Release notes - IBM® Tivoli® Identity Manager PeopleTools Adapter 5.1.6

IBM Tivoli Identity Manager PeopleTools Adapter 5.1.6 is available. Compatibility, installation, and other getting-started issues are addressed.





Welcome to the IBM Tivoli Identity Manager PeopleTools  Adapter.

These Release Notes contain information for the following products that was not available when the IBM Tivoli Identity Manager manuals were printed:


Adapter Features and Purpose


The PeopleTools Adapter is designed to create and manage User Accounts on the PeopleSoft application. The adapter runs in "agentless" mode and communicates using JDBC and the PeopleTools Java API to the systems being managed.


IBM recommends the installation of this Adapter (and the prerequisite Tivoli Directory Integrator) on each node of an Identity Manager WAS cluster. A single copy of the adapter can handle multiple Tivoli Identity Manager Services. The deployment configuration is based, in part, on the topology of your network domain, but the primary factor is the planned structure of your Identity Manager Provisioning Policies and Approval Workflow process. Please refer to the Identity Manager Information Center for a discussion of these topics.


The Identity Manager Adapters are powerful tools that require Administrator Level authority. Adapters operate much like a human system administrator, creating accounts, permissions and home directories. Operations requested from the Identity Manager server will fail if the Adapter is not given sufficient authority to perform the requested task. IBM recommends that this Adapter run with administrative (root) permissions.


Service Groups Management

The ability to manage service groups is a new feature introduced in Tivoli Identity Manager 5.1. By service groups, Tivoli Identity Manager is referring to any logical entity that can group accounts together on the managed resource.


Managing service groups implies the following:


      Create service groups on the managed resource.

      Modify attribute of a service group.

      Delete a service group.


      Note that service group name change is not supported in Tivoli Identity Manager 5.1 release.


The PeopleTools adapter does not support service groups management.



Contents of this Release

Adapter Version



Release Date

2014 April 08 19.40.51

Adapter Version


Component Versions

Adapter build:



Dispatcher 5.724 or higher (packaged separately)


Directory Integrator-Based PeopleTools Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide Version 5.1 (SC23-9639-00)

Directory Integrator-Based PeopleTools Adapter User Guide Version 5.1 (SC23-9640-00)


New Features

Enhancement # (FITS)




Items included in current release



Added support for SDI 7.2




New version of PeopleTools Adapter for v8.53 server

Note:  PeopleTools 8.53 requires SDI 7.2




ISIM 6.0 - PeopleTools v8.53 Support

Note:  PeopleTools 8.53 requires SDI 7.2



Items included in 5.1.5 release




Drop support of PeopleTools v8.45, v8.46, v8.47, v8.48 and v8.49




Items included in 5.1.4 release




Support of PeopleTools 8.52




Items included in 5.1.3 release




Support of PeopleTools 8.51





PeopleTools 8.51 Adapter Support

Note:  PeopleTools 8.51 requires TDI 7.1



Items included in 5.1.2 release




Extending schema with attributes (Peoplesoft) using two component interfaces.

See "MR0701105012" in the Configuration section of this document.





Request for PeopleSoft adapter for latest 9.x version of PeopleSoft





PeopleTools adapter needs to support PeopleTools v8.50

Note:  PeopleTools 8.50 requires TDI 7.1



Items included in 5.1.1 release



Initial release for ITIM v5.1





Added support for TDI 7.0


Closed Issues



PMR# / Description




Items closed in 5.1.5 version






Installation steps missing in latest peopletools adapter package.

See Corrections to Installation guide under the Installation and Configuration Notes section for details.






Concurrent multiple operation

When submitting an operation (such as a change password, delete or suspend operation) for multiple accounts, a java NullPointerException error may occur. A work around is to set the Max Connection Count to "1" under the Dispatcher Attributes tab on the service form.





Items closed in 5.1.4 version







PeopleTools - datasync failed,due to bad value NaNu from PS





Items closed in 5.1.3 version










Items closed in 5.1.2 version










Items closed in 5.1.1 version







Known Issues



PMR# / Description






Uninstalling the Adapter

Do not use the "-awt" option with the adapter uninstaller in console mode. Uninstaller can be run with "-console" and "-silent" options.







Setting Custom ID Type

If a custom ID Type defined as "Custom" with 2 attribute say MyCustAttr1 and MyCustAttr2 with MyCustAttr1 as a required attribute and MyCustAttr2 as an optional attribute then two cases arises:


a)             When an invalid value is provided for the optional attribute, the user is added on the resource. The value format which goes to the adapter is:


Where Myvalue1 and Myvalue2 are values you want to set and Myvalue2 is an invalid value.

            The resource sets this ID Type with the following structure.


