Prerequisite software and definitions

Ensure that you satisfy the following requirements before trying to use the IBM® WebSphere® MQ Explorer.

The IBM WebSphere MQ Explorer can connect to remote queue managers using the TCP/IP communication protocol only.

Check that:
  1. A command server is running on every remotely administered queue manager.
  2. A suitable TCP/IP listener object must be running on every remote queue manager. This object can be the IBM WebSphere MQ listener or, on UNIX and Linux® systems, the inetd daemon.
  3. A server-connection channel, by default named SYSTEM.ADMIN.SVRCONN, exists on all remote queue managers.
    You can create the channel using the following MQSC command:

    This command creates a basic channel definition. If you want a more sophisticated definition (to set up security, for example), you need additional parameters. For more information, see DEFINE CHANNEL .

  4. The system queue, SYSTEM.MQEXPLORER.REPLY.MODEL, must exist.