JR46434 There are no warnings for potential precision loss in the Transformer In a Transformer, Lookup, or Slowly Changing Dimension stage of a Parallel job, input data may be assigned to an output data field that cannot contain it. For example, a field of type Integer may be derived from a BigInt. There are also cases where an arithmetic expression involving non-numeric fields uses an intermediate variable to do string-to-number and number-to-string conversion, leading to loss of precision owing to the data type used for the intermediate variable. At run time, data that would overflow the output field is truncated or modified to fit, without a warning being logged by the Transform operator. So for example an integer that is too large for the destination may become negative. This change addresses the issue where implicit type conversion might lead to data loss, but no warnings are issued to warn a user that this may occur. The function of this change is to: - Generate compile-time warnings for potential data loss caused by implicit type conversions that are detected in expression. - Log a message at job runtime if such warnings have been generated, including the message contents. - Provide an option to disable the generation of warnings at compile time and logging these at run time. The change will cause a warning file to be written a job?s RT_SCnn folder if certain type conversion issues are detected in the Transformer, Lookup or Slowly Changing Dimension stages. This will only happen if the environment variable APT_TRANSFORM_RANGE_CHECK is set to 1 at compile time. Setting APT_TRANSFORM_RANGE_CHECK=0, or not defining that variable at all, means the warning files are not produced. At job run time, the same environment variable can be used to control whether a warning log message is issued or not. If APT_TRANSFORM_RANGE_CHECK is set to 1 a single message will be issued at runtime if any warning files exist in the RT_SCnn folder of the job. IMPORTANT: Warning messages will only be generated for jobs that have been recompiled with the environment variable APT_TRANSFORM_RANGE_CHECK set to 1. For further details of the background to this issue, use of the new features, and how to interpret the results, please refer to this Technote: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21639629