Example of an Open Access Handler

Note: Detailed explanation is provided only for the aspects of the example that are related to Open Access files. Some code, such as the code to open, write, and close an IFS file, or the code to signal an exception, are provided without explanation.

In this example, a handler allows an RPG programmer to read a stream file in the Integrated File System.

The provider of the handler has also provided a copy file containing a template for a data structure to be used as a communication area between the RPG program and the handler. The data structure defines the path for the file and other options to control the way the handler creates the file. The copy file also contains a named constant IFSHDLRS_read_handler with the name of the handler program.


    path VARCHAR(5000);
    createCcsid INT(10);
    append IND;

 DCL-C ifshdlrs_write_handler 'IFSHDLRS/WRITEHDLR';

The following shows the RPG program that defines the Open Access file.

Note the following aspects of the program
  1. The copy file provided for the handler.
  2. The communication-area data structure used to communicate directly with the handler. The userArea subfield in the parameter passed to the handler will point to this data structure.
  3. The Open Access file. The handler in this example supports both program-described files and externally-described files. This example program uses an externally-described file defined from the following source file.
    A          R STREAMFMT
    A            LINE       32740A         VARLEN
  4. The HANDLER keyword
    1. The first parameter for the HANDLER keyword is the named constant from the copy file that defines the handler program or procedure.
    2. The second parameter for the HANDLER keyword is the communication-area data structure data structure.
  5. The program sets up the communication area with the additional information needed by the handler and then it opens the file.
  6. It writes two records to the file.


 DCL-DS ifs_info LIKEDS(ifshdlrs_info_t);  2 
 DCL-F streamfile DISK(*EXT) USAGE(*OUTPUT)  3 
                  HANDLER(ifshdlrs_write_handler  4a 
                        : ifs_info)               4b 

 ifs_info.path = '/home/mydir/myfile.txt';  5 
 ifs_info.createCcsid = 0;  // job CCSID
 ifs_info.append = *ON;
 OPEN streamfile;

 line = 'Hello';  6 
 WRITE streamFmt;
 line = 'world!';
 WRITE streamFmt;
 *inlr = '1';

The following examples show the handler.

Control statement, copy files and global definitions

  1. The state_t template data structure defines the information needed by the handler across calls to the handler. In this example, the handler needs to keep track of the descriptor for the open file.



 DCL-S descriptor_t INT(10) TEMPLATE;
 DCL-DS state_t QUALIFIED template;  1 
    descriptor LIKE(descriptor_t);

Main handler procedure

  1. The procedure interface defines the parameter that is passed to every Open Access handler. The QrnOpenAccess_T template is defined in copy file QRNOPENACC in source file QOAR/QRPGLESRC.
  2. Several based data structures are defined. The basing pointers for these data structures will be set from pointers in the handler parameter.
    • Data structure state holds the information needed by the handler across calls to the handler. The basing pointer pState will be set from the stateInfo subfield in the handler parameter.
    • Data structure ifsInfo is the communication area parameter. By setting the basing pointer pIfsInfo from the userArea subfield in the handler parameter, the ifsInfo data structure will refer to the same storage as the ifs_info data structure that was specified as the second parameter for the HANDLER keyword in the RPG program.
    • Data structure namesValues describes the externally-described fields in the file. The basing pointer is set from the namesValues subfield of the handler parameter.
  3. The basing pointers are set for the state and ifsInfo.
  4. For the OPEN operation, the handler does the following
    • It allocates storage for the state data structure and assigns the pointer to the stateInfo subfield of the handler parameter. When the handler is called for subsequent operations, the stateInfo subfield will hold the same pointer value, allowing the handler to access the state information.
    • It opens the file, saving the returned file-descriptor in the state information data structure.
    • If the file is externally-described in the RPG program, it sets on the useNamesValues indicator subfield in the handler parameter.
      • When that subfield is on, the data for output operations will be provided in an array of information about each field.
      • When that subfield is off, the data for output operations will be provided as a data structure whose layout is the same as a *OUTPUT externally-described data structure.
  5. For the WRITE operation, the handler calls one of the procedures to write to the file, depending on the useNamesValues subfield of the handler parameter.
  6. For the CLOSE operation, the handler closes the file.
  7. For any other operation, the handler signals an exception. The handler in this example only supports the OPEN, WRITE, and CLOSE operations.