            - OPRALIASTYPE                                   Custom

                  - PSOPRALIASFIELD [1]

                                    -PSOPRALIASNAME     MyCustAttr1

                                    -PSOPRALIASVALUE    Myvalue1


             - PSOPRALIASFIELD [2]

                         -PSOPRALIASNAME      MyCustAttr2




b)            When an invalid attribute name is provided in place of the optional attribute, the user is added on the resource. The format which goes to the adapter is:


Where instead of providing MyCustAttr2 an invalid attribute name is sent

The resource sets this ID Type with the following structure.


                        - OPRALIASTYPE                                   Custom

                        - PSOPRALIASFIELD [1]

                                    -PSOPRALIASNAME     MyCustAttr1

                                    -PSOPRALIASVALUE    Myvalue1



Note: This issue is applicable to all the PeopleTools versions. This is working as designed. The value sent to adapter is constructed value and there is no provision to inform IBM Tivoli Identity Manager that part of value is failed. After reconciliation or lookup the invalid attribute for an ID type will get cleared.


In case ‘a’:  after reconciliation the IBM Tivoli Identity Manager will show the following in the values field of the ID Type subform.


Instead of



In case ‘b’: after reconciliation the IBM Tivoli Identity Manager will show the following in the values field of the ID Type subform


Instead of



Possible workaround: No workaround is available. This is a PeopleTools resource API behavior.







Reconciliation of Disabled ID Type

If a user with a set ID Type is reconciled and that ID Type is disabled on the resource then the subform displays the ID Type instead of the ID Type Description.


For example : If the ID Type Emp which has the description as Employee is disabled on the resource then the subform will show Emp instead of Employee in the ID Type column of the sub form.


Possible workaround: this is expected behavior.




Installation and Configuration Notes


See the IBM Tivoli Identity Manager Adapter Installation Guide for detailed instructions.



Corrections to Installation Guide

1.     Under section ‘PeopleSoft resource-specific JAR files’ of the installation guide shows how to create a psft.jar file. The following is correction to step 2 which includes an example of the path to the PSKeyStore.class file when PeopleSoft is installed on WebSphere environment.

Step 2: Locate the PSKeyStore.class file which is present in the pshttp folder of PeopleTools. It is located in the web server installation directory. For example,

Oracle WebLogic Servce:


IBM WebSphere:


2.     Under section ‘Generating the CompIntfc.jar file’ of the installation guide shows how to generate the CompIntfc.jar file. The following is correction to step 5, it should be a list box instead of a drop-down menu which was mentioned in the installation guide.

Step 5: In the Java Classes frame, select the Build check box and select the appropriate Component Interfaces from the list box. You must select the
following options from the list box and then click OK:

Configuration Notes

The following configuration notes apply to this release:



Customizing or Extending Adapter Features

The Identity Manager adapters can be customized and/or extended. The type and method of this customization may vary from adapter to adapter.

Getting Started

Customizing and extending adapters requires a number of additional skills. The developer must be familiar with the following concepts and skills prior to beginning the modifications:

Note: If the customization requires a new Tivoli Directory Integrator connector, the developer must also be familiar with Tivoli Directory Integrator connector development and working knowledge of Java programming language.

IBM Tivoli Identity Manager Resources:

            Check the "Training" section of the IBM Tivoli Identity Manager Support web site for links to training, publications, and demos.

Tivoli Directory Integrator Resources:

            Check the "Training" section of the Tivoli Directory Integrator Support web site for links to training, publications, and demos.

Support for Customized Adapters

The integration to the Identity Manager server "the adapter framework" is supported. However, IBM does not support the customizations, scripts, or other modifications. If you experience a problem with a customized adapter, IBM Support may require the problem to be demonstrated on the GA version of the adapter before a PMR is opened.

Supported Configurations

Installation Platform

The IBM Tivoli Identity Manager Adapter was built and tested on the following product versions.


Adapter Installation Platform: 


·         Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1 with Fix Pack 5 or higher       (for use with PeopleTools 8.50, 8.51 and 8.52)

·         Security Directory Integrator 7.2       (for use with PeopleTools 8.53)

Note:  The adapter supports IBM Security Directory Integrator 7.2, which is available only to customers who have the correct entitlement. Contact your IBM representative to find out if you have the entitlement to download IBM Security Directory Integrator 7.2.


Managed Resource:


·         PeopleTools                 8.50, 8.51, 8.52, 8.53


Note:  The adapter supports PeopleTools v8.50, v8.51 v8.52 with TDI 7.1 FP5 or higher and PeopleTools v8.53 with SDI 7.2.



IBM Tivoli Identity Manager:


·         Identity Manager v5.1





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