Enrolling an entity

To enroll an entity into a zone, you need the CA smart card for the zone. Entities that the CA smart card enrolls are:

For TKE workstation crypto adapters, there are local and remote enrollments. Your primary TKE workstations and any local backups will use local enrollment. Any offsite TKE workstations that do not have direct access to the CA, will use remote enrollment.

During enrollment, the entity receives and stores the root certificate of the CA smart card. The root certificate is then used to verify other entities enrolled in the same zone.

Additionally, the CA issues a certificate for the entity, enabling the entity to:

The certificate that was issued to the TKE workstation crypto adapter by the CA is destroyed if you initialize the adapter.

The entity only establishes cryptographic connections with entities that can prove they are in the same zone, by using a challenge-response protocol. It is not possible for a component or entity to be in more than one zone. Different zones cannot exchange key parts.