Review the list of frequently asked questions below. Click to view answers.

Below are some of our most frequently asked questions about Processor Value Unit (PVU) licensing and requirements.

1. What is a Processor Value Unit (PVU)?

2. Are Processor Value Units transferable among servers?

3. What is the part number structure for programs using the PVU metric?

4. Why are some part numbers are only available in minimum order quantities of 10 PVU?

5. What determines the required PVU entitlements for a Software license?

6. Does IBM continue to define a "processor" to be the processor "core"?

7. How often is the PVU table updated?

8. What tools can I use to help determine the required PVU entitlements?

9. What determines the required PVU per core rating for a laptop, desktop and workstation (per core requirement)?

10. Why is IBM using Processor Value Units?

11. How does IBM assign PVU per core requirements for new technology?

12. Are there license management tools available to assist customers in determining software entitlements?

13. Is a compliance tool such as IBM License Metric Tool (ILMT) required?

14. Do I always have to license to the full capacity of the server?

15. Could you provide an example matrix of possible PVU requirements for POWER?

16. Why is the number of sockets on the server relevant to the pricing I receive?

17. What is the difference between POWER7 and POWER7 TurboCore?

18. What is the difference between a core, chip, and socket?

19. Could you provide an example matrix of possible PVU requirements for Intel processor technology?

20. Why is server scalability relevant to the pricing I receive?

21. Do the PVUs per core change when I connect sockets on different servers together?

22. Does IBM continue to define a "processor" to be the processor core?

23. What is the difference between a server model and processor model number?