Rules for the STATIC keyword:

  • The STATIC keyword can only be specified for file definitions in subprocedures. The STATIC keyword is implied for files defined in global definitions.
  • A file defined with the STATIC keyword will remain open until it is explicitly closed by a CLOSE operation, or until the activation group ends.
  • If a File Information Data Structure (INFDS) is defined for the file, the specification of the STATIC keyword for the data structure must match the specification of the STATIC keyword for the file.
Figure 1. Example of the STATIC keyword for a File specification
P numInStock      b                   export
 * File "partInfo" is defined as STATIC.  The file will be
 * opened the first time the procedure is called, because
 * the USROPN keyword is not specified.
 * Since there is no CLOSE operation for the file, it
 * will remain open until the activation group ends.
FpartInfo  if   e           k disk    static
 * File "partErrs" is not defined as STATIC, and the USROPN
 * keyword is used.  The file will be opened by the OPEN
 * operation, and it will be closed automatically when the
 * procedure ends.
FpartErrs  o    e             disk    usropn

D numInStock      pi            10i 0
D    id_no                      10i 0 value
D partInfoDs      ds                  likerec(partRec:*input)
D partErrDs       ds                  likerec(errRec:*output)

 /free       // Search for the input value in the file
       chain id_no partRrec partInfoDs;
       if  not %found(partInfo);          // write a record to the partErrs file indicating
          // that the id_no record was not found.  The
          // file must be opened before the record can
          // be written, since the USROPN keyword was
          // specified.
          partErrDs.id_no = id_no;
          open partErrs;
          write errRec partErrDs;
          return -1; // unknown id
       return partInfoDs.qty; /end-free
P numInStock      e