 DCL-PROC writeHdlr;
    DCL-PI *N EXTPGM;   1 
       parm LIKEDS(QrnOpenAccess_T);

    DCL-S stackOffsetToRpg INT(10) INZ(2);
    DCL-S errnoVal INT(10);

    DCL-DS state LIKEDS(state_t) BASED(pState);  2 
    DCL-DS ifsInfo LIKEDS(ifshdlrs_info_t) BASED(pIfsInfo);
    DCL-DS namesValues LIKEDS(QrnNamesValues_T)

    pState = parm.stateInfo;  3 
    pIfsInfo = parm.userArea;

    WHEN parm.RpgOperation = QrnOperation_OPEN;  4 
       pState = %ALLOC(%SIZE(state_t));
       parm.stateInfo = pState;

       state.descriptor = openFile (ifsInfo
                              : stackOffsetToRpg + 1);

       IF parm.externallyDescribed;
          parm.useNamesValues = '1';
    WHEN parm.RpgOperation = QrnOperation_WRITE;  5 
       IF parm.useNamesValues;
          writeFileNv (state.handle
                     : namesValues
                     : stackOffsetToRpg + 1);
          writeFileBuf (state.handle
                      : parm.outputBuffer
                      : parm.outputBufferLen
                      : stackOffsetToRpg + 1);
    WHEN parm.RpgOperation = QrnOperation_CLOSE;  6 
       closeFile (state.handle
                : stackOffsetToRpg + 1);
       state.descriptor = -1;
       DEALLOC(N) pState;
    OTHER;  7 
       sendException ('Unexpected operation '
                      + %CHAR(parm.RpgOperation)
                    : stackOffsetToRpg + 1);
       // Control will not return here

 END-PROC writeHdlr;

Procedure to open the file

  1. If the file could not be opened, the procedure sends an exception message. This causes the handler program to fail, which will cause the OPEN operation to fail in the RPG program.

 DCL-PROC openFile;
    DCL-PI *n LIKE(descriptor_t);
       ifsInfo LIKEDS(ifshdlrs_info_t) CONST;
       stackOffsetToRpg INT(10) VALUE;
    DCL-S openFlags INT(10);
    DCL-S descriptor LIKE(descriptor_t);

    openFlags = O_WRONLY
              + O_CREAT + O_TEXT_CREAT + O_TEXTDATA
              + O_CCSID + O_INHERITMODE;
    IF ifsInfo.append;
       openFlags += O_APPEND;
       openFlags += O_TRUNC;

    descriptor = open(ifsInfo.path
                    : openFlags
                    : 0
                    : ifsInfo.createCcsid
                    : JOB_CCSID);
    IF descriptor < 0;  1 
       errnoException ('Could not open ' + ifsInfo.path + '.'
                     : getErrno ()
                     : stackOffsetToRpg + 1);
       // Control will not return here

    return descriptor;
 END-PROC openFile;

Procedure to close the file

 DCL-PROC closeFile;
    DCL-PI *n;
       descriptor LIKE(descriptor_t) VALUE;
       stackOffsetToRpg INT(10) VALUE;
    DCL-S rc INT(10);

    rc = close (descriptor);
    IF rc < 0;
       errnoException ('Error closing file.'
                     : getErrno ()
                     : stackOffsetToRpg + 1);
       // Control will not return here
 END-PROC closeFile;

Procedure to write the file using the output buffer

 DCL-PROC writeFileBuf;
    DCL-PI *n;
       descriptor LIKE(descriptor_t) VALUE;
       pBuf pointer VALUE;
       bufLen INT(10) VALUE;
       stackOffsetToRpg INT(10) VALUE;

    writeLine (descriptor : pBuf : bufLen
             : stackOffsetToRpg + 1);
 END-PROC writeFileBuf;

Procedure to write the file using the names-values information

  1. The names-values information contains an array of information about each field in the externally-described format. The handler in this example has its own restrictions on the number and type of fields that can be in the externally-described format.
    1. The handler verifies that there is only one field.
    2. Then the handler verifies that it is an alphanumeric field.
  2. nv.field(1).value is a pointer to the data in the first field. If the field is a varying-length field, this pointer points to the data portion of the field. nv.field(1).valueLenBytes holds the length of the data.

