Save upgrade data

The Save Upgrade Data task is used when a customer is upgrading to a new TKE image. The task should only be executed when an engineering change (EC) upgrade or miscellaneous equipment specification (MES) instructs you to save the Trusted Key Entry workstation's upgrade data. You must log on with a console user name of ADMIN or SERVICE to use this task.

All data pertinent to the TKE workstation (for example, TKE-related data directories, emulator sessions, and TCP/IP information) will be saved. Upgrading the Trusted Key Entry workstation requires saving its upgrade data before installing new EC or MES code, then restoring the upgrade data afterwards.

To invoke this task, click on Service Management and then click on Save Upgrade Data.

Figure 1. Save Upgrade window
Save Upgrade window

Some upgrade procedures save and restore the Trusted Key Entry workstation's upgrade data automatically, and there is no need to use this console action. Otherwise, if you are following an upgrade procedure that instructs you to save the Trusted Key Entry workstation's upgrade data, you must use this console action to save it manually.

Note: The USB flash memory drive for this task must be formatted with a volume identification label of ACTUPG, using the Format Media task.
Figure 2. Save upgrade success window
Save upgrade success window