OP_HOME>/wlp-usr/servers/<ServerName>/ in a text editor.  Update the property using the new hostname, and save the file.
    4. Start the OpenPages application servers.

Update the Hostname on Other Application Servers

Note: Only perform these steps if the hostname of the admin application server (Application Server #1) has changed, and if your OpenPages version is 8.2 or higher.

Perform the following steps on all other application servers in the deployment:

  1. For each vertical cluster member <ServerName> on the application server, open the file <OP_HOME>/wlp-usr/servers/<ServerName>/ in a text editor.  Update the property using the new admin application server hostname, and save the file.

Update the Hostname on Each Reporting Server

Perform the following steps on each reporting server in your deployment:

  1. Update the IBM Cognos Application Firewall settings with the new application server hostname.  See Adding OpenPages GRC Platform servers to the Cognos Application Firewall safe list for details.

Additional Information

Updating the OpenPages Application URL:

In certain situations, you may need to update the URL for the OpenPages application.  For example, if you use a load balancer for your application servers and the hostname of the load balancer server changes, then the URL of the OpenPages application may change.  The URL will also change if you do not use a load balancer for your application servers, and the hostname of one of the application servers changes.

Follow the steps below in order to update the URL in OpenPages:

Prerequisite Steps:

  1. If the update to the application URL is the result of a hostname change, ensure that all servers in the OpenPages deployment can successfully connect to the new hostname.  See Configuring the hosts file for details.
  2. Stop all OpenPages application servers, including the deployment manager (if applicable).  See Stopping application servers for details.
  3. On each reporting server in your deployment stop the IBM Cognos service.  See Starting and stopping the Cognos services for details.
  4. If your deployment includes a workflow server stop the IBM Business Process Manager node and server, but start the deployment manager.

Update the URL on Each Application Server

Perform the following steps on each application server in your deployment:

  1. Update the OpenPages property files with the new application URL.  See Configuring property files for each OpenPages GRC Platform instance for details.
  2. Start the OpenPages node and application servers.  See Starting application servers for details.

Update the URL on Each Reporting Server

Perform the following steps on each reporting server in your deployment.

Note:  If you are not using a load balancer for your application servers, the following steps should be performed using the OpenPages application URL for the admin application server (Application Server #1).

  1. Open the file <COGNOS_HOME>/configuration/ in a text editor, where <COGNOS_HOME> is the location of your IBM Cognos Analytics installation..  Update the property openpages.application.url using the new URL, and save the file.
  2. Start the IBM Cognos service.  See Starting and stopping the Cognos services for details.

Update the URL in the OpenPages Application

Note:  If you are not using a load balancer for your application servers, the following steps should be performed using the OpenPages application URL for the admin application server (Application Server #1).

  1. Update the OpenPages application URL in the reporting schema.  See Updating URL host pointers for reports for details.

Update the URL on the Workflow Server

If your OpenPages version is prior to 8.2 and your deployment includes a workflow server, perform the following steps on your workflow server:

  1. Open the file <OP_BPM_INTEGRATION_HOME>/|.cmd in a text editor, where <OP_BPM_INTEGRATION_HOME> is the directory containing the integration files for OpenPages and IBM BPM.  Update the property opBaseUrl using the new OpenPages application URL, fill in the password properties, and save the file.
  2. Run the integration script for OpenPages and IBM BPM.  See Running the integration script for details.

Updating the OpenPages Storage Directory Location:

In certain situations, you may need to update the location of the OpenPages storage directory.  For example, if the storage directory is located at a shared network path and the hostname of the server hosting the storage directory changes, then references to the storage directory location may need to be updated.

Follow the steps below in order to update the storage directory in OpenPages:

Update the Storage Location on Each Application Server

Perform the following steps on each application server in your deployment:

  1. Remount the OpenPages storage directory on the application server:

Update the Storage Location on Global Search Server

If your deployment includes a Global Search server, perform the following steps on your Global Search server:

  1. Remount the OpenPages storage directory on the Global Search server:
  2. Update the search server properties with the new storage location.  See Updating the search server properties file with the location of the OpenPages storage directory for details.

Update the Storage Location in the OpenPages Database

Update the storage location in the OpenPages database by performing one of the following, depending on your database type:

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSFUEU","label":"IBM OpenPages with Watson"},"ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"7.4.x;8.0.x;8.1.0;8.2.0","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
10 June 2020