 DCL-PROC writeFileNv;
    DCL-PI *n;
       descriptor LIKE(descriptor_t) VALUE;
       nv LIKEDS(QrnNamesValues_T);
       stackOffsetToRpg INT(10) VALUE;

    IF nv.num > 1;  1a 
       sendException ('Only one field supported.'
                    : stackOffsetToRpg + 1);
       // Control will not return here
       IF nv.field(1).dataType <> QrnDatatype_Alpha  2b 
       AND nv.field(1).dataType <> QrnDatatype_AlphaVarying;
          sendException ('Field ' + nv.field(1).externalName
                         + 'must be Alpha or AlphaVarying type.'
                       : stackOffsetToRpg + 1);
          // Control will not return here

    writeLine (descriptor : nv.field(1).value : nv.field(1).valueLenBytes
             : stackOffsetToRpg + 1);
 END-PROC writeFileNv;

Procedure to write one line to the file

 DCL-PROC writeLine;
    DCL-PI *n;
       descriptor LIKE(descriptor_t) VALUE;
       pBuf pointer VALUE;
       bufLen INT(10) VALUE;
       stackOffsetToRpg INT(10) VALUE;
    DCL-S bytesWritten INT(10);

    bytesWritten = write (descriptor : pbuf : bufLen);
    IF bytesWritten < 0;
       errnoException ('Could not write data.'
                     : getErrno ()
                     : stackOffsetToRpg + 1);
       // Control will not return here
       bytesWritten = write (descriptor : %ADDR(lineFeed) : 1);
       IF bytesWritten < 0;
          errnoException ('Could not write line-feed.'
                        : getErrno ()
                        : stackOffsetToRpg + 1);
          // Control will not return here
 END-PROC writeLine;

Procedure to send an exception

 DCL-PROC sendException;
    DCL-PI *n;
       msg VARCHAR(2000) CONST;
       stackOffsetToRpg INT(10) VALUE;
    DCL-DS msgFile qualified;
       *n CHAR(10) INZ('QCPFMSG');
       *n CHAR(10) INZ('*LIBL');
    DCL-DS errorCode;
       bytesProvided INT(10) INZ(0);
       bytesAvailable INT(10);
       msgId CHAR(7);
       *n CHAR(1);
    DCL-S key CHAR(4);
       msgId CHAR(7) CONST;
       msgFile LIKEDS(msgFile) CONST;
       msgData CHAR(1000) CONST;
       dataLen INT(10) CONST;
       msgType CHAR(10) CONST;
       callStackEntry CHAR(10) CONST;
       callStackOffset INT(10) CONST;
       msgKey CHAR(4) CONST;
       errorCode LIKEDS(errorCode);

    QMHSNDPM ('CPF9898' : msgFile : msg : %LEN(msg)
            : '*ESCAPE' : '*' : stackOffsetToRpg
            : key : errorCode);
 END-PROC sendException;

Procedure to send an exception related to "errno"

 DCL-PROC errnoException;
    DCL-PI *n;
       msg VARCHAR(2000) CONST;
       errnoVal INT(10) VALUE;
       stackOffsetToRpg INT(10) VALUE;
    DCL-S errnoMsg VARCHAR(200);
    DCL-S pErrnoMsg pointer;
    DCL-PR strerror pointer extproc(*dclcase);
       errnoVal INT(10) VALUE;

    pErrnoMsg = strError (errnoVal);
    IF pErrnoMsg <> *null;
       errnoMsg = ' ' + %STR(pErrnoMsg);
    errnoMsg += ' (errno = ' + %CHAR(errnoVal) + ')';

    sendException (msg + errnoMsg
                 : stackOffsetToRpg + 1);
 END-PROC errnoException;

Procedure to get the value of "errno"

 DCL-PROC getErrno;
    DCL-PI *n INT(10) END-PI;
    DCL-PR getErrnoPtr pointer extproc('__errno') END-PR;
    DCL-S pErrno pointer static INZ(*null);
    DCL-S errno INT(10) BASED(pErrno);

    IF pErrno = *null;
       pErrno = getErrnoPtr();

    return errno;
 END-PROC getErrno;

See the Rational Open Access: RPG Edition topic for information on writing an Open Access handler.