Use the compiler directive /SET to temporarily set a new default values for definitions.

To reverse the effect of the /SET directive for one or more keywords, use the /RESTORE directive.

You can specify the following keywords with the /SET directive:
CCSID(*CHAR : ccsid)
Specifies the default CCSID for alphanumeric items that are defined without CCSID keyword or the LIKE keyword, and for alphanumeric externally-described subfields for data structures defined without keyword CCSID(*EXACT). See CCSID(*CHAR : *JOBRUN | *JOBRUNMIX | *UTF8 | *HEX | number)
CCSID(*GRAPH : ccsid)
Specifies the default CCSID for graphic items that are specified without the CCSID keyword. See CCSID(*GRAPH : *JOBRUN | *SRC | *HEX | *IGNORE | number)
CCSID(*UCS2 : ccsid)
Specifies the default CCSID for UCS-2 items that are specified without the CCSID keyword. See CCSID(*UCS2 : *UTF16 | number)
Specifies the default format and separator for date items that are specified without the date format (the DATE keyword is specified without a parameter in a free-form definition or the DATFMT keyword is not specified in a fixed-form definition). See DATFMT(fmt{separator})
Specifies the default format and separator for time items that are specified without the time format (the TIME keyword is specified without a parameter in a free-form definition or the TIMFMT keyword is not specified in a fixed-form definition). See TIMFMT(fmt{separator})

Specify the SET directive in a copy file to ensure that all modules that include the copy file use the same values for the time and date formats and the CCSIDs. Any values set by /SET directives within a copy file are implicitly restored to their values prior to the /COPY or /INCLUDE directive.

If you cannot change the copy file, you can code the /SET directive prior to the /COPY or /INCLUDE directive, and then code the /RESTORE directive after the /COPY or /INCLUDE directive to restore the defaults to the values that were previously in effect before the /SET directive.

Rules for /SET and /RESTORE
  • You can nest /SET directives.
  • The keywords specified on a /RESTORE directive do not have to exactly match the keywords specified on the previous /SET directive. A /RESTORE directive can some or all of the values set by any previous /SET directives.

Examples of /SET and /RESTORE

  1. The default CCSID for alphanumeric and graphic items and the default date format for date items are specified using Control specification keywords. CCSID(*UCS2) defaults to 13488, and TIMFMT defaults to *ISO.
  2. Field char1 is alphanumeric. The CCSID keyword is not specified, so the CCSID defaults to *UTF8.
  3. Field graph1 is graphic. The CCSID keyword is not specified, so the CCSID defaults to 835.
  4. The /SET directive sets the default alphanumeric CCSID to 37 and it sets the default UCS-2 CCSID to 1200.
  5. Field char2 is alphanumeric. The CCSID keyword is not specified, so the CCSID defaults to 37.
  6. Field char3 is defined using the LIKE keyword. CCSID(*DFT) is specified, indicating that it will use the default CCSID. It is defined like an alphanumeric field, so it uses the current default alphanumeric CCSID which is 37.
  7. The /RESTORE directive restores CCSID(*CHAR) to its previous value of *UTF8. CCSID(*UCS2) is not specified for the /RESTORE directive, so the value 1200 set by the previous /SET directive is still in effect.
  8. Field ucs1 is UCS-2. The CCSID keyword is not specified, so the CCSID defaults to 1200, which is the current default UCS-2 CCSID.
  9. /COPY is used to include source member copyfile. At this point, the defaults are CCSID(*CHAR:*UTF8), CCSID(*GRAPH:835), CCSID(*UCS2:1200), DATFMT(*YMD), TIMFMT(*ISO).
  10. The copy file begins with the /SET directive setting defaults for the data types used in the copy file. After this point, the defaults are CCSID(*CHAR:*UTF8), CCSID(*GRAPH:835), CCSID(*UCS2:13488), DATFMT(*ISO), TIMFMT(*HMS).
  11. Field time1 is a time field. The TIMFMT keyword is not specified, so the time format defaults to *HMS, which is the default set by the /SET directive in the copy file.
  12. Field char4 is alphanumeric. The CCSID keyword is not specified, so the CCSID defaults to *UTF8.
  13. At the end of the copy file, any values set by /SET directives within the copy file are implicitly restored.
  14. At this point, the defaults are the same as they were before the /COPY directive: CCSID(*CHAR:*UTF8), CCSID(*GRAPH:835), CCSID(*UCS2:1200), DATFMT(*YMD), TIMFMT(*ISO).
Figure 1. Main source file

           DATFMT(*YMD);  1 
   DCL-S char1 char(10);  2 
   DCL-S graph1 graph(10);  3 
   /SET CCSID(*CHAR : 37) CCSID(*UCS2:1200)  4 
   DCL-S char2 char(10);  5 
   DCL-S char3 LIKE(char1) CCSID(*DFT);  6 
   DCL-S ucs1 UCS2(10);  8 
   /COPY copyfile  9 
Figure 2. /COPY file copyfile

   /SET CCSID(*UCS2 : 13488) DATFMT(*ISO) TIMFMT(*HMS)  10 
   DCL-S time1 time;  11 
   DCL-S char4 char(10);  12 