LEAVESR (Leave a Subroutine)

Free-Form Syntax LEAVESR
Code Factor 1 Factor 2 Result Field Indicators

The LEAVESR operation exits a subroutine from any point within the subroutine. Control passes to the ENDSR operation for the subroutine. LEAVESR is allowed only from within a subroutine.

The control level entry (positions 7 and 8) can be SR or blank. Conditioning indicator entries (positions 9 to 11) can be specified.

For more information, see Subroutine Operations.

Figure 1. LEAVESR Operations
C     CheckCustName BEGSR
C     Name          CHAIN     CustFile
 * Check if the name identifies a valid customer
C                   IF        not %found(CustFile)
C                   EVAL      Result = CustNotFound
C                   LEAVESR
C                   ENDIF
 * Check if the customer qualifies for discount program
C                   IF        Qualified = *OFF
C                   EVAL      Result = CustNotQualified
C                   LEAVESR
C                   ENDIF
 * If we get here, customer can use the discount program
C                   EVAL      Result = CustOK
C                   ENDSR