The DATA keyword controls whether the file is opened so that database performs CCSID conversion to and from the job CCSID for alphanumeric and graphic data during file operations.

CCSID conversion is done when the job CCSID is not 65535. No CCSID conversion is done when the job CCSID is 65535.
No CCSID conversion is done.
When the DATA keyword is not specified
  • If OPENOPT(*NOCVTDATA) is specified on a control statement, DATA(*NOCVT) is implicitly specified.
  • Otherwise, if OPENOPT(*CVTDATA) or CCSID(*EXACT) is specified on a control statement, DATA(*CVT) is implicitly specified.
  • If CCSID(*EXACT) is not specified on a control specification, and neither OPENOPT(*CVTDATA) nor OPENOPT(*NOCVTDATA) is specified on a control specification, then the file will be opened as though DATA(*CVT) was specifiied. However, the DATA keyword will not be considered to be in effect. See OPENOPT (*{NO}INZOFL *{NO}CVTDATA) for more information.

The DATA keyword affects how database handles CCSID conversion between the physical data and the buffers. For information on how explicitly or implicitly specifying the DATA keyword affects the handling of data between the buffers and program fields, see CCSID conversions during input and output operations.