Manage smart cards

This function allows you to view a list of the keys and key parts stored on the smart card, delete keys and key parts from the smart card, and, for TKE smart cards, display information about AES EXPORTER, IMPORTER, and CIPHER operational keys stored on the smart card. This function can be used with both TKE smart cards and EP11 smart cards.

  1. At the prompt, insert your smart card into smart card reader 2.
  2. The utility reads the smart card contents. This may take some time. The card ID is displayed followed by the card description. Verify that this is the smart card you want to work with.
    Figure 1. Smart card contents (for TKE smart cards)
    Smart card contents (for TKE smart cards)
    Figure 2. Smart card contents (for EP11 smart cards)
    Smart card contents (for EP11 smart cards)
    The Manage smart card contents window displays the following information for a smart card:
    Card ID
    Identification string for the smart card
    Zone description
    Description of the zone in which the smart card is enrolled
    Card description
    Description of the smart card; entered when the smart card was personalized
    Card contents
    Key type, Description, Origin, MDC4, SHA1, ENC-Zero, AES-VP, Control Vector or Key Attributes (for operational keys only), and Length.
  3. Highlight the keys you want to delete. By holding down the control button you can select specific entries on the list with your mouse. By holding down the shift button you can select a specific range of entries on the list with your mouse.
  4. Right click and select Delete.
  5. Confirm the delete.
  6. Enter the 6-digit PIN.
    Note: TKE smart cards created before TKE 7.0 use 4-digit PINs.
  7. You will get a message that the command was executed successfully.
  8. You can display the key attributes associated with a CIPHER, EXPORTER, or IMPORTER AES operational key part stored on the smart card. Left click to select the key part, then right click to display a popup menu. Select the Display key attributes option to display the key attributes.