Change NWS Storage Space (CHGNWSSTG)

The Change Network Server Storage Space (CHGNWSSTG) command changes a storage space used by a network server. The network storage space must be linked to a network server description before it can be used. For more information see the Add Network Server Storage Link (ADDNWSSTGL) command.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
NWSSTG Network server storage space Name Required, Key, Positional 1
NWSSIZE Size Integer, *SAME Optional
TEXT Text 'description' Character value, *SAME, *BLANK Optional
RSCALCPTY Resource allocation priority 1-9, *SAME Optional

Network server storage space (NWSSTG)

Specifies the name of the network server storage space to be changed.


Specifies the new size for the network server storage space. The specified size must be larger than the current size of the network server storage space.

Note: Size expansion should not be done against storage spaces that are used by IBM i clients. Doing so will cause the guest IBM i to fail and will require a restore of the original NWSSTG.

The size will not be changed.
Specify the new size for the network server storage space, in megabytes.
  • The range for FORMAT types *NTFS and *REFS is from 2 to 1024000 megabytes.
  • The range for FORMAT types *FAT, *FAT32, and *OPEN is from 1 to 1024000 megabytes.

Text 'description' (TEXT)

Specifies text describing the storage space.

The text will not be changed.
Text is not specified.
Specify no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes.

Resource allocation priority (RSCALCPTY)

Specifies the relative resource allocation priority to be used by the hosting system to initialize the disk to zeros when the client operating system formats this storage space.

The resource allocation priority setting will not be changed.
Specifies a relative resource allocation priority to be used. 1 is the lowest resource allocation priority, 9 is the highest resource allocation priority.


Example 1: Changing the Network Server Storage Space Size


This command will increase the network server storage space STGSPACE3 to a size of 200 megabytes. If the current maximum size of STGSPACE3 is greater than 200 megabytes, the command will fail.

Example 2: Changing the Resource Allocation Priority


This command will modify the resource allocation priority to the lowest value. When this storage space is formatted by the client, the hosting operating system will use the least amount of resources to zero out this storage space.

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Storage space &2 not changed.
Incorrect NWSSIZE value specified for storage space &2.