Customize network settings

In the left frame of the Trusted Key Entry Console, click on Service Management. In the right frame of the Trusted Key Entry Console, click on Customize Network Settings.

The Customize Network Settings window opens. Its Identification tab is displayed.

Figure 1. Customize Network Settings - Identification Tab
Customize Network Settings - Identification Tab

By default, the Console name is TKE. It is displayed in the title bar of all the window displays. Enter the domain name for your network and a brief description for the workstation. If you do not have any further updates to make, click OK. To continue with updates to your network settings, click on the LAN Adapters Tab.

Figure 2. Customize Network Settings LAN Adapters Tab
Customize Network Settings LAN Adapters Tab
With the Ethernet LAN adapter highlighted, click on Details.

The LAN Adapter Details window opens.

Figure 3. Local Area Network
Local Area Network

Specify Local Area Network Information and DHCP Client/IP address information for your network. Press the OK push button. If you do not have any further updates to make, click the OK push button on the Customize Network Settings Window. To continue with updates to your network settings, click on the Name Services tab.

Figure 4. Customize Network Settings - Name Services Tab
Customize Network Settings - Name Services Tab

Select whether DNS is enabled or disabled. Configure the DNS Server Search Order and the Domain Suffix Search Order for your network. If you do not have any further updates to make, click OK. If Routing information is required for your network, click on the Routing tab and configure as appropriate. When complete, click OK to save all updates to your network settings.

Problems associated with networking can be diagnosed with the Network Diagnostic Information task. To open this task select Service Management, Network Diagnostic Information.

If you are having problems connecting to a host system, test the TCP/IP connection by pinging the address. Enter the host address in the TCP/IP Address to Ping field and click on Ping.

Figure 5. Network Diagnostic Information Task
Network Diagnostic Information Task