Creating a table

A table can be visualized as a two-dimensional arrangement of data that consists of rows and columns. To create a table, use the CREATE TABLE statement.

The row is the horizontal part containing one or more columns. The column is the vertical part containing one or more rows of data of one data type. All data for a column must be of the same type. A table in SQL is a keyed or non-keyed physical file.

You can create a table using the CREATE TABLE statement. You provide a name for the table. If the table name is not a valid system object name, you can use the optional FOR SYSTEM NAME clause to specify a system name.

The definition includes the names and attributes of its columns. The definition can include other attributes of the table, such as the primary key.

Example: Given that you have administrative authority, create a table named 'INVENTORY' with the following columns:

  • Part number: Integer between 1 and 9999, and must not be null
  • Description: Character of length 0 to 24
  • Quantity on hand: Integer between 0 and 100000

The primary key is PARTNO.

                 (PARTNO         SMALLINT     NOT NULL,
                  DESCR          VARCHAR(24 ),
                  QONHAND        INT,
                  PRIMARY KEY(PARTNO))