z/OS Cryptographic Services System SSL Programming
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Running a z/OS System SSL application

z/OS Cryptographic Services System SSL Programming

After successfully writing and building the System SSL application and creating the certificate repository, you can run the System SSL application. To run the application follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that pdsename.SIEALNKE, the PDSE that contains the System SSL DLLs, is in the MVS™ search order. If it is not in the linklist or LPA, you can use the STEPLIB DD statement in your JCL or the STEPLIB environment variable in the shell. For example, in the z/OS® shell, issue this command:
        export STEPLIB=$STEPLIB:pdsename.SIEALNKE
  2. Ensure that the key database file, SAF key ring, or z/OS PKCS #11 token is accessible to the System SSL application.
  3. Run the System SSL application.
  1. SSL applications must be run from within a POSIX environment.
  2. Once SSL applications call gsk_initialize() or gsk_environment_open(), they cannot destroy the LE environment.
  3. SSL applications must call SSL APIs from a C program, as they are C APIs.

